Akainu complained in his heart, saying that he couldn't be blamed for this. It was obviously you, Louis, who burst your clothes and pants. It was too shameless to find him to make trouble. Is n't it just a torn vest and a pair of torn shorts? It's not worth much money, he will pay for it. He was even willing to give Louis a few more free underwear, which were waterproof underwear exclusively for the navy, soft and breathable.

Even Akainu, who was as hard as a rock, couldn't hold back his face at this moment. This was too sudden and too abnormal.

Sengoku and Aokiji and other admirals and vice admirals twitched their eyes. Is this something a normal person can say?! Obviously, in their eyes, Louis was already an unserious person at this time.

In order to save the face of the navy, Sengoku asked all the female navy soldiers to return to the training base and stand by. After all, the scenes here are very easy to be harmonized.

And looking at the group of throbbing and excited female naval soldiers, each of them is like a nympho who is fascinated by others. They don't obey the command and ignore these male naval soldiers, which seriously affects the enthusiasm of a group of male naval soldiers, completely hits their self-confidence, and subverts their three views.

What's more, regardless of the commander's obstruction, they go to Louis's Den Den Mushi number in person.

This can easily lead to disharmony between male and female naval soldiers, seriously affecting the normal operation of the entire navy.

The main reason is that these male naval soldiers can't balance their minds for a while, and it is easy to have problems.

Although these female naval soldiers are reluctant to leave, facing the solemn order of Marshal Zhan Guo, they are reluctant to leave.

As worthy of being the highest commander of the navy, Marshal Zhan Guo, he knows the little thoughts of these naval soldiers, and it seems that he has done enough homework in private.

Of course, none of these female naval soldiers asked for Louis' Den Den Mushi number. He had just left the hospital and hadn't even been assigned a dormitory. There was no place to sleep, let alone Den Den Mushi.

Besides, even if there were Den Den Mushi, Louis would not give them to these female navy soldiers. He just wanted to have some free time. He could use this free time to pick wild flowers on the roadside to cultivate his sentiments, or concentrate on improving his barbecue skills and practice the barbecue secrets given to him by the system to perfection. By then, even those who hate barbecue the most will start to like it after eating his barbecue.

In addition, he could study the ancient weapon Pluto.

As for the rest, it's nothing.

After all the female navy soldiers left one by one, Sengoku finally put down his face and replied to Akainu:

"We'll talk later."

Then he looked at Louis who was already very close and said:

"Young Louis, don't you really want to join the combat unit?"

Louis took the clothes and pants handed to him by the navy soldier, put them on, and said with a smile:

"Ah, I am a chef, so of course I can only go to the logistics department. In addition, I also plan to contract the canteen of the Navy Branch Base."

This made Zhan Guo speechless. Well, you are professionally matched. However, contracting the canteen base of the Navy Branch made Zhan Guo a little embarrassed. Zhan Guo said:

"I will discuss the latter matter with you in a meeting first."

Louis greeted with a smile:

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Marshal, with this matter."

Zhan Guo just nodded, and his serious expression instantly revealed a little helplessness.

Akainu on the side said with some regret:

"Our combat troops welcome you at any time."

Although Akainu had always been against Louis joining the logistics department, he believed that Louis should join the navy's frontline combat troops with such strong strength, but after the duel with Louis just now, his feelings towards Louis had a subtle change.

This is the tacit understanding and respect between the strong.

Suddenly, Akainu changed the subject and said loudly:

"Of course I will not give up fighting you. If you lose, you must join the frontline combat force. There is no room for negotiation between you and me!"

Louis still knows something about Akainu's character. Akainu is actually a bit too stubborn, especially when it comes to matters involving the navy and pirates. He always insists on the justice he upholds.

Louis just smiled and nodded:

"No problem."

Kizaru and Aokiji standing aside had nothing to say. Akainu had already said everything he should say, and the two of them were just standing aside to kill time.

Zhan Guo said helplessly:

"Since you have made up your mind to go to the canteen of the logistics department, I will not stop you. If you change your mind, you can tell us at any time."

Fortunately, Cap had informed them in advance, so it was not difficult to communicate with them.

Louis nodded and smiled:

"What about where I live?"

"This will be arranged by Colonel Hinai.

Vice Admiral Tsuru will arrange your position in the Marine Logistics Department, and you will be notified when the time comes."

After saying that, Sengoku turned around and prepared to leave.

People in his position are busy with all kinds of things every day. The mess between Louis and Akainu just now has already wasted a lot of time, and he has to go back to deal with other things.

Aokiji and Kizaru greeted Louis and left.

Only Akainu and a group of navy under him were left. After instructing these navy to clean up the battlefield, Akainu walked up to Louis and said:

"If you have any questions, you can come to me. Next, just follow T. Pengen, he will help you arrange the handover."

Then, Akainu waved his hand, and a marine soldier wearing a helmet, with long curly black hair and holding a straight knife quickly came over.

"Admiral Akainu, what do you want me to do?"

This navy soldier had a skinny face, and when he spoke, he could see that he had a missing upper tooth.

If Louis remembered correctly, he was one of Akainu's confidants, Navy Captain T. Penn. This guy, who was still a colonel at present, would be nominated as a navy admiral by Akainu in the future. The fact that he was able to give full authority to T. Penn to receive Louis was enough to show that Akainu valued and trusted T. Penn.

"Louis's arrangements are up to you."

Admiral Akainu restored his dignified image and left with several lieutenant generals.

"Guarantee to complete the mission! General Akainu."

T Pengen saluted Akainu, which was very loyal.

Then, he respectfully introduced to Louis:

"My name is T. Pengen, you can just call me Pengen."

However, considering Pengen's age, being Louis' uncle is not a problem at all.

Louis also briefly introduced himself.

However, he didn't need to do these unnecessary things at all, as most people in the entire navy and even the pirate world knew his face and name.

The incident of the duel with Garp in Windmill Village has spread throughout the world, except for Wano Country, which is still in a closed-off state.

Pengen stayed by Akainu's side, and coupled with the experience just now, he respected Louis very much.

In the Navy Headquarters, if he could get the praise of Admiral Akainu, then this person must have strong strength.

Soon, Pengen took Louis to the dormitory specially prepared for him in Hina.. After Peng En arranged everything, he said goodbye to Louis and left.

Although the room was not very big, it was enough for him alone.

The previous battle with Akainu consumed too much energy in his body, and he was in urgent need of replenishing his energy and getting a good sleep.

After that, Louis received a notice from the Navy Internal Affairs Department. His position was a chef in the Navy cafeteria, but his rank was given to him as a lieutenant general. His daily responsibility was to cook food for the navy soldiers, and his salary was 10,000 Baileys per month.

He also found out that he didn't have to prepare the ingredients himself, which meant that he didn't have to do anything except cooking. , the working hours every day are no more than six hours.

In addition, the navy high-level officials are willing to let Louis contract the cafeteria of the East China Sea 153 branch base, but the requirement is that in addition to paying the contribution, Louis must also help when the navy encounters difficulties.

It seems that Garp has already helped Louis.

As for the latter request, it is not a big deal for Louis. As long as he can contract the cafeteria of the navy branch base, it is not bad. He gladly accepted it.

This arrangement by the navy high-level officials is exactly what he wants. The next question is how to take over the cafeteria of the 153 branch.

At present, except for the navy soldiers at the navy headquarters and the great Except for the free meals for the navy soldiers at the front line of the route, they have to pay to eat in the base cafeteria. Of course, the navy will give each soldier a certain meal subsidy.

However, Louis can still earn Bailey and gain talent points from it. He also wants to contract all the navy cafeterias, but this is completely impossible at present.

People are made of iron and steel. If you don't eat, you will be hungry. Food is a rigid need for navy soldiers, and the quality of food also affects the combat capability of soldiers.

The navy's top brass has become quite strict in controlling the navy cafeteria. Being able to contract a cafeteria in a base is already giving Louis enough face, or to be more precise, it is giving Garp face.

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