Why would the navy look for him? When Zeff saw the two completely unfamiliar faces of Hina and Louis, he instantly became cautious. Although this restaurant welcomes everyone.

But for the navy, Zeff will be more or less on guard.

When he was still the captain of the Chef Pirates, Zeff had many conflicts with the Navy Branch G5 during the voyage of the Grand Line.

Although the navy has not troubled him since he opened his own sea restaurant in recent years, he is still wary of the navy everywhere.

He knows very well that the most important reason why the navy has not been besieging him is that the sea restaurant he runs can bring a lot of benefits to the World Government and the Celestial Dragons. The annual payment of Tianshangjin alone is several billion Baileys, not to mention other large and small taxes.

Faced with such huge profits, the World Government acquiesced to its existence, especially Zeff as the chef of Barati Restaurant.

Even the World Government once ordered the Navy to send people to protect Barati Restaurant to ensure the normal operation of Barati Restaurant and prevent it from being looted by other pirate groups.

However, all of these were rejected by Zeff. This was the sea restaurant that he and Sanji and others had worked hard to build. No matter what, they had to defend their rights and property by themselves, instead of handing it over to the World Government.

Zeff firmly stated his position.

Although the World Government was somewhat unhappy, given that Zeff's identity as a chef was irreplaceable, the World Government could only acquiesce.

The existence of Barati Restaurant also benefited the Navy, especially in terms of military expenditure. The taxes paid by Barati accounted for a part of the Navy's expenditure.

In addition, the Navy can also use Barati as a temporary rest port, which creates a transit station for the East China Sea and the Navy Headquarters. It brings great convenience to the navigation of naval warships.

But this does not mean that the relationship between Zeff and the Navy and the World Government is good.

He knows very well that there is only a relationship of interest between him and the World Government and the Navy. Once this relationship of interest is broken, the Navy and the World Government may turn their faces and recognize him.

This is the main reason why Zeff insists on developing his own restaurant guard members. Prevent the worst from happening.

In the pirate group in the East China Sea, no one dares to provoke this pirate chef who has been to the Grand Line, except the Navy and the World Government.

The battle chefs and reserve staff trained by Zeff are mainly for the Navy and the World Government.

He looked at Louis and Hina with a serious face and said hoarsely:

"You two, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Louis looked up and saw that it was Zhepu, so he stood up and handed the letter to Zhepu.

Zhepu was full of doubts when he saw the letter in Louis' hand. He hesitated to take the letter.

Seeing this, Louis continued:"This is what Chef Jimuk asked me to give to you."


When Zhepu heard Louis mention this name, his eyes flashed and his breathing became rapid. He clenched his fists and looked very excited.

Before Louis could react, he immediately took the letter from Louis' hand and opened it with trembling hands.

His words were hurried and he was obviously excited. His voice was a little trembling:

"I didn't expect he was still alive! That's great!......"

Zhepu read the contents of the letter quickly, not missing a single word, fearing that he would miss the key information.

He was so excited that tears came out and he sighed:

"As long as I am alive, it's fine."

He seemed to be talking to himself.

After a long time, Zhepu calmed down and looked at the two people with a more hospitable and enthusiastic look.

He asked Louis earnestly:

"Do you really know Jimuk?"

Louis nodded and said:

"I guess we know each other, even though we haven't known each other for long."

Zhepu asked anxiously

"How is he doing?"

"That's great, he's even become the head chef of the Navy Headquarters." Louis said with a smile.

Hina next to him echoed:

"It is indeed the chef."

Rina had met this chief chef Jimuk several times. Although she did not have a deep impression of him, at least she could remember his name.

Zhepu sat aside excitedly, and then asked Paddy to go to the kitchen to handle some things.

He said excitedly:

"That's good......"

He read the contents of the letter and said to himself,"Why haven't you come to see me for so many years? It's not your fault in the first place."

Zhepu didn't care whether anyone was listening to him or not, and he kept talking to himself:

"No matter what, we are brothers who have been through thick and thin with the Chef Pirates. It has been more than ten years since we last met."

Zep sighed to the sky, time is unforgiving. In his imagination, the young man who was so radiant back then has now become a half-old man.

Looking at the letter written to him by his former brother,

Zep couldn't help but sigh:

"If it wasn't for Jimuk, I'm afraid our chef pirate group would have been wiped out."

Louis nodded slightly and hummed as if he was listening to someone telling a story.

Hina next to him was a little impatient. She didn't expect that men could be sentimental. Colonel Hina had no experience in comforting people, especially men.

She found an excuse and left the restaurant.

At this moment, Louis and Zeff were the only two people sitting in a corner of the restaurant on the first floor.

Zeff looked at Louis and continued:

"Thank you very much, little brother. If it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't have known that Jimuk was still alive."

"You're welcome." Louis asked curiously:

"What was your relationship with Jimuk before?"

After quickly calming down, Zhepu replied:

"He is the vice-captain of the Chef Pirates and my best and most trusted partner.

Louis was full of curiosity and asked:

"If that's the case, why did they go their separate ways later?"

In Louis's opinion,���He found it incredible, even unimaginable, that a pirate who had once been a vice-captain in a pirate group would eventually choose to join the navy.

He had only heard of navy members joining pirates, but he had never seen a pirate join the navy.

Zeff said with emotion:

"He is the second member after I established the Chef Pirates. Because we all have the dream of becoming the strongest chef, we plan to organize a group to go to the Grand Line to find the legendary ALLBLUE.

Rumor has it that ALLBLUE is formed by the confluence of four incompatible seas, where you can get a variety of ingredients, and they are inexhaustible.

Almost every chef has a strange and special obsession with ALLBLUE.

For this reason, after recruiting enough crew members, we immediately set off for the Grand Line to find ALLBLUE.

Because there was no map guidance, we drifted aimlessly on the Grand Line for several months.

For many days, there was no clue at all, and many crew members expressed that they wanted to give up, saying that it was just an ideal place in people’s dreams, and in fact it did not exist at all.

However, Jimuk did not give up, he still insisted on continuing to sail


Zeff then sighed and said:


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