Ace stood up tremblingly, and it took him a while to catch his breath.

He scratched his belly lightly, and felt a dull pain in his abdomen.

He didn't expect that the blow just now contained such a powerful force.

If he wasn't strong and had regular exercise and hard abdominal muscles, he would have been beaten to vomit blood.

Now, he was completely defeated. The opponent only used one hand, and it seemed that he had not used half of his strength, but the power was so terrifying!

It can be seen that the opponent's strength is far greater than his.

This man looks very weak, but he didn't expect him to have such terrifying power!

It really broadened his horizons!

Ace stood in place, no longer as arrogant as before.

Instead, the stupid Luffy stood in front of Louis fearlessly, clenched his fists, and said with his teeth and claws:

"I want to fight with you!"


Luffy has now met Red Hair, which means he has eaten the Nika Fruit. But he is still very weak, his combat power is several levels lower than Ace, and his defense is like a crispy skin.

Louis is really afraid that he will be slapped to death. When Dragon and Garp come together to deal with him, he will not be able to stay in the pirate world, let alone sell barbecue and become big and strong.

He did not argue with Luffy, but just patted Luffy's head and said calmly:

"Stop it, stop it. I can't beat you."

Luffy didn't listen to this at all. He was just trying to coax a child.

He was very dissatisfied. He didn't become the second brother, but suddenly became the third brother at the bottom. Wasn't it obvious that all the housework was done by him? And there was a second brother for no reason.

Children always have some temper.

He kept pestering Louis, muttering:

"I just want to fight you!"

He picked up his weak fist and hammered Louis' chest.

However, at this moment, Louis's physique has increased 100 times due to the 100 points of physical skills just now. He can't feel Luffy's hammer at all, just like air.

Fortunately, Ace is still sensible and knows that he can't beat Louis, so he quickly pulled Luffy away. Scratching his head, he smiled and said:

"Sorry, Luffy is just like that, don't take it personally."

Louis didn't take it seriously, so if Luffy wanted to make a scene, let him do it.


He nodded slightly and put his hands behind his back. His stomach suddenly growled, probably because his appetite increased due to his physical growth. He touched his stomach and walked slowly towards Dadan's house. It was time to eat.

Ace dragged Luffy to follow behind.

However, Luffy still stared at Louis with resentment, looking reluctant.

Ace ignored him and followed behind, saying:

"Hehe, my name is Ace, and his name is Luffy. Big brother, what's your name?"

Ace's tone was very sincere, and he was much more modest than before.

Louis said lightly:

"My name is Louis, you can just call me Brother Lu from now on."

Ace called him Brother Lu very affectionately. After Ace's teaching, King Luffy reluctantly called him Brother Lu.

Luffy said unconvincedly:

"One day, I will knock you down!"

Knock you down?

Unless one day your Nika Fruit awakens, and then your combat power exceeds his.

And it has to be when he is very unlucky, such as only drawing a thank you for your patronage in the random emergency gift package.

Only when these two conditions are met, you, King Luffy, will have the possibility to press him to the ground.

Of course, the probability of this is very low, just like the probability of buying a lottery ticket, which belongs to quantum metaphysics.

Lu Yi is now planning to start selling barbecue according to the system requirements. Luffy is only eight or nine years old now, and it will take nine to ten years for Luffy to go to sea.

By then, Louis's strength may even reach the level of a navy admiral. How can you, King Luffy, jump around?

You have to call him Brother Lu like now!

But people always have to have dreams, what if they come true?

He didn't want to hurt Luffy's self-esteem.

Louis nodded gently.

The young man is ambitious!

Considering that Luffy called him brother just now, he still encouraged Luffy:

"I'll wait for you."

As soon as she got home, the old woman Dadan started to curse. Especially to Ace and Luffy, she had nothing good to say. She grabbed Ace and Luffy's ears and shouted:

"You little brat, are you bullying people again?"

Dadan had also heard about the things that Ace and Luffy did in Windmill Village.

Some villagers who were not angry pushed all the responsibility to Dadan, saying that a child raised by a bandit couldn't be any good. Dadan swallowed her anger and didn't argue with the villagers.

Every time Ace and Luffy came back from getting into trouble outside, she would educate the two brothers carefully, hoping that the two brothers would walk the right path and become sailors in the future. With Garp as a big shot, it would be more than enough for them to be related households.

But as soon as Ace and Luffy had free time, they would go to the tavern to hang out with the pirates, and they would be more or less tainted with the aura of pirates.

Anyway, Dadan had tried everything, but Ace and Luffy were still the same, although a little It got a little better, for example, they no longer snatched candies from children.

But Ace and Luffy thought of a new way, collecting protection money. Every member who joins Luffy and Ace's adventure team needs to pay a candy every week.

Can this be called robbery? It's obvious that it was given by others.

Dadan was very angry with the two of them at the time, but seeing that fewer and fewer villagers complained to her, she turned a blind eye and let them develop as long as nothing serious happened.

Ace and Luffy kept shaking their heads. Now they were the ones being bullied by others, but they didn't dare to say anything, for fear of being beaten again and losing face.

They glanced blankly at Louis who was sitting on the dining table chair, and saw that Louis was staring at them, and then they lowered their heads He quickly turned away.

If it were in the past, Ace and Luffy would have shouted on the spot: Old woman, mind your own business.

But the look in Louis' eyes just now seemed to be filled with murderous intent, which made the two of them shrink their necks and stop talking in fear.

Old woman Dadan did not believe what Ace and Luffy said. After all, Ace and Luffy were habitual offenders and had lied to her many times.

But Ace and Luffy remained silent again, and she could do nothing about them. She glanced at Louis and saw that there was no sign of injury on Louis' body, so she stopped holding Ace and Luffy, but warned them not to let her find out next time, otherwise they would be punished to clean the toilet for a month.

After hearing this, Louis secretly said to himself: Dadan expressed her approval of this move. Ace and Luffy, these two guys just deserve to be punished. If they are not beaten, they will itch.

They will always be like dogs that eat shit.

After the old woman Dadan taught Ace and Luffy a lesson, she walked to the dining table slowly to eat.

Of course, Ace and Luffy were in high spirits again, especially Luffy, who had a special liking for eating. His small body left the old woman and Ace behind.

His hands arrived before his body.

He activated the ability of the rubber fruit and stretched out his hands to grab the chicken leg and started eating.

Then he rushed to the dining table in one step, and started eating a big chicken leg in each hand.

If Louis hadn't brought a chicken leg in advance, I'm afraid there would be no chicken leg to eat.

Luffy, he really is a big eater!

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