"What did you say?! Are you sure? You want to assign this guy to the logistics department?!"

Sakaski said angrily, slamming the table and standing up.

The other senior navy officials sitting at the conference table were surprised, and even Kizaru, who usually slacked off, couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Oh my, is this arrangement really appropriate?

With his combat power, he should at least be assigned to the front line to replace the admiral, right?

The various branches of the navy are in urgent need of manpower now, and assigning him to the front-line combat troops can just share the pressure of the headquarters and the major branches.

Isn't it a bit of a waste to assign such a young person with high combat power directly to the logistics department?

In fact, I don't mind promoting him directly to the admiral. It's also okay to replace my position, as long as I am assigned to a suitable position."

In addition to Sengoku, other high-ranking naval officers also agreed with what Kizaru said. It was unreasonable that someone who could fight against Garp was only assigned to a small logistics department.

After all, naval ranks are divided according to strength, and whoever has stronger ability has a higher status.

In addition, after the opening of the Age of Discovery, pirates around the world have developed rapidly, and it is almost impossible to cope with them relying solely on the existing headquarters and branches.

The navy is in need of people at this time.

It is rare to have such a talented and capable person join the navy, and he is assigned to the logistics department or even the cafeteria kitchen. How do the navy view the navy's employment guidelines?

Navy Admiral Aokiji said seriously:"Such an arrangement is somewhat unconvincing, right?"

Momotobu couldn't sit still anymore, and stood up and said:

"I find it hard to accept this arrangement. Since Louis is so strong, why not arrange him to fight on the front line?"

Even as a substitute admiral of the navy, she has always been fighting on the front line. Now a newcomer has been arranged to the logistics department of the headquarters, which does not do much.

This made her wonder, why should Louis be treated specially?

Is it because he is very strong? Or is it because he has a big backer grandfather?

Vice Admiral Tsuru also agreed with the opinions of Aokiji, Akainu and others.

Although she also knew that this was a decision made by Garp, from the perspective of the entire navy, she, as the chief of staff, could not look at the problem with personal feelings. She must be fair, objective, impartial, and put the interests of the navy at the highest point.

Seeing that a group of high-ranking navy officials were discussing, Zhan Guo was a little bit unable to control himself.

Although his views were consistent with those of the high-ranking navy officials attending the meeting, given that this was Garp's decision and it was a condition directly proposed by Louis, he had to make a choice against his will.

After everyone quieted down, Zhan Guo hesitated to speak, and then sighed:

"This is a special case. Louis directly requested to go to the canteen kitchen, and this was a prerequisite for him to join the navy.

I was thinking that with his strength and potential, it would be better for him to join the navy than not. After he adapts for a while, we will make other arrangements."

As soon as these words came out, a vice admiral stood up and shouted:

"Our navy is not a place to keep idle people.

Even if he is very strong, since he wants to join the navy, he should be treated equally!

The stronger the strength, the greater the responsibility.

He should be sent to the front-line combat troops at such a young age, instead of hiding behind like a turtle!

We don't care how high his rank is, but he has just joined the navy and is directly arranged in the logistics unit. This is unreasonable!

If arranged like this, I can't give an explanation to my brothers!"

The vice admiral's words won the support of all the navy. The navy is synonymous with justice, but now Louis is giving special treatment because of his special relationship with Garp.

According to the rules of the navy, new members of the navy, whether they are admirals or vice admirals, must first go to the front-line combat units for training, and return to the headquarters or base after making military achievements. People like Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji all came this way.

And only those navy soldiers who are about to retire or have physical injuries may be assigned to the logistics canteen department.

Now Louis is getting special treatment and is directly assigned to the most idle logistics canteen department of the navy headquarters. This is the department that young navy soldiers should not stay in the least. What do those navy officers and soldiers who have fought on the front line with blood and flesh think?

Soon, the conference room was filled with discussions.

Sakaski couldn't sit still anymore, so he stood up and said loudly

"This is the Navy! It's not his turn as a newcomer to make conditions! The Navy must abide by the Navy's rules!"

Akainu said angrily:

"If he insists on going to the logistics department, he has to get past me first!"

A lot of shouts rang out in the conference room, expressing their support for Admiral Akainu.

"Admiral Akainu is mighty!"

All the soldiers were in high spirits and stood on Akainu's side.

One of the vice admirals even said:

"If he is assigned to the logistics department, how will outsiders view our navy? How will our navy maintain its dignity?! We firmly support Admiral Akainu!"

Aokiji, Kizaru and Vice Admiral Tsuru were all silent, standing in a neutral position.

On this issue that touches on the principles of naval appointments, most of the naval elites are opposed to Louis being assigned to the logistics department.

Only a few easy-going people such as Sengoku, Garp, and Kong Kong support this arrangement.

The meeting on Louis's appointment and dismissal ended with a small number of supporters. However, the final decision on the appointment and dismissal was just a matter of a word from Marshal Sengoku.......

After staying at the Navy Headquarters for more than ten days, Louis and Garp were finally discharged from the hospital.

On the day of discharge, the paralyzed swordsman handed the box that Dadan had given him to Louis intact, and delivered the original words:

"Here is your rent and labor costs for the past ten years. Dadan has saved them for you. She asked you to collect them.���She also asked me to tell you that she will run the barbecue restaurant well, so you can rest assured."

After saying that, he left.

Looking back on the past ten years, Louis and the old woman Dadan had a lot of arguments, but the two still had feelings for each other, just like the feelings between him, Luffy and Ace.

Now that they are suddenly separated, Louis feels a little uncomfortable. It's just like when he left the Sugar Juice Village, he missed his mother very much.

But the dead are gone, and the longing can only be buried deep in the heart. What's more, he still has his unfulfilled dreams.

The wind is blowing, and the only way is to survive.

Isn't it the same for him now?

Although there is the help of Garp, it still depends on Louis himself. People should always look forward.

After leaving the ward, Louis had just walked out of the hospital, and before he had time to stretch his waist and legs, he saw a group of navy rushing to him in a hurry.

He rubbed his eyes and took a closer look. The tall and mighty man standing in the middle, wearing a red suit, a navy hat, a cigar in his mouth, and a fierce look on his face, was Akainu himself.

Louis was a little confused. Why did he come to him?

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