"Come and have a look. Fresh and delicious barbecue. You will die if you eat too much." It was lunchtime for the navy soldiers. Louis was shouting in the navy cafeteria, imitating the way he did before the time travel.

Just yesterday, with the help of several cafeteria colleagues, Louis resumed his old job and arranged barbecue equipment in an empty area in the cafeteria. In addition, he pasted the barbecue types and the name of the barbecue area in the window of this area.

The whole shop was completed.

He was not good at naming, so he just used the name of the windmill village before. Due to the limitation of the navy cafeteria's funds, the barbecue types were less than a dozen categories of Dadan's barbecue restaurant. The navy's ingredients were limited, almost all of which were related to the sea, and there were clear restrictions on these marine ingredients.

Things like manatees, sea hares, sea foxes and sea kings were all listed as prohibited ingredients by the navy headquarters cafeteria.

Part of the reason was that these marine creatures were relatively precious and almost on the verge of extinction. Of course, this was to ensure that the diversity of marine creatures was not destroyed.

Another reason is that the nutritional value is not high, but the price is unreasonably high. In order to save military expenses, it is naturally listed as a non-purchased food.

Another part is that some foods are exclusive to the Celestial Dragons. As a naval organization under the Celestial Dragons, they naturally cannot be as free as residents in other places. They have to take the lead and set an example.

Moreover, if they are found to have eaten specific exclusive foods, the punishment is very severe.

It is okay to be discovered by the navy’s own people. If they are discovered by the Celestial Dragons, they may not only face a simple review and a reduction in rank. In serious cases, they will be directly captured as slaves or even toys of some Celestial Dragons.

Even officers at the rank of colonel in the navy cannot escape such punishment.

Because such incidents have occurred within the navy, this part of the ingredients is not as customary as the above two situations. The internal affairs department has specifically issued a written ban on this part of the ingredients.

No staff of the internal affairs department dares to violate this rule, because the punishment is very severe. Although the crime is not punishable by death, the entire naval career will be completely over.

Previously, several naval soldiers were dissatisfied with this rule and took the initiative to resign to become pirates.

They are all human beings, why can the Tianlong people eat it but they can't?!

They work hard for them and do their best to protect their interests. It is reasonable for them to eat these foods, right? What's more, these foods are species that exist on the high seas.

But just because of a word from Tianlong, they can't eat it. Many navy officers have expressed their dissatisfaction before, but none of them have been resolved.

After a long time, everyone got used to it.

Louis learned about this matter from an uncle in the cafeteria.

This uncle is the chief chef of the cafeteria of the Navy Headquarters. He is not very tall, has a long braided beard, and speaks with an East China Sea accent.

When he heard that Louis was from the East China Sea, the uncle immediately became warm and gossiped with Louis. They were all romantic affairs of big figures above the rank of brigadier general in the navy.

Louis didn't like to listen, but considering the friendship of being a fellow countryman, he nodded from time to time, cracking melon seeds and nodding in response:

"What happened next?"

The old man started to talk about this in a random way.

Louis just listened to the story. After all, there were no interesting things like online novels in the pirate world. There were too few things to kill time.

I'm afraid even the Celestial Dragons didn't have any entertainment, right?

Louis listened to him while making a barbecue, which was also quite fun.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for opening a barbecue restaurant at the Navy Headquarters!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the mission!】

【Ding! Reward: 10,000 talent points, Chinese honey sauce technique】

【Ding! The current host has the following number of barbecue shops and their distribution: East Sea Goa Kingdom: 32; Navy Headquarters: 1】

【I hope the host will keep up the good work! 】

Calculated this way, plus the more than 3,000 points he got from the Kingdom of Goa in the past two or three days, he already has more than 13,000 talent points, and can raise his combat level by one more.

Sure enough, the more he hides, the more ferocious he becomes!

Today is the first time Louis has opened a business in the cafeteria. Although it is a cafeteria directly under the Navy Headquarters, there are also performance regulations.

Louis simply shouted at the top of his throat for business.

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