Clearing his throat, Zeff continued:

"On the boat at that time, only Jimuk and I supported continuing to move forward. The other crew members expressed their support to return home, believing that it was futile for us to continue to move forward and would only increase casualties."

After a pause, Zhepu looked at Louis, sighed, and continued:

"During those months of drifting on the sea, we were not smooth sailing. We were also attacked by other pirate groups. More than ten crew members died in the confrontation.

We also lost a lot of food. In addition, there was no clue about ALLBLLUE all day, and the crew was under great psychological pressure.

Many crew members came to the Grand Line for the first time. There were often strange natural disasters and malicious pirates and navy on the sea, and they were facing the possibility of death at any time.

On the whole ship, except for Jimuk and I who had a little combat power, the other crew members had almost no extraordinary combat power. They were naturally shaken by fear. After arguing for a long time, they finally unanimously asked Jimuk and I to drive the ship back to the East China Sea.

To be honest, I was very unwilling to go back like this after entering the Grand Line, including Jimuk.

But under the request of these crew members, I had to pretend to agree. In fact, the direction of sailing did not change, and the ship continued to move further towards the Grand Line.

But in the middle, we encountered an accident. After sailing for several days, a pirate ship suddenly appeared in front of us, blocking our way.


At this point, Zhepu covered his face, took a deep breath, and sighed:

"Thinking about it now, it was all my fault for being too radical at the time. If I had listened to them at the time, there wouldn't have been so many casualties on the crew. Going to the depths of the Grand Line with a group of crew members who had no combat experience without knowing the dangers of the Grand Line was the stupidest mistake I have ever made in my life.


Zhepu sighed and said helplessly:

"The pirate ship was getting closer and closer to us. Although Jimuk and I were alert at the time, we never expected that we would run into such a big trouble.

We still overestimated ourselves.

The Grand Line is far more dangerous than we thought!

As the ship approached, Jimuk and I were surprised to find that there was no crew on the ship. It was empty.

Jimuk and I couldn't help but sweat, and vaguely felt that there was something wrong with the ship.

Just as Jimuk and I were discussing going up to find out, a terrifying figure walked out of the ship.

The face was just like a vampire, hideous and extremely eager to suck human blood.


At this moment, Zhepu's face was filled with fear, his pupils dilated, and he continued:

"That was the most terrifying figure I had ever encountered.

He was wearing a blood-red robe, a red dress, and a blood-red bat umbrella in his hand. That evil face looked quite creepy.

Jimuk and I broke out in cold sweats, but we didn't realize the danger was coming, and thought that we could defeat it together.

We picked up our weapons and quickly walked out of the cockpit. There were also those crew members outside the ship.

Jimuk and I rushed to the front to guard against the terrifying figure.

However, that terrifying existence didn't take us seriously at all, but just made an extremely chilling and miserable laugh, and he leaned on the bat umbrella with both hands.

Invisibly, we felt a strong pressure. Except for Jimuk and I and a few stronger crew members who remained awake, the other crew members fell to the ground. At this time, we woke up and realized that we had encountered a very strong monster this time.

But everything was too late. It was too late to turn the bow at this time.

At that time, my mind was blank, and I could only frown and hold on. Behind me were the lives of a group of crew members. As a captain, I must protect my crew.

However, what surprised Jimuk and me was that the opponent was too fast. He flashed in front of us in just a breath. He opened his mouth and showed his sharp fangs, ready to bite my neck.

Fortunately, Jimuk reacted in time and blocked the opponent's sharp fangs with his long sword.

I took the opportunity to use my special skill, the wind and fire kick, but the opponent caught the gap with incredible skills, as if he had predicted my moves.

Just like that, I was thrown out, and then Jimuk came.

The terrifying existence took the opportunity to suck the blood of the crew members lying on the ground. But I was helpless at the time.

The terrifying existence was too strong.

But at this moment, the ship of the terrifying existence suddenly moved away from us.

After sensing that the ship was moving away, the terrifying existence stopped sucking blood and ran towards his own ship.

I immediately reacted that it was Jimuk's feint to the east and attack in the west. I didn't have time to think about the unnecessary things. I quickly rushed to the cockpit, turned the bow direction, and sped up to drive in the opposite direction.

This is the tacit understanding between Jimuk and me that has been cultivated for a long time.

Although I knew Jimuk was in danger, my instinct as a captain drove me to steer the ship away from that terrifying existence.

Later, we successfully escaped from danger, and when I went back alone to look for Jimuk, he was gone.

I feel very guilty about the mistake I made. If possible, please apologize for him on my behalf!


Zhepu's eyes were filled with tears, and it was obvious that he and Jimuk had a deep relationship.

It was rare to see such a cold and ruthless old man become so sad, Louis comforted him:

"Yes. Since he was able to write to you, it means that Jimuk did not hate you, not to mention that it was his own choice at that time."

Zhepu was in high spirits. He held Louis' hands and said excitedly:

"I am really relieved and happy to hear that he is still alive. I really want to tell him about my progress in the search for ALLBLUE over the past decade.

I have never stopped searching for him over the years.


Zhepu looked at Louis and said solemnly:

"After more than a decade of research and book searches, I have probably found some clues about ALLBLUE."

Then, he looked Louis up and down and said in a harmonious voice:

"Are you a chef too?"

"Yes." Louis nodded.

If it was about ALLBLUE, Louis would be somewhat interested. As a barbecue chef, he naturally had a special yearning for rich and precious ingredients.

Louis said:

"To be honest, I am also interested in ALLBLUE. If we can find such a place, it will be a blessing for our chefs."

"Yes." Zhepu nodded and said:

"I used to have the same opinion as you, but it may be different now.

According to my years of research, ALLBLUE may exist in the Raftel Sea, or in other words, Raftel is ALLBLUE. To find Raftel, you need to collect four ancient historical inscriptions.

So far, only the Roger Pirates have done it!"

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