Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 324: Gabriel’s Contact

"Why are you thinking of coming here to attend a meeting?"

Mary and Vivi sat chatting in a room a short distance away from the conference room.

This is the space arranged by Long for the two of them. No one can sit in the conference room before the meeting. The meeting started immediately, Long was now coordinating the representatives of all parties, and Mary and Weiwei had nothing else to do.

"Mr. Long told me that the war is about to break out, and now it's time to turn the tables."

Weiwei smiled and said, "That's why I came to this meeting."

"I want to help the Revolutionary Army build momentum so that the Revolutionary Army can become the official force of the Desert United and have the name to compete with the world government."

"The collision between the armies of two behemoths who are both members of the World Alliance, and the revolutionary army's opposition to the world government are two different natures."

"I see..." Mary pondered, "Is the final battle about to begin..."

"Yes, that's what Mr. Long told us. Now that the pirate rebellion has subsided, the world has begun to stabilize. Now is the best time. The power of the world government has been greatly depleted during the great pirate era, and Your Excellency Mary is here The reputation in the navy has also reached its peak.”

"If we don't fight at this time, once it is delayed, the situation will reverse in the direction of the World Government. A peaceful situation is conducive to the development of forces on the surface. If this situation is maintained for a long time, without the constraints of the pirates, the World Government can The future focus will be tilted toward the revolutionary army."

"And the CP's infiltration ability is also hard to guard against. Once the cooperation between the Desert Alliance, the Revolutionary Army, and the Holy Edweed is discovered before the Revolutionary Army takes power, things will be disastrous."

"Therefore, we must seize this only window period to launch an attack on the world government. This is the best opportunity since the establishment of the Revolutionary Army. Perhaps, this is also the only opportunity to change the world."

"Hey, Weiwei..."

While Weiwei was narrating endlessly, Mary interrupted Weiwei blankly.

Weiwei looked up at Mary in confusion.

"What's the matter, Lady Mary?"

"You've grown up a lot now..." Mary looked at Weiwei up and down, "You can actually speak so clearly, I don't even recognize you anymore."

"Haha..." Weiwei lowered her head in embarrassment, "After all, I have been the chairman of a coalition for so long, so of course I have some political experience."

"That's not a point."

Mary said in surprise: "In terms of strategic vision, I am not as good as you now."

"...Well, I'm afraid I'm not as good as you from the beginning. I'm just good at fighting."


Mary shook her head awkwardly, and then asked seriously:

"But Weiwei, I have a few questions to ask you."

"Please say."

"The Desert United has only been established for less than half a year. Do you have a strong grasp on the members of the United? You must know that many of the members of the Desert United are also members of the World Government."


Weiwei nodded, "Desert United has sent troops many times to protect other non-member states in more than half a year, and has a remarkable reputation in the world."

"With the help of Mr. Long, the Revolutionary Army often provides free protection to member states in the name of Desert Alliance."

"Although the combat capability of the Revolutionary Army is not comparable to that of the Navy Headquarters, the troops operating in the field are comparable. The vast majority of member states believe that the Desert United has enough strength to compete with the World Government."

"The Combined Forces and the Revolutionary Army have provided sufficient military power for the Desert Alliance, and the Desert Alliance does not impose heavy taxes on member states, which is a good thing for most countries."

"Whether they are cruel rulers or gentle rulers, they all prefer the desert union with less taxation. I started preparing for the matter of winning the hearts of the people as early as the establishment of the union."

"Once a war breaks out, I cannot guarantee that all member states will be on our side, but I can guarantee that the vast majority of member states will be in an ambiguous state and will neither help the Desert United nor the World Government."

"And with half a year's results compared to an eight-hundred-year-old giant, this is already the limit."

"Empty, empty..."

Mary knocked on the table in front of her slightly, while Weiwei said nothing and just looked at Mary quietly.

After a long time, Mary scratched her head irritably, then leaned back and lay on the back of the chair.

"Ah, that's enough, I don't want to think about it anymore. My brain is not suitable for thinking about this."

"Anyway, Weiwei, I only want to tell you one thing. If someone is blocking you, tell me and I will help you beat him up. This is all I can do for you."

"Then thank you, Lady Mary."

Weiwei tilted her head.

"I told you, just call me Mary."

Mary patted her head, and the next moment, the phone rang.


She raised her eyebrows, stood up, and walked toward the door.

"I'm going to take a call."


When Mary opened the door, Long also walked in from the outside and passed by her.

He looked at Mary walking away, turned back in confusion, and closed the door smoothly.

"What is she going to do?"

"Someone called her."

Weiwei smiled, then straightened her face slightly.

"Mr. Long, have you settled the matter?"

"Ah, Saab will guide us in shortly. I have completed the basic preparations."

After saying that, Long sat next to Weiwei.

"The Revolutionary Army has the power to declare war on the World Government at this time. Sir Weiwei, you are indispensable."

"you flatter me."

"That's not an exaggeration at all."

Long shook his head.

In the past six months, Weiwei has been behind every breakthrough development of the Revolutionary Army. The number of the revolutionary army expanded exponentially, and it was also thanks to Weiwei deceiving the world government under the guise of Desert Alliance.

Economic take-off, information exchange, and ideological dissemination, with the help of Desert United as a carrier, the revolutionary army as a whole has achieved great take-off.

And all this is by no means without cost. Long also heard a little about Weiwei often working late into the night. In fact, Weiwei's diligence is not a secret. Almost all leaders who pay attention to current affairs know it.

Because of this, the same question lingers in the minds of everyone who knows Weiwei.

"Weiwei." Long pursed his lips and asked, "Why are you so desperate? You even risked your own life."

"If you lose this battle, you will be beyond redemption."

Long narrowed his eyes: "I know that Mary once liberated Alabasta, and you will naturally help Mary because of Alabasta. But in doing so, you are also giving to Alabasta to a certain extent, aren't you?"


Hearing what Long said, Weiwei fell silent.

After a long time, she shook her head and smiled.

"Mr. Long, I originally wanted to help Mary, so I established the Desert Alliance. I hope to help Mary build the world of her dreams."

"But after being in power for a period of time and getting to know the world, my mentality is naturally different from what it was at the beginning."

"I still want to help Mary, but the reason is different from what it was then."

"Oh? Tell me more specifically?"

Long asked with interest.

Weiwei gently put her hands together.

"Mr. Long, what kind of person do you think Mary is?"

"...It's very complicated." Long thought for a moment and replied, "But overall, she is a person who always does unexpected things."

"Yes, she is a surprising person." Weiwei nodded, "Just like when I first met her."

"A petite girl can actually have such power, and what she said inspired my fighting spirit."

"I thought at the time, ah, there is still such a person in the world. There is such a person who is beyond common sense, but what he does is natural."

"Mr. Long, the world needs people like this."

"We need people like this..." Long narrowed his eyes.

"She... can indeed bring about change."

Weiwei lowered her eyebrows and looked at the table with a soothing tone.

"She almost never makes mistakes in her choices. Even if she makes mistakes occasionally, it is not unexpected. After all, she is also made of flesh and blood."

"Perhaps she does not represent perfect justice, but now seeing the changes she has brought to the world, I am convinced that she is more suitable to represent [justice] than anyone else in the world."

"She is my backbone, and she has the ability and need to be the backbone of more people."

"She can drive most people forward, and we can give her enough strength to make sure there are no obstacles ahead of her."

"This is what I want to do, what I'm going to do."

Weiwei looked at Long deeply:

"Let her carry out her justice, liberate more and more of [Alabasta], and build a [just] world for everyone, and for herself."


Long took a deep breath and gently stroked his palms.

"There are talented people from generation to generation..."

He looked at Weiwei with a determined look and couldn't help but sigh:

"You and Mary are truly a perfect couple in the new era."

Long looked at Weiwei deeply.

She was able to get to this point only because of Mary's help.

With a character like hers, even if she doesn't have Mary, she will meet someone else.

But now that she is a weak woman without much strength, the fact that she can chat and laugh with her is a test of her own political skills.

After walking onto the rooftop, Mary answered the phone.

Very few people knew her phone number, so Mary had to avoid other people when answering the phone. She can be said to be in a caught-in-between position now, and it is quite dangerous if she is not careful.

The phone bug changed for a moment, and a phone bug dressed quite similar to Black Mary appeared.

"Your Majesty."


Mary knew who the other person was as soon as she heard the title.

"Gabriel? Do you have anything to do with me now? I'm at Long's place now. I have a meeting to hold later."

"Is there any new need from Saint Edved?"

"No, I'm here to ask your Majesty..."

Gabrielle was in Marie Joa at this time. After checking that there were no monitors around, she dialed Marie's phone number from her residence.

"My lord and I contact each other every night to pass on information. But last night, I couldn't contact my lord all night long."

"Not only the master, but also Lord Magik, who is beside the master, cannot be contacted."

"That's why I'm contacting Your Majesty now. Do you have any information about the Lord here?"

"Is that guy Edved Saint lost contact?"

After hearing the news, Mary frowned fiercely.

However, recalling what she had seen in the favorability system, the Yonko-level combat power of Saint Edwin, she still shook her head.

"Don't worry, that guy is very strong. It's probably just something that happened temporarily. For example, he is in a place where the phone bug's signal cannot penetrate, so he can't contact you."

"Does something like a phone bug store missed calls? Maybe Saint Edved will call back by then."

"What is the missed save?"

"Okay, I know it's gone. Just pretend I didn't say anything."

Mary shrugged, and then comforted: "Okay, Gabriel, you don't need to worry too much about him. Even I am not sure about the strength of that guy. How many people in this world can threaten him?" Woolen cloth?"

"I guess so……"

Gabrielle was clearly still a little uneasy.

Mary heard Gabriel's emotions and asked in a low voice:

"Gabriel, where are you now?"

"Mary Georgia."

"Well, are you spying on Saint Edweed in the Holy Land? Are there other members of your own family in the Holy Land?"

"Yes. The Lord has been operating in Mariejoia for a long time, and he has a unique intelligence network."

Mary nodded, walked to the edge of the rooftop, leaned against the railing, and slightly took off the white cloth blocking her eyes.

"Gabriel, I have a question for you."

"Your Majesty, please speak."

Mary paused, memories of the Chambord Islands flooding into her mind.

"You once said that you would never betray me and Edved Saint. Can you tell me why?"


Gabriel was stunned for a moment, and then a faint smile appeared on his frosty face.

"Your Majesty would actually ask such a question..."

"Because your Majesty's mother has shown great kindness to me, I entrust my life to Your Majesty and the Lord. Your will is my will."

"If Saint Edved and I were enemies, who would you help?"

Mary asked suddenly.


"Don't worry, I have no intention of being an enemy of Saint Edved." Mary turned her face sideways, "But ten years ago, he was quite decisive in what he did to me. At that time, what did you think? What about?"

"...Has Your Majesty regained his memory?"



Gabriel was silent for a moment and then said:

"Your Majesty, at that moment, I had the same intention as Yin Wan of betraying the Lord and helping Your Majesty escape. Yin Wan and I were both people whose lives were saved by Your Majesty's mother."

"But, I didn't do that in the end."

Gabriel said softly: "The master hinted to me with a small gesture that what he injected into you was not the real poison, but a tube of other medicines, in order to cover up others' eyes."

"Then why did he do this?"

Mary asked immediately.

Gabriel looked up at the ceiling and said wistfully:

"On the night you escaped from Mariejoia, the Lord called me away from Mariejoia alone, and told me the reason behind it on the seaside far away from the eyes of the World Government."

"The World Government has been raising the Celestial Dragons because a suitable carrier can appear among the Celestial Dragons every hundred years. The World Government needs this carrier for some unknown purpose, and Your Majesty is the carrier for these hundred years."

"The Lord used this method to make His Majesty feign death and confuse the eyes of the World Government, so that His Majesty can always live a peaceful life."

"And Yin Wan..."

Gabriel closed his eyes and did not continue.

Mary was silent for a long time, and finally she didn't know whether she was mocking others or laughing at herself.

"In the end, everything starts because of [me] and ends because of [me]..."

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