Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 185: Chat at sea

"Hey, Ms. Mary."

High in the sky, Morgans couldn't help but shudder again. Looking at Mary soaring easily above him, he couldn't help but sigh at her strength.

Being able to fly freely in the sky is something even he, a bird fruit power user, cannot do.

This control of blood can be said to be superb.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

When Mary heard this, she lowered her head and looked at Morgans.

"Well, I just wanted to ask...since we are already on the way, can you tell me what exactly we are going to do in Wano Country?"

Morgans asked tentatively.

After all, he didn't know anything about his plans other than going to Wano Country to cause trouble. Following Mary to Wano Country was purely out of trust in Mary.

Now that they were on the road, he naturally wanted to ask Mary about the purpose of their trip.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, I can tell you."

Mary nodded naturally and said, "We are going this time to turn Wano Country into our territory."

"Ah?" A huge question mark popped up on Morgans' head, "But isn't Wano Country Kaido's territory?"

"That's right, it's Kaido's territory."

Mary said seriously:

"So we will kill Kaido this time."

"Hey, hey, are you serious?"

Morgans heard the bird feathers all over his body explode and looked at Mary in disbelief.

"Kill Kaido...you mean to kill him?"

"It's best to kill him." Mary shrugged, "But, I guess I won't be able to kill him this time. After all, my current strength is not enough."

Not enough hard power, but he has a big move.

As long as the god strikes, it will be difficult for Kaido to resist.

After this, as long as we can unite with Yamato, not to mention killing Kaido, but getting rid of him should not be a big problem. If Kaido, who has lost the three disasters, has no one to help, Mary is confident that it will not be a problem for herself and Yamato to work together to fight off an injured Kaido.

"...You are really confident."

Morgans wiped his sweat and was surprised by Mary's confidence.

Those are the four emperors on the sea, and the white-bearded existence on top of the war.

In the battle at the top, Mary would not have been able to kill Kaido without the cooperation of Akainu and Esdeath. Now I go to Wano to fight another Yonko, and I am actually confident that I can defeat him...

Morgans felt a sense of unreality, but the long-term experience that Mary had never made any mistakes made him choose to believe in Mary.

Well, even if he loses the fight anyway, he will not be embarrassed by Kaido by virtue of his identity in the dark world. I'm just a reporter.

Hearing what Morgans said, Mary was silent for a moment and then suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

Mary's pause made Morgans stunned for a moment.

"...Tsk, I think what you said makes sense. It's really not safe to rely on me alone."

Mary thought with a frown.

If I remember correctly, Yamato was handcuffed, and I don’t know if they were sea-floor stone handcuffs. She couldn't think of a way to remove the handcuffs for a while. It seemed possible to put the armed color outside, but it was also quite difficult for her who was not proficient in armed color.

Kaido himself has a crispy skin and may not be able to beat the flesh.

After thinking carefully for a moment, Mary felt that it was indeed not very safe to rely solely on herself and Yamato. She remembered that Kaido's recovery ability was also very strong. If he refused to leave and kept fighting her, or if she failed to convince Yamato, this industry would be in danger.

Still have to... make some more preparations.

Everything must be prepared for the worst, and she has not forgotten the BUFF of the Abandoned Son in her body.

"So... you don't want to go?"

Morgans frowned and asked tentatively.

"No, it's not that I don't want to go..." Mary touched her chin, "Wait for me."

After saying that, Mary quickly rose up and flew up into the clouds. Only Morgans, who was clutched by bloody hands, remained at the bottom with a blank look on his face.

"...What is this little girl doing?"

Morgans didn't understand.

After a long time, just when Morgans thought that the little girl had left him and fled, he finally saw the familiar black figure slowly falling from the sky.

Finally, it fell to Morgans.

"OK, we can move on."

Mary said with a smile, looking in a good mood.

Continuing to move, Morgans looked at Mary curiously and asked:

"Well...what did you do just now?"

"I made a little preparation."

Mary made a secrecy gesture.

"...Okay." Morgans shrugged his shoulders knowingly.

People in his profession know that it is better not to ask about things that others don't want to talk about, and it is better to investigate on your own.

It seems that Ms. Mary has thought of some way to deal with Kaido.

Morgans thought so.

After another moment of silence, Morgans suddenly thought of a question he had always wanted to ask.

"Well, Ms. Mary..." Morgans looked up.

"What's wrong?"

"I've always wanted to ask, why are you so capable of causing trouble...?"

"Everything you have done since your rise seems to me to be crazy and random. Why did you do it? And...since your character is so bad, why did you choose to join the navy? ?”

This is also the question that has been lingering in Morgans' mind.

In his opinion, Mary's behavior was completely un-Navy. Do whatever you want and use any fighting method, crazy, extreme, bloody...

None of these are the characteristics of a navy in the traditional sense, but more like pirates.

From the beginning, Morgans was attracted by Mary's extremely outrageous contrast. In his opinion, such a character should be a ranger or bounty hunter, and it is impossible for him to be willing to be bound by the navy and the world government.

However, she chose to join the navy, which could not but confuse Morgans.


Mary thought carefully.

The former is easy to say. Although Mary's initial violence was due to the system, strictly speaking, she hated pirates from the beginning. It's just that this feeling of deep hatred has only intensified with more and more experiences.

Join the Navy…

This question kept Mary silent for a long time.

In the beginning, she actually didn't have a good impression of the navy. In her opinion, the navy in the One Piece world is not a good thing.

After all, a demon-slaying order is enough to make Mary lose her favor.

It can be said that her choice to join the navy was a helpless move at first. After all, if she didn't join the navy... she would probably die on the first day.

However, after such a long time, Mary's thoughts have changed a lot compared to the beginning.

After experiencing the brutality of pirates many times, she also had a certain understanding of the strong-willed Akainu. After attracting many like-minded people in the name of justice - especially Kuhlman, her view of the Navy changed.

After all, the two major forces, the navy and the revolutionaries, have really done things for the country and the people. The Navy is the only institution that operates under the banner of justice.

It is true that due to the origin of the navy, the navy itself has a certain class character and is not purely righteous. But since the name is there, it shows that the original intention of the navy was not to be a pure violent machine.

Moreover, the vast majority of people in the navy are by no means lackeys of the World Government.

Because of this, Mary now sees a glimmer of hope in transforming the navy. The establishment of the Desert Alliance and the hidden line with the Revolutionary Army provided her with prerequisites. And once she becomes the marshal, she will definitely find a way to transform the navy into a truly just organization.

Whatever justice was, Mary could accept it. After all, she is righteous as she pleases, and her ability to tolerate all kinds of weird justice is much better than others.

And in her opinion...the world government will probably confront the navy sooner or later.

The contradiction between the two has long existed, but the superb political methods of the Warring States Period kept this contradiction hidden.

"Well...of course it's for justice." She said matter-of-factly. "All my crazy actions are against pirates because I think they are evil beings. And I joined the navy because the navy is the most important part of this world." The only organization on the sea in the name of justice. Isn’t this difficult to understand?”

"For justice?" Morgans was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "I thought you wouldn't believe such illusory things."

"Something ethereal?"

Hearing this, Mary raised her eyebrows fiercely.

"Ah -" Morgans looked at Mary who looked a little unhappy and explained: "In my opinion, this goal itself does not exist."

"I'm not trying to hit you, but I also want to hear your side of the story. What kind of justice are you pursuing?"

"...Why do you think justice does not exist?"

Mary became interested.

"How simple." Morgans spread his wings and said, "Do you think the existence of a world government is just?"


"Are the actions of the Celestial Dragons just?"

"Of course not," Mary replied decisively.

"That's it. Isn't the justice that the Navy currently upholds the interests of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons?"

Morgans smiled and said:

"The strength of pirates is really not as good as the military strength of the World Government and the Navy, but the World Government has never thought of suppressing pirates. This is why although the Navy Headquarters is busy, pirates are still willing to do it."

"Only with exploiters like pirates can the World Government appear less cruel. After all, if both parties have disadvantages, then ordinary people will naturally think that the existence of the World Government is more reasonable."

"The exploitation of pirates is much more terrible than the world government."

"And it is precisely because of this consideration that the World Government has never issued a death order to exterminate pirates... Do you understand what this approach is?"

Mary snorted coldly and said, "You should respect yourself."

"Yes, it's about raising pirates to respect themselves." Morgans nodded happily, and then said: "For its own interests, the World Government allowed pirates to run rampant, causing the death of countless families. And the World Government's own exploitation has also caused the death of many people. The country was on the verge of collapse, and a revolutionary army was born.”

"Can such a world government be called justice?"

"Deserved!" Morgans grinned, "Because it has won hundreds of years of war and has been winning until now. The winner is justice, and what it does is justice!"

"The concept of justice is inherently defined by people, just like your arbitrary justice, Sakaski's absolute justice, and Kuzan's lazy justice."

"It's very unrealistic to pursue something that changes subjectively."

"After all, isn't it because you are so powerful that you are able to uphold your justice? Otherwise, who would think highly of you?"

"Right and wrong are relative, and so is justice. Power is truth!"

After Morgans finished speaking, he looked at Mary.

He wanted to know how the mature little girl in front of him would answer this question.

Then, he saw, Mary smiled.

Smiling wildly.

"Haha... The winner is justice, and power is truth... What a familiar theory."

Mary mocked: "Unfortunately, they are all fallacies."


Morgans' eyes lit up and he quickly took out paper and pen.

He looked at Mary with fiery eyes, as if he were looking at a piece of gold.

Please start your show!

"Morgans, let me ask you something."

Mary looked down at Morgans.

"Exploiting the common people and raising bandits to protect themselves... Do you think these things are just?"

"Of course not," Morgans replied, "but in the World Government's propaganda, these unjust actions are just."

"It's ridiculous, but it's helpless. Who calls it a big fist?"

"Yes, these actions are indeed unjust at all." Mary sighed and said in agreement.

Then, the conversation changed.

"Then Morgans, let me ask you, why do you think what the World Government does is unjust?"

Hearing this, Morgans was stunned for a moment and said subconsciously:

"Of course it's unjust. How can this kind of oppression and indulgence in crime be just?"

"Indeed, they are unjust." Mary nodded with approval, but asked reluctantly: "But why do you think they are unjust?"

"???" Morgans felt that he and Mary were not on the same channel, "Injustice is injustice, why is this...???"

Mary smiled at this.

She thought of Plato's classic refutation of the statement "might is truth".

She raised a finger and said with a smile:

"Morgance, since you think this kind of thing is unjust, doesn't there exist [justice] in the opposite direction?"

"Huh? Why...huh?"

Morgans was still confused, but after thinking carefully for a moment, he suddenly froze.


"Haha, Morgans, think about a question."

Mary threw out a stream of blood, which condensed into three words: injustice.

"If these two words don't exist..."

After that, the word justice dispersed, leaving only the word no.

“Then what’s the point of being unjust?”


Morgans was stunned, and after a long time, a bright light appeared in his eyes.


"So you understand? All of us actually have the concept of justice in our hearts, but we don't know what true justice looks like."

Mary scattered the word "not" and drew the word "justice".

“Because of that, we have all kinds of different kinds of justice.”

"Lazy justice, absolute justice, arbitrary justice... In the final analysis, they are just different people's understanding of justice."

“If justice does not exist, where do these understandings come from?”

“We are all pursuing justice in our own way.”

"Perhaps no one can achieve true justice. But, perfect justice exists. And I, the Navy, are working towards it."

"This is my ideal——"

Mary looked at Morgans deeply, put away her previous sarcastic smile, and said solemnly and solemnly:

"Build an organization for true justice, perfect justice, and change the Navy. This is the real purpose of my struggle now."

"I belong to the navy and justice, but I don't belong to the world government."

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