As the alarm of the warship sounded, all the navy personnel on the warship instantly entered a state of alert.

On the warship's observation deck, Hina looked at the sea in front of the warship and saw a small boat speeding towards them.

Generally speaking, small boats of this type would detour and avoid naval warships, but this small boat rushed straight towards them, and its speed was getting faster and faster.

In addition, the other party did not have any signs or identities, which forced all the navy soldiers to remain vigilant.

Hina frowned and her face was solemn.

At this time, she did not dare to act rashly.

The identity of the other party was not clear. If she rashly ordered it to be sunk and civilians were accidentally injured, the problem she faced might be the same as Monka.

The next moment, Hina gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, shouting at the small boat:

"The Navy Headquarters' No. 134 warship is here! I am the supreme commander of the warship, Hina! Now I order you to stop the ship immediately and tell us your identity!

Otherwise, we can only sink you!"

After the warning, Hina has raised his left hand, hovering in the air, ready to put it down at any time.

The group of soldiers behind him also maintained a high state of alert. The warship's gunner kept an eye on Colonel Hina's hand. As long as Colonel Hina put his hand down, he would immediately order the gunners to fire the shells.

One second, two seconds, three seconds......

A minute passed, and the other party did not make any response. The speed of the small boat was still increasing and it was heading towards them.

Seeing that the ship was about to enter the range of the warship, the conflict was imminent.

However, at such a tense moment, Louis was still sitting leisurely on a rocking chair on the warship's stand, and even lamented that the tea he brewed today seemed a bit bitter, and he would have to change the brewing method tomorrow. He did not take this crisis seriously at all.

As the highest commander of the 143rd warship, Colonel Hina had no time to care about Louis. Originally, Louis came on board just to take a ride, not to mention that Louis' rank was higher than hers, and she had no authority to control him.

In addition, the subtle distance between her and Louis just now made Hina feel differently about Louis, so she naturally had nothing to say about Louis's slacking behavior.

In addition, Louis's strength was obvious, and no one on the entire warship could stop him from doing anything. Who could stop him from doing what he wanted to do?

At this moment, except Louis, all the navy soldiers were on high alert.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As Colonel Hina lowered his left hand, dense shells were fired from the barrel like a hornet's nest towards the boat less than 300 meters away from them.

The round shells were like wild bulls madly crashing into the boat within a radius of 50 meters. A dense firepower coverage area was formed.

With the loud sound of seawater blasting, the seawater near the boat splashed, the waves rolled, and the water mist was lingering.

The boat was no longer seen moving forward.

It should have been sunk by the shells. Can the alarm finally be lifted?

The navy soldiers originally thought that they would encounter a big pirate and would have a big fight, but they didn't expect that they could solve the dangerous target so easily. It was a false alarm, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Colonel Hina still did not relax at all. She stared at the boat, but saw that the boat was intact.

Hundreds of huge shells concentrated firepower bombardment did not destroy a small boat less than 300 meters away from their warship. Obviously, the people on this small boat were not simple.

Just as she was thinking, Hina suddenly felt a strong sword energy coming from the boat.

It was so fast and powerful that it cut a huge gully in the 300-meter-long sea in just a blink of an eye, splitting the sea into two halves. Wherever it passed, huge waves rose ten feet high. The sword energy went straight to the No. 143 warship, and the power of this sword energy was enough to completely destroy the No. 143 warship.

All the navy had no time to react.

Is it too late?!

Hina's eyes condensed, and she tried to activate the ability of the Kankan Fruit to create a huge defensive iron fence to resist this powerful sword energy.

However, the speed of this sword energy was too fast, and before she could use the iron fence, the sword energy had already approached the bow of the ship.

At this moment, all the navy soldiers held their breath and could only wait for the arrival of the god of death.

At this moment, Louis, who was sitting in the stands, finally stood up from the rocking chair, looked forward with a firm look in his eyes, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


A gust of wind whistled past, making the cloak of justice behind Hina flutter. Her long pink hair fluttered in the wind, blurring her vision as she looked forward. She only saw a figure suddenly standing not far in front of her. The navy soldiers behind her were unable to open their eyes because of the strong wind.

The navy flag fluttered wildly in the wind, and even the sea water around the warship fluttered with it.

【Ding! The host is detected to be in danger!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning a random gift package!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the technique: Chinese meat-replenishing honey technique.

Meat-replenishing effect: speed up the self-healing speed of the eater's wounds, increasing the speed by 50%. 】

As soon as the electronic sound sounded, Louis immediately activated the Armament Haki, and the black and red Armament Haki covered his right fist.

With a leap, the Supreme Body Technique only used half of its power, and this powerful sword energy was blasted away by Louis's punch. The flowing hair fluttered in the air, and the resolute eyes were really fascinating.

The whole person landed lightly on the deck of the warship.

He looked forward, and his confidence revealed respect. That was the look of the strong man to the former.

Because he used the observation Haki to sense the existence of the strong man on the boat.

The wind finally stopped.

The navy looked panicked, and they were still frightened. When they sighed at the horror of the sword energy, they couldn't help but praise the powerful strength of Vice Admiral Louis.

And Hina, who was standing at the bow of the ship, finally saw the back clearly.

He exuded confidence in his elegance. Even in short-sleeved shirt and shorts, he was still graceful and elegant.

The key point was that there was not a single scratch on his body.

Hina's pupils widened. It turned out that it was Vice Admiral Louis who resisted the powerful sword energy just now.

What a terrifying power. If she had been the one to resist this sword energy, she might not be able to stand here safely.

"Lieutenant General Louis, are you okay?"

Hina said to Louis subconsciously.

Louis just shook his head slightly, waved his hand back, and said calmly:

"You lead them back first, this is not something you can handle."

After hearing Louis' words, Hina's eyes were firm, and he turned to the navy soldiers and said:

"All navy soldiers enter the ship!"

The navy soldiers who were still in shock just now were all very alert and followed the orders of Colonel Hina.

After seeing the navy soldiers enter the ship, Hina just stepped back a dozen meters and looked quietly in front of her. She didn't want to miss such an exciting battle between strong men.

The air was suddenly filled with a suffocating aura of strength. A figure was seen flying in the sky a few meters away from the bow of the warship.

The black and red windbreaker swayed in the wind, and the sharp eyes like a hawk and the supreme and cold face all revealed the vigor of a strong man.

The expression of eagerness to fight with the strong showed his great confidence in his own strength.

He shouted in the air:

"You are the strong man from Windmill Village reported in the newspaper, right?! I finally found you!"

At this moment, he pulled out the big black sword on his back - the Supreme Great Sharp Sword Twelve Works - Night! and shouted:

"Let's fight it out. My sword is thirsty for it!"

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