"I heard from Zhan Guo that the duel between you and me has spread throughout the world.

Your strength has shocked the world. If so, there will be many strong people who come to challenge you, or even unite to strangle you.

If you refuse to join the navy, you will not only have to face the pirates, but also the encirclement and suppression of the navy and the world government.

No force wants a strong person to become a threat to its future.

If so, your situation will be difficult.

Things have come to this point, grandpa can only do this." After taking a deep breath, Garp frowned and said to Louis earnestly.

After listening to Garp, Louis fell into deep thought.

In this world, many things and personal choices are not decided by individuals, and many are forced to make choices against their will due to the environment.

In this situation, it is difficult for him to continue to live in Windmill Village. Even if he returns to the Kingdom of Goa and stays in Windmill Village, he will become a thorn in the eyes of various forces. Many strong people or people with malicious intentions will come uninvited, and he will no longer be able to continue to be as peaceful and leisurely as before, and may even implicate Windmill Village.

It is not without reason that people who are famous are prone to gossip.

What's more, he has no teammates now, and he is weak and alone. He is not invincible now. Even if he is strong, if other strong men unite, Louis is likely to be defeated.

If he joins the navy directly, although this trouble will still exist, it will be much less. At least he doesn't have to worry about the navy, because he has Garp to protect him.

If he joins the navy directly at this opportunity, he can continue to stay in the navy and improve his strength.

Louis suddenly smiled and said to Garp:

"Grandpa, I know you are doing this for my own good. So I can join the navy and work hard to become stronger."

Garp said as if he was relieved.

"Little guy, don't be so polite to me. If I had held back my curiosity at that time, things wouldn't have turned out like this.

I still feel a little guilty about what I said.

Then Karp turned his head to look at Louis and grinned:

"Did you feel dizzy after the duel? Do you know why you feel dizzy after the duel?"

Louis was stunned. How come Garp knows everything and has the strongest observation Haki?

He glared and asked:


After laughing, Karp said embarrassedly:

"Haha, I took great pains to get you into the navy.

I was afraid that you would run away like Luffy and Ace, so I asked Dadan to put some knockout drugs in the barbecue.

In fact, after you defeated the bandit king Shange, I have been sending people to keep an eye on you in secret. I have to thank Lieutenant Riku for this. He is loyal to the navy and values talent. He overstepped his authority to recommend you to me.

I just didn't expect that you would grow so fast. It really surprises me."

Hmm."......It turned out that you, old man, were the one who did it. No wonder you felt dizzy and lost your way after the battle. Garp, you are such a fool.

The other party threw a small pillow at you to show his dissatisfaction.

After Louis understood, he grinned and complained:

"You old man, you are a fool. You are a role model, so upright, but I didn't expect you to use such despicable means."

He threw the pillow behind his head.

You throw, I catch, this pillow can't fly away.

After taking the pillow, Karp was stunned and asked:

"What is Lao Liu?"

Louis was too lazy to explain and just said,"You don't understand!"

Cap didn't ask any more questions and continued to lie on the bed with his eyes closed.

"Hey, Grandpa Garp, I mean you can join the navy, but there is a prerequisite." Louis turned around and continued.

Being interrupted by Louis, Garp immediately glared at Louis and asked:

"What conditions?"

Louis said with a flattering smile:

"Please arrange for me to work in the logistics department, preferably in the cafeteria, or in a contracted department."

Karp asked again:

"I'm a little confused. Didn't you say you wanted to become stronger? Why don't you go to the frontline combat troops and go to the logistics department?"


Louis continued:

"You also know that I am a barbecue chef in Fengche Village, so I am professionally qualified to work in the canteen. Please ask your connections to help me out, and I can just contract a canteen in any base."

According to Louis' understanding, if the Navy cafeteria is contracted, it will only make money and not lose money. Who doesn't eat? People have to eat, and the customer flow is steadily increasing.

Moreover, the navy soldiers train intensively every day and eat more meat.

If the cafeteria of the Navy base can be contracted, the talent points Louis can get every day may even exceed the total amount he gets every day in the Kingdom of Goa.

Just like before he crossed over. Supermarkets opened in schools and private cafeterias usually only make money and not lose money, and they can make a lot of money, but the premise is that they have some connections in the school.

Now that there is a thigh like Garp, it is not difficult to contract a cafeteria in the Navy and sell your own barbecue.

Add a little every day and earn Bailey every day.

Why not do a business that only makes money and does not lose money?

Louis's brain circuit is really strange. How can a passionate young man who joins the Navy go to the cafeteria? Isn't that a place usually for uncles and aunts?

Garp said with a puzzled look:

"What evil plan are you planning?"

"Don't worry, I don't have any ideas, I just think it's a good match for my profession. And I can guarantee that the soldiers will feel more motivated and healthy after eating the meat I grilled. Isn't this also a contribution to the Navy?"Louis agreed with a smile:

"And you know, Grandpa Garp, that the barbecue I make is delicious, right? Do you feel full of energy after eating my barbecue?"

This really made Garp unable to refute. Louis's barbecue was indeed delicious, and he did feel a lot more energetic after eating it. But this can't be a reason for you to go to the cafeteria.

Garp couldn't understand Louis' request. After all, he didn't know that Louis had a system, and the system was so strange.

Joining the navy is better than not joining.

Since Louis is willing to join the navy, he can only agree first and make other plans later.

Garp simply shook his head and said helplessly:

"It's up to you. I'll arrange it for you when the time comes."

""Thank you so much, Grandpa Karp." Louis said excitedly.

However, at this moment, Karp suddenly snored on the bed and fell asleep.

Louis felt speechless. It turned out that he was an old man who could fall asleep with his eyes closed.

Since the old man had agreed to his request, Louis had no intention of disturbing Karp to continue sleeping. After closing his eyes, he began to think about the cafeteria, but his stomach was rumbling again.

Karp, this old man, ask someone to bring food to him before he goes to sleep~

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