Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 323: Meeting preparations


At the port of the East China Sea, Ace, Blackbeard and Smoker were fighting in a melee until late at night.

Calling it a melee is actually inappropriate. Smoker's strength is not at the same level as Blackbeard and Ace, and he just has no choice. The battle between the two pirates is bound to have terrible consequences, and the pirates will not care about the damage they cause to Rogge Town.

As the navy guarding Rogge Town, he had to intervene at this time regardless of public or private matters.

It is impossible to get involved directly, but he will control the battlefield and reduce the damage caused by the two to Rogge Town.

"Blazing White Fire·Great Flame Emperor·Fire Ring!"

A huge white fireball flew out of Ace's hand and hit Blackbeard. Blackbeard was not to be outdone, and black energy burst out from his hands, interacting with the white flames.

"So hot!"

He couldn't help but bared his teeth and took a few steps back. The black energy retreated in front of the white fire.

Just when Ace was about to take advantage of the victory and pursue the victory, a flash of rainbow light suddenly flashed in his eyes. He frowned and immediately turned away.

A bullet passed by his ear.

"Being able to dodge this bullet is quite impressive."

Van Oka stood on the boat on the sea and said expressionlessly.


Ace raised his eyebrows and said, "The despicable villain who hides in the distance and shoots cold shots is a good match for Blackbeard."

He put his hands on his waist in a figure seven shape and pointed at the ship in the distance.


The flaming bullets streaked across the sky like meteors and were stopped by a streak of black air.

"Hahahaha, Ace, don't forget I'm still standing here!"

Blackbeard grinned and then opened his hand:

"Dark Water!"

A huge suction force acted on Ace, and Ace, who faced this move for the second time, remained calm and collected. He lifted up a boulder next to him, covered it with armed colors, and rushed towards Blackbeard.


Blackbeard's expression changed, and with a flip of his big hand, the black energy reversed and hit Ace.

"Wouldn't you be able to cope with it any other way?"

Ace laughed loudly, crushing the stone in his hand and a ball of flame rushed out of his hand.

"Blazing white fire, flames!

! "

The huge wall of fire pushed out horizontally, giving a feeling of being extinguished by a huge fire.

The flames collided with the black energy. This time, in just an instant, the black energy was completely swallowed by the flames.


Blackbeard was stunned.

"You have no idea what I've been through these past few months, Tikki!"

Ace put down his hat and took a step forward.

"I will not let go of anyone who killed my father."

"Now you, then Sakaski."

"And finally Mary!"

He raised his head, and compared with his smile, the cold light in his eyes under the brim of his hat flickered.

"I'll come to you one by one - repent of what you've done, Teach!"

"What a joke!"

Blackbeard roared: "I have been hunted for several months, you bastard!"

"Don't think you're the only one making progress!"

He clapped his hands, and a huge black screen opened with him in the center.

"Dark Dome!"

At this moment, all the light disappeared.

A black curtain enveloped the entire battlefield, and the town of Rogge, which had already fallen into the night, was completely dark.

Ace couldn't see anything, even the sight and color that had been tempered to a very high standard by the Golden Lion were ineffective.

But he didn't panic, he had expected this to happen.

"Your abilities are beyond my expectations, Teach. You are worthy of a man who can endure on my father's ship for decades."

"But, with your physical skills and domineering power..."

"Even in this situation, don't even think about getting close to me!"

"Blazing white fire·six roots pure!"

Ace slapped the ground, and a white flame vortex spread out with him as the center.

This move was invented when he was fighting Mary during the war at the top, and it could effectively push back Mary, who was not very physically strong.

After several months of development, Ace's move has become capable enough to clean up the battlefield on a battlefield as high as a top war.

The blazing wave of fire tore through the darkness, and light shone back into the battlefield. At this time, Blackbeard was twisting everything in the dark hole together and smashing it at Ace.

And among them, there are even...

"Help, help..."

A child was wrapped in rubble and was dying.

"When..." Smoker narrowed his eyes upon seeing this.

"If you can, do it, Ace!"

Blackbeard laughed wildly and threw the congealed gravel at Ace.

Ace hesitated, then white flames ignited on his fist.

Looking at the dying child, Ace gritted his teeth and whispered:

"Feel sorry……"

"White fist!"

Smoker's figure spanned a hundred meters, and the huge torrent of smoke washed away the rubble, wrapped the child in it, opened the gap and sent it out.

When the child was lifted lightly to the ground by the smoke, Smoker also landed next to Ace.

He pulled out a cigar and handed it to Ace.

"I don't smoke."

"I asked you to light my cigarette for me."


Ace raised his eyebrows, then smiled.

"up to you."

"Stab it."

With a flash of fire, the cigar was lit.

Teach's face darkened: "Smog, what do you mean?"

"A noble navy actually wants to associate with pirates?"

"Shut up."

Smoker interrupted Teach without mercy and said with a very calm face:

"The battle between the two of you has caused irreparable damage to Rogge Town, and I have an obligation to end this war as soon as possible."

"Compared to you, letting Ace win will cause less damage to Rogue Town."

"So, Blackbeard Teach, this is a choice made by the Navy after weighing the pros and cons."

After saying that, he curled his lips with disdain.

"If you want to blame it, just blame it on your own bad reputation."


Blackbeard's chest felt tight for a while, and he took a breath after a long time.

Ace twisted his neck and said in a relaxed tone:

"I didn't expect that I would one day fight side by side with you. The previous battle with Crocodile must have been half a year ago, right?"

"Yes, you and Mary have made great progress during this period. I am getting older and can't keep up with young people like you, so I can only stand still."

Smoker said calmly and angrily.

"Her progress is indeed exaggerated, but I will not lose to her." Ace said confidently, "I am the man who wants to inherit my father's legacy, and she is also the one I must defeat!"

"Ha, I wish you good luck." Smoker scratched his head, "Forget it, maybe I should wish you bad luck."

"Okay, let's wait until we win the battle to reminisce about the past. Now, let's deal with the guy in front of us first."

After Smoker said that, his face was slightly cold, and he held ten hands and turned into smoke and rushed towards Blackbeard.

"Okay! Let's see who can give that guy a fatal blow!"

Ace roared angrily and turned into a white flame rising into the sky.

Then a great river of flowing fire poured down from the sky.

"Blazing white fire·flaming water flow!"

The sky turned white, and Mary also walked out of the room.

She stretched and walked towards the outside of the base.

She didn't sleep all night because of an inexplicable heartache. I can only sit at the table and prepare for today's meeting.

Now that it's daybreak, Mary, who is basically ready, plans to go to Leili's place to have a look again.

As soon as the genius dawned, there were already many people working in the base. As Mary walked through the corridor, many people looked up to her.

"Mr. Wenyue."

"Mr. Wenyue."


She nodded and walked out quickly.

To be honest, this situation was a bit difficult for her to adapt to. In the past, she was feared by a group of people wherever she went. Although many people in the navy admired her, they also kept a considerable distance from her.

When had she ever been so popular?

After walking out of the base, Mary immediately ran away and soon arrived at the training ground where everyone from the Daughter Kingdom had been.

As expected, they have already started training.

Ann and Lilia are also among them, maybe they are strengthening the foundation.

While Mary was carefully examining the entire formation, a bolt of thunder fell from the sky and struck her head.

Mary frowned and quickly backed away.

"Enilu, I don't want to fight you so early in the morning."

"What, you didn't wake up this morning?"

"No, I just simply don't want to fight."

Mary's face darkened slightly.

"I asked you to read a book all night, and then you had to fight when you went out for a walk. How do you feel?"

"Don't make me angry, otherwise it won't be as simple as beating you down like yesterday."


Enelu gritted his teeth and finally hummed twice before retreating behind him.

"You are the only one who can cure this guy." Reilly walked from the side with a smile, "That guy also doesn't like to listen to what I say."

"If you can beat him down, he will listen to you."

"Old, old." Reilly shook his head and said.

Mary didn't answer, but looked at Lilia and An.

"I will drive and leave. I will take Ann and Enelu with me. Lilia still wants to practice with you. Let me find out first. What do you plan to teach Lilia?"

"Two-color Haki." Rayleigh said, "And I'm not the only one who can teach it. I asked before, and Long will also teach her both hands."

"When there was a catastrophe in the Capital of Seven Waters, that little girl risked her life to delay the situation. The dragon admired her very much."

"Oh, it's just..."

Rayleigh scratched his head: "Lilia's fruit ability is a big problem. Her fruit is not suitable for fighting, and it only improves her physical fitness. I really can't think of any way to develop it."

"She can only rely on herself. If that doesn't work, she can just take the path of pure taijutsu. With the recovery power guaranteed by the animal devil fruit, she can also withstand some physical training that ordinary people cannot bear."

"Then it's up to you and Long to decide. Firstly, I don't know how to train people. Secondly, I'm very busy and don't have time to teach others."

Mary shook her head, and then said to Reilly: "When do you think she can start training, please contact me. I will come here and take her away."

"Speaking of which, I can't go back to the base immediately after the meeting this time..."

She said thoughtfully: "During this period, I have been having to run around for various things, and I have forgotten that there are people waiting for me to pick them up in Alabasta."

"After this meeting, we have to go to Alabasta."

"Then you can be a ride-along."

"Oh?" Mary looked at Riley.

Lei Li smiled slightly: "Princess Weiwei is here to participate this time."

"!" Mary was stunned for a moment, then turned around and rushed towards the base.

Reilly looked at the smoke and dust she stirred up and shook his head, smiling knowingly:

"As expected, you are a nostalgic person. After all, Weiwei is a friend you have known for a long time."

Mary's movements naturally attracted the attention of the dragon. When he saw Mary returning from Rayleigh, the dragon standing on the rooftop waved his hand, and a gust of wind blew up from under Mary's feet.

Mary glanced above and saw the dragon's figure. She understood immediately and flew up into the air in three or two steps and landed next to the dragon.

"Hey." Mary patted Long's shoulder, "You, the commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Army, are very busy early in the morning."

"...because I just finished my work."

Long twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly: "The last participant arrived at the White Earth Island last night. I was busy all night. You are in a hurry, right? I have arranged the meeting for this morning, and it will start soon."

"Oh, thank you."

Mary nodded.

Then she saw Long staring at her with dead fish eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"...Do you know where the conference room is?"


Mary raised her eyebrows and tilted her head unnaturally.

"Oh... come with me. Just sit in the conference room and prepare."

Long said as he walked towards the base, Mary followed quickly behind him.

"You are taking the main seat in this meeting, so you'd better take your seat last. I will enter the conference room before you, you just need to follow me."

"Now I'm just going to show you where the conference room is, but don't sit in it directly. This is conference etiquette."

"Why did the revolutionary army make such a mess..."

Mary frowned.

Long Ye shook his head helplessly:

"If it were just within the revolutionary army, of course there wouldn't be so many miscellaneous details. But there are many forces coming this time, and they are not necessarily organizations like our revolutionary army."

"Perhaps they have similar ideas, but their administrative style is different from ours. Some organizations are very hierarchical and believe that there is no rule without rules. As the initiators of the meeting, we naturally have to take into account the habits of each place, and appropriately Make a change."

"Okay, here we are, right here."

Long stopped, pointed at the door in front of him and said.


Although she covered her eyes with a cloth, Mary could still feel the hugeness of the door.

"Why is there such a big room hidden in your base?"

"It's just for this time."

While the two were still talking, a pair of footsteps quickly approached from behind Mary.


Long turned around: "It's you..."

Before she finished speaking, the other party slapped Mary on the shoulders.


"Blonde hair, little girl, forehead and eyes covered."

Her voice came from under the cloak, and there was an uncontrollable smile.

"Although your image has changed a lot, you still can't hide it from me. Your Excellency Mary, long time no see."

Mary shrugged, turned her head to Weiwei and said:

"I was just looking for you, what a coincidence."

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