"You said it!"

As he spoke, Louis used his supreme physical skills to the fullest. He sprinted forward, and the air compressed and expanded rapidly, creating layers of powerful air waves.

The dust floating in the air dispersed as if to make way for Louis.

He ran straight towards the Red Earl, his eyes extremely sharp.

Following closely behind him were Kizaru and Rayleigh.

The three of them were so fast that even if you didn't blink, you couldn't tell who the three figures were.

At this time, thousands of meters above the lawless zone, Morgans turned on the video phone.

Facing the lawless zone below, which was covered in dust, he broadcast the fierce fighting below to the whole world.

I saw three figures colliding with a blood-red figure, and beams of light burst out from the inside.

Boom! Boom!

The roaring sound was endless, shaking from the ground to thousands of meters above the sky one after another.

What a fast body movement, what a fast sword energy.

Even if the news king Morgans used their news agency's most advanced video motion capture Den Den Mushi, he couldn't tell who was who.

Only four figures could be seen fighting fiercely.

It seemed that the blood-red figure had the upper hand.

The other navy pirates in the Sabaodia Islands also heard the news and headed for the illegal area, which was not far away.

Of course, those pirates with weaker strength sped up their speed to the seaside, ready to take this opportunity to escape.

Looking down from thousands of meters high, the dark sea of naval warships seemed to have surrounded the Sabaodia Islands.

How could they have a chance to escape.

The artillery roared on the seaside, and countless pirates who came out of the Sabaodia Islands were also scattered or even killed by the artillery fire. Blood flowed like a river, and corpses floated on the sea. It looked like the entire Sabaodia Islands was a large slaughterhouse.

On the other side, there was a passage exclusively for the Celestial Dragons.

The navy had arranged people to escort the Celestial Dragons and civilians on the Sabaodia Islands and send them to different ships.

The Celestial Dragons were cursing there, and seemed very dissatisfied with the navy's move.

They were forced to leave the Sabaodia Archipelago in such a mess, which was detrimental to their noble status as Celestial Dragons!

Why wasn't it the pirates?

They felt that the Navy handled the matter extremely badly, and the Navy's involvement directly made the whole incident worse.

But they hated the pirates the most.

A Celestial Dragon cursed:

"These damned lowly pirates, catch them for me, I will have fun with them!"

The officers and soldiers in the navy could only nod their heads repeatedly to show their agreement.

The Celestial Dragons were an existence they could not afford to offend, and besides, there were indeed some excessive people among these pirates, and they hated them to the core.......

At an intersection somewhere near the lawless zone.

Cherry Maru and Shichibukai Kuma were both shocked.

The atmosphere was unusually gloomy.

Bulu Bulu Bulu......

"This is Zhan Taomaru, Director of the Navy’s Science and Technology Department!"

"There is an urgent matter that needs to be notified to you immediately."The other party said in a hurried and heavy tone.

"What's going on? Admiral Akainu?"

"Marshal Sengoku and Commander-in-Chief Kong Kong have just received a notice from the Five Elder Stars to implement a demon-killing order on the entire Sabaody Archipelago!"

"What did you say? Implement the Demon Killing Order?"

Zhan Taowan continued:

"The Sabaodia Islands are important economic and gateway islands for the Grand Line. Implementing the Demon Killing Order will cause huge losses to the World Government!

Especially in recent years, the payment of Heavenly Gold has become increasingly heavy. Losing such an economically strong island will cause unpredictable consequences.

What's more, there are Celestial Dragons and civilians here.......


The bear beside him had no expression on his face after hearing this.

Akainu's voice came from the other end of the Den Den Mushi:

"This matter is not yours or mine to consider. This is a decision made by the Five Elders themselves. Even Marshal Sengoku cannot influence it. Just do as you are told.

I have already contacted the commanders of the various naval fleets and have arranged to evacuate the Celestial Dragons and civilians to avoid innocent casualties.


"Zhan Taowan understood, but why were the Five Elders willing to make such a great sacrifice, just for a supernova pirate who killed the Celestial Dragons?"

Zhan Taowan's eyes were full of doubts.

The same was true for the Big Bear standing beside him.

"There is a terrifying pirate group in the Sabaodia Islands. The Red Earl from more than 20 years ago has reappeared in the world. Maybe you didn't join the navy at that time, so you naturally don't know this pirate.

The history of this pirate's existence has been erased!

Back then, our navy had to mobilize all its forces to take him down!

"On the Den Den Mushi side, Akainu said excitedly

"Does Admiral Kizaru know this?"Zhan Taomaru was shocked, wondering if the roar coming from the lawless area just now was caused by the battle between the Red Earl and Admiral Kizaru.

Da Xiong also looked heavy about this matter, as if the appearance of this pirate was not what he expected, nor was it in the plan of their revolutionary army.

"I can't contact Kizaru for the time being. Is this guy slacking off again?"On the other side of Den Den Mushi, Akainu didn't say anything.

He always felt that Kizaru was unreliable.

As long as he could do it himself, Akainu would never let Kizaru do it. I really don't know what Marshal Sengoku was thinking at the time. Couldn't he arrange for Akainu to go?

He was a little unhappy about this.

"Got it! I'll take action right away!"

After saying that, Zhan Taomaru hung up the Den Den Mushi, and took Ohkuma and several pacifists to quickly rush to the lawless zone that was covered by dust. Colonel

Hina met up with Colonel Smoker and Colonel Tashigi, and they were less than a kilometer away from the lawless zone.

On the pirate side, Law, Hawkins, Bonnie, and Bege were also less than a kilometer away from the lawless zone.

As the distance got closer, the powerful aura generated by the battles between the strong became stronger and stronger.

Who exactly is this monster? Law and Hawkins really want to take a look and learn more.

As for Bonnie, she mainly went to see his father Ohkuma.

She has been investigating the reason why her father Ohkuma was captured by the Navy Science Department as a test subject. The lawless zone made such a big fuss, and Ohkuma, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, must have appeared there. It's just the right opportunity to meet him and see if you can get some key information to solve all these mysteries.......

After the operation of the news king Morgans, the whole world now knows about the major event in the Sabaodia Islands, and there is also a live broadcast.

It has touched the hearts of people all over the world.

This major event has become the hottest news in major countries and islands!

This includes the Five Elders who are currently sitting in the Palace of Power in Pangu City.

"You are still smarter!"

The old man with a goatee looked at the old man with curly white hair, and then focused his eyes on the big screen in front of him that was playing the live broadcast.

"Humph, not worth mentioning." The old man with curly white hair chuckled, but his eyes were extremely gloomy.

"Launching the Demon Slayer Order to create public opinion, not only can we use the Red Earl to get rid of the young Louis, but we can also use the navy and pirates to eliminate the Red Earl.

By the way, let them wipe our hands.

It's really a best of both worlds strategy!


""Thank you!" The old man with curly white hair was visibly excited.

This matter was finally coming to an end.

If these two abnormally strong people were eliminated, nothing would be able to threaten them in the short term.

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