The clouds were light and the waves were sparkling.

In the morning, Marinford seemed to be coated with a layer of gold under the reflection of the rising sun, shining brightly and full of vitality.

Around the island of Marinford, the wind was calm, and the seagulls sometimes circled in the air, sometimes skimmed across the sea, and sometimes called to each other, showing the vitality of life.

For the navy soldiers guarding the fortress and the harbor in Marinford, this will be another pleasant and beautiful day.

In such a morning, Louis got up early, went to the cafeteria to prepare a large jar of Chinese honey sauce, and taught the chef his barbecue skills.

Even the uncle, who was known as the chief chef of the navy, practiced Louis's barbecue skills for no less than 200 times. Although the technique has taken shape, the barbecue he made is still not up to the qualified level and can only be considered barely qualified.

But this is enough for Louis. With the barbecue technique given to him by the system, even if it is barely qualified, the barbecue he makes is tastier than the ordinary ones. There is no need to worry about sales.

At present, he temporarily let this Donghai fellow help him take care of the barbecue stall in the cafeteria of the Navy Headquarters.

Of course, the chief chef did not lose out. He learned the unique Chinese barbecue technique taught by Louis. The two of them were considered a fair trade.

Seeing that the Navy Chief Chef had practiced for a long time, he was about to leave.

"Fellow villager, please wait a moment."

Hearing the uncle calling him, Louis stopped, turned to look at the uncle, and said calmly:

"What's the matter?"

The head chef stopped what he was doing and ran to Louis.

He took out a sealed letter from his trouser pocket and continued:

"Louis, can you do me a favor?

His eyes were earnest.

Louis said calmly,"Go ahead."

"Can you give this letter to Zhepu, the owner of the Barati Restaurant on the sea? It's just on your way to the town of Shields, so I, the old man, owe you a favor."

The uncle held the envelope tightly, his eyes flickering, hesitant to speak, as if he had something on his mind that he couldn't tell.

Seeing this, Louis didn't intend to meddle in other people's business.

He just took the letter and said solemnly:"Don't worry, I will hand the envelope to him personally."

Then, he looked at the uncle puzzled and asked:"Are you familiar with him?"

"I guess so."

The uncle was so excited that he couldn't control himself, and then he sighed:

"He used to be my captain."

"Well, then they must be very close friends."

Louis sighed and walked away:

"I'm sorry to bother you here."

"No problem. With me here, you can rest assured about the shop here."

Looking at Louis's receding back, the head chef waved goodbye and shouted:

"Await your return"......

The port of Marinford was already full of naval ships.

At this time, Colonel Hina, who was the main person in charge of the detention mission, and Vice Admiral Garp, who came to say goodbye, had been waiting at the dock for a long time.

Only Louis was still walking slowly on the road, looking around. He still had time to get to the dock on time. It was exactly like going to school on time to get to the classroom.

Garp greeted from a distance:


Louis boy, it's been a long time since we last met!......Louis still had some resentment in his heart as to why this old man came here.

If Garp hadn't fought with him in Windmill Village, he wouldn't have to stay in the navy. He could just continue to lie down and live a leisurely life in Windmill Village comfortably.

However, considering that the other party had saved him and helped him, Louis didn't care and shouted:

"What are you doing here, old man?"

"Haha, this is the navy's territory, can't I come and see the sea view?"

Cap shouted with a smile.

He had no old age burden at all.

What the old man said was not without reason.

Louis said:

"Old man, how are you doing?"

Karp said confidently:

"That minor injury is nothing. Your fighting power can't do anything to me. I will be well in a few days."

He patted his chest to show that he was fine.

Suddenly, he cried out in pain while holding his waist.

Colonel Hina, who was standing by, hurried forward to help him, but was stopped by Vice Admiral Garp, who shouted:

"I have not fallen to the point where I need to be supported by others."

Then he continued with a red face:

"I just sprained my waist accidentally, don't worry too much."

Looking at the pain on the old man's face, it was obvious that he didn't sprain his waist.

Louis felt that during the duel with the old man, Garp must have been seriously injured. Although both of them were discharged from the hospital on the same day, according to Garp's stubborn personality, he must not have fully recovered.

Louis shook his head and said:

"Don't be so stubborn, old man. Your waist is not good, it must be because you are too tired. You need to take a rest."

Louis smiled happily, moved closer to Karp, and whispered:

"You need to take some supplements. So, if you go to my barbecue shop more often to eat meat, I guarantee that within half a month, your waist will be straightened again.

My barbecue is not ordinary, it is authentic nourishing meat.

If you think it tastes good, can you also help me to attract business?


After saying that, Louis glanced at Hina and smiled:

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Colonel Hinai."

"ah......oh......yes......"Is that so?"

After a pause of several seconds, Hina finally reacted and said with an awkward smile.

She didn't want to interfere in the affairs of these two people, mainly because neither of them was easy to mess with, and the key was that they were both nonsensical.

But Louis had to accompany her to the East China Sea to carry out the mission, so she simply stood on Louis' side.

Garp glared at Louis, then looked at Hina and asked seriously:

"Is that really the case, little girl?"

""Hmm, hmm, hmm."

Suddenly, the corner of Hina's mouth twitched, and her face was full of embarrassment, but she nodded repeatedly.

After seeing this, Garp didn't bother with Louis anymore, and smiled and said:

"Then I can only wish you a safe journey. If there are any problems along the way, you can report them through Den Den Mushi.

Before Hina could salute, Garp turned around and left, leaving behind only a handsome back.

"Old man, remember to go to that barbecue shop to eat barbecue!"

Seeing that Cap didn't go far, Louis shouted


He waved his hand while saying this.

In a short while, Karp disappeared.

Soon, the two of them boarded the warship with a group of navy soldiers, set sail, and headed for Shields Town!......

After drifting on the sea for several days, Louis became the chief chef of the warship, responsible for the three meals a day of the soldiers on the entire navy warship.

Because he was really bored, Louis had to find something to do for himself, so he took over the position of chief chef on the warship. All the navy soldiers were very happy, after all, the barbecue made by Louis was so fragrant and delicious.

When the navy soldiers saw him, they all bowed and saluted.

An officer with the rank of lieutenant general did not have any official airs, and he also made delicious barbecue for them to eat, saying that his parents had never treated him so well.

How nice it would be to follow Lieutenant General Louis in the future.

Louis didn't care about these titles. He was just too bored and made barbecue to kill time.

Occasionally when he was bored, he would find Hina to drink tea and chat, but Hina didn't like drinking tea, and he didn't like drinking, so he had to find some other fun.

For example, playing billiards.

Although Hina had never played before, she was curious when she saw Louis' demonstration, and said that she wanted to learn and play too.

Louis taught by example. He and Hina were the same height, so teaching was not difficult.

He stood opposite Hina, and first asked Hina to hold the pool cue with both hands, then asked her to bend over, aim the pool cue at the white billiard ball, and then hit the white ball with moderate force, so that the white ball would hit the colored ball and flow into the pocket on the side of the table.

Hina's figure was amazing, and just by bending over, the scenery under her clothes could be seen.

Louis couldn't help swallowing his saliva. With such a beautiful view, can't people play well?

"Why can't I score this one?"

Hina was worried.

She had tried more than 40 times but still couldn't score a single goal. Seeing Louis always hitting the target, she acted like a spoiled child and asked for advice.

She didn't expect that the former domineering queen had a shy side.

"Let me teach you step by step"

"Playing billiards still requires certain skills. The angle and strength of the ball must be controlled well, so that the ball can be accurately knocked into the pocket."

While Louis was explaining the skills, he had already come to Hina's side.

Hand-in-hand teaching is of course not just talk, Louis motioned for Hina to get into position.

He leaned over from behind, held Hina's slender hands, aimed his eyes at the white ball, and controlled the strength and angle, so that Hina could personally experience how he did it.

Although the two were very close, Louis could feel the heat emanating from Hina's body and the faint fragrance emanating from her body, and could hear the sound of Hina's heart beating faster, but Louis had no bad intentions, he just wanted to teach Hina how to play billiards and have a partner to play with.

Hina's face was flushed, and the other person's hand was very warm, and it seemed a little hot.

Just as the two were maintaining this delicate relationship, a naval soldier suddenly broke into the leisure room.

"Report to Colonel Hina, an unknown boat has been spotted ahead!"

Hina quickly dispelled his pretentious attitude and returned to his previous cold and arrogant face. Louis didn't take it seriously. Nothing had happened in the first place.

"Organize vigilance immediately!"

Hinai shouted.

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