However, Luffy and Ace were not surprised for long when they saw Louis.

A newcomer has come, so they should be bullied and show off their power.

Wasn't it because Ace beat Luffy and made him call him"big brother"?

A newcomer has come, and Luffy wants to try his hand at being a big brother.

He knows very well that if he beats this newcomer, he will be the second in command, and he won't have to do many housework.

After all, which big brother can work?

Aren't they all little brothers?

And the other party looks so weak that he can be knocked to the ground with a few punches.

If he can't even beat him, then King Luffy's fighting over the past few years will be in vain!

King Luffy also wants to be a big brother!

The person in front of him now is the first step in his long journey to becoming a big brother!

Relying on Ace's support, Luffy completely ignored the verbal threats of the old woman Dadan and forcibly pulled Louis to a small jungle outside.

The two brothers quickly surrounded Louis, and judging by their expressions, they looked like they were going to fight.

Under Ace's protection, Luffy rubbed his fists together and faced Louis with a threatening smile. At the same time, he deliberately raised his voice and said in a ruffian tone:

"What's your name?"

Luffy was a very naughty kid when he was young. He did all kinds of bad things with Ace in Windmill Village, but he didn't repent and was proud of it. Naughty kids are all like this. They will obey after a beating.

Louis ignored Luffy. How could he, Louis, be on the same level as a naughty kid? Although he only has a little physical skill and no three-color domineering, he can't lose the aura of a king!

What can a little King Luffy do to him? If you were Garp, he would hug his thigh on the spot.

But King Luffy is King Luffy, he is not Garp, he won't ask his grandfather to beat him, right? Besides, even if he called, Garp would not be able to stop him.

Garp may not beat him, after all, he is now Garp's adopted grandson.

Maybe he will beat up King Luffy, who is not a good student and only knows how to fight.

Go ahead and beat him, but you even call the parents, isn't that embarrassing? Louis did not make any statement to King Luffy and Ace.

He put his hands behind his back and coughed deliberately, obviously not taking Luffy and Ace seriously.

Ace couldn't stand it anymore and immediately stood in front of Louis.

Although the pockmarks on his face concealed a lot of his expression, Louis could still feel Ace's anger and disdain.

Ace pointed his thumb at his chest and shouted:

""Boy, do you know who I am?"

In the whole Windmill Village, everyone knows that Dadan's family has two naughty children. One likes to wear a sleeveless vest and has pockmarks all over his face; the other has a chubby belly, but he is not fat, he is born with that kind of chubby baby belly, and there is often a hemostatic patch on his nose.

These two are not easy to mess with. They often bully other children in the village, snatch candy from other children, and let other children treat them as their younger brothers. It can be said that in the circle of children in Windmill Village, they are well-deserved little bullies!

The villagers can't do anything about them, so what else can the two children do? What's more, their background is there, how can they do it?

For this reason, they just turned a blind eye to the mischievous behavior of Luffy and Ace. As long as it is not a big deal, they will generally not say anything.

Isn't this arrogant?

Of course, Louis didn't take such glorious deeds seriously.

Who hasn't fought when they were young?

Besides, he was a boy who fought directly with bandits, and he had to fight several times a day.

Although he was beaten black and blue every time, it did not affect Louis' strength and demeanor at all.

Louis chuckled:

"Who is it?"

Before Ace could speak, Luffy quickly stood behind Ace, facing Louis, clenched his fists, and took a fighting stance, shouting:

"You don't even recognize my eldest brother? Are you stubborn?"

Louis ignored Luffy and looked directly at Ace, saying softly:

"Get out of the way!"

Is this something that the little bully Ace can tolerate? So far, in Windmill Village, he has never met a child who dares to talk to him like this.

Ace was extremely angry. He asked Luffy to roll aside. Judging from the situation, he wanted to fight Louis in a one-on-one fight.

He pointed at Louis and shouted:

"Boy, if you beat me today, I will get out of here. From now on, you will be the little bully of Windmill Village!......"

Ace smiled evilly:

"You take care of all the housework at home! Call me the eldest brother, call Luffy the second brother, and you can only be the third brother at the bottom!"

Luffy also followed suit and jumped up excitedly.

In his heart, Ace is an invincible existence in the circle of children in Windmill Village. Ace is bound to win this game. In the future, he, Luffy, will also be a brother, and he doesn't have to do housework.

In fact, at this moment, Louis' heart is also very complicated. Judging from Ace's actions and expressions, he is going to fight him seriously, and his current general physical skills are only 1 point, which is obviously not comparable to Ace. Ace's physical skills are at least above 10 points.

How to deal with it?

Waiting online, very urgent!

His brain turned quickly, thinking of emergency measures.

Suddenly, a crisp electronic sound rang out,

【Ding! The host is detected to be in danger!】

【Ding! The system will immediately send an emergency gift pack to the host!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 100 talent points!

It's really a relief to find something you've never found before!

This system is really considerate!

Louis added these 100 talent points to his physical skills without hesitation.

Current host information:

General physical skills: 100 / 1000

Primary Armament Haki: 0 / 1000

Primary Observation Haki: 0 / 1000

Primary Domineering Haki: 0 / 1000

Skills: None

After the physical skill value increased, Louis felt the blood in his body boiling, and infinite power spread from his muscles to his whole body, emitting a strong���The slight heat and burning chest rushed straight to the nerve center of the brain, making him feel that his energy increased a hundredfold, as if it would never be exhausted.

The wind was clear and the clouds were light. Louis was like the clouds and wind in the sky at this moment, without any ripples. He just said lightly:

"Who gave you the courage?"

Ace roared:

"Ask my fist!"

At the same time, Ace raised his angry fist, burning with fighting spirit, and suddenly smashed it towards Louis' head.

The wind from his fist whistled from the air. Even though he was still a child, he could even create a short vacuum in the air.

Ace had such amazing arm strength, and he was worthy of being the invincible little bully of Windmill Village! Louis only felt that the whistling wind from his fist brought a hint of coolness to his fanatical body, and it was this coolness that made him explode completely!


It's a pity that Ace met a cheater!

100 points of physical skills are not just for boasting. Normal young and strong people's physical strength is not even 10, but Louis's directly soared to 100. As you can imagine, this strength is more than ten times that of these people!

His little bully Ace, at most, is only twice!

It's not even the same level at all!

Louis put one hand behind his back and stood still. He just raised his right hand slowly and pushed forward gently.

Ace's figure flew in the air for a distance of 20 meters, then crashed into a tree, fell to the ground, and couldn't stand up for a long time.

Ace's face was full of pain, and it seemed that he was seriously injured just now.

Luffy, who was standing aside, was stunned and speechless. He was only frightened and secretly glad that he didn't do anything rash just now.

But he was only stunned for a moment, and then ran over to help Ace.

Seeing the embarrassed appearance of the two brothers, Louis smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth:

"Hurry up and call me brother!"

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