Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 184: The Road to the Future

Yamato walked in Kuri in confusion.

Kaido no longer chooses to imprison her, but lets her walk freely.

Kaido now has no restraints on Yamato. The main reason for restraining Yamato before was that Kaido hoped that Yamato could become the future general of Wano and then seize more benefits for the Beast Pirates.

And now, Kaido plans to destroy Wano Country. And in this case, there is no need to restrain Yamato anymore.

It is also a coincidence that although Yamato himself does not know this, it is because of her that Kaido wants to destroy the country of Wano.

Kaido's pirate group suffered heavy losses, all members of the Three Disasters were killed, the Kanban was devastated, and even the elite pirates were almost extinct. Today's beasts can hardly be called four emperors.

Although, it seems that there are not many pirate groups who can bear the title of four emperors now.

After his power was so weakened, Kaido naturally had to find a way to add new power. Even if they occupy Wazhi Country, they will be in vain if they don't have enough power to defend Wazhi Country. But now, the greatest strength that he can hold is his daughter Yamato.

However, Yamato was bound by the country of Wano and turned against his father.

Thinking from Kaido's simple and crude thinking, he only felt that it was the group of blind samurai from Wano Country who brought unrealistic illusions to Yamato. When Kaido destroyed the country of Wano and left with Yamato, it wouldn't be long before Yamato no longer had any fetters and would obey him as a matter of course.

The only two values ​​of Wano Country to him are the historical text and weapons factory. The historical text will not be destroyed, and the weapons produced by the weapons factory will have no effect on the now almost destroyed Beasts Pirates. Therefore, in Kaido's view, destroying the country of Wano in exchange for Yamato is a very good deal.

Unfortunately, Yamato doesn’t understand why Kaido wants to destroy Wano.

Kaido also doesn’t know that Yamato was rescued by a samurai when he was a child.

What should I do...

Oden-senpai wants to found the country of Wano, and I want to do the same, but now Kaido wants to destroy the country of Wano.

Although I want to expel Kaido, no matter what, he is still my father. Moreover, I am no match for her now.

What should I do...

After Yamato left Onigashima, he walked around the land of Wano a little lost, his brain in chaos.

Before I knew it, I had walked nine miles.

At this time, the sharp-eyed Yamato saw a little girl washing her clothes by the sewage river.

The clothes were washed back and forth in the pungent sewage. The stains on the surface were washed away, but it was unknown how many poisons were absorbed inside.

Yamato was startled and quickly stepped forward and patted the little girl on the shoulder.

"Hey... little sister... the water here cannot be used for washing clothes."

Yamato reminded kindly.

The little girl was stunned for a moment and looked up at Yamato.

Apparently, the little girl was startled by Yamato's Hannya mask and almost fell into the sewage behind her. Yamato had quick eyesight and quick hands, and quickly grabbed the little girl.

After a while, the little girl realized that the tall [ghost] in front of her was not a bad person, so she continued to wash her clothes.

Yamato was a little annoyed when he saw this, and said again:

"Little sister, the water here is not clean and cannot be used to wash clothes..."

"But the water is like this everywhere."

Yamato was startled by the little girl's reply. Then, the little girl continued:

"And this is already a relatively clean river."

Yamato looked at the weapons factory billowing black smoke in the distance, and said nothing for a long time.

After a long time, looking at the little girl who was still lowering her head and concentrating on her work, Yamato asked tentatively:

"Little sister, what is your name?"

"My name is Oki Aiko."

"Aiko, what a great name. By the way, my name is Yamato."

"Um, okay, Yamato...sister?"

Aiko asked tentatively.

"Call me brother, Yamato-nii."

Yamato, who admires Oden, is still very concerned about his gender.

"Well, okay, Brother Yamato."

After saying this, there was another period of silence.

There was only the sound of splashing water as Aiko's hands moved in and out of the sewage.

Finally, Yamato, who was quite outgoing, couldn't hold it in any longer. She looked at Aiko curiously and asked:

"Aiko, why are you doing the laundry? You are still so young. Where is your mother?"

"Mom's not here."

"Ah? Where is your mother?"

"My mother drank water and died."


Yamato choked.

Aiko seemed to have said an ordinary thing, saying such a heavy thing lightly.

She said it without any emotion, as if she was used to this kind of thing.

Yamato looked at Aiko and swallowed.

"...Aiko, aren't you sad?"

"My mother told me before she died that I would see her soon so I don't have to be sad."


"Then...do you really believe what your mother says? Are the rest of your family...not sad either?"

"There is no one else in my family. My mother was the last to die, and my father and uncle died long ago. My mother just went to find them, and I will go to them soon."


I don’t know how long it took, but Aiko was gone.

After washing her clothes, Aiko glanced at Yamato, who was standing like a statue, and left without looking back.

From the eyes of Aiko, Yamato cannot see the expectations of life, nor the yearning for the future. Only then did Yamato understand what numbness and empty eyes looked like.

"What on earth should I do...who am I..."

After a long time, Yamato stood by the sewage river, clenching his fists.

She remembered what Kaido once told him: bringing those in power who are born "nobles" and addicted to comfort to the battlefield is the only way to achieve equality and freedom. Only war can determine the value of human beings. For this reason, he wants to become the Pirate King, which is his purpose of enslaving Wano Country.

She looked at the ghost island floating in the distance, suppressed her anger, and shouted in a low voice:

"Trampling on other people's lives wantonly... What kind of freedom is this!?"

Faintly, a huge dragon shadow loomed in the sky, as if it might pounce down at any time.

Kaido has made up his mind and is thinking about when and where he should destroy the country.



Yamato clenched his fists, turned around, and walked slowly towards the Flower Capital.

She knew Kaido's violent character. If he wanted to destroy Wano, he would probably do it directly in the most densely populated Flower City.

And now, she is going to the Flower Capital.

What was she going to do in the Flower Capital?

She was wearing sea-floor stone handcuffs on her hands. She couldn't use the fruit's power, and she couldn't break free. Not only will his abilities not be used, but even fighting will be severely disrupted.

She can't beat Kaido.

But...she still wants to go to the Flower Capital.

She's going to try and stop Kaido.

Whether it's talking or hitting. Even if Kaido asks Yamato to completely give up Wano and leave with her, she is willing to do it as long as she can keep Wano.

Relying on his own strength to move forward wholeheartedly towards the goal of liberating Wano Country, he can no longer achieve it. After seeing Aiko, she understood that in order to liberate Wano Country, the prerequisite for achieving this goal was that she and the people of Wano Country must be alive. Only when you are alive can you have hope.

And since she is still alive, she should do what she can.

Now, she doesn't want to do what she can do, but what she should do.

Navy Headquarters, a night passed.

The conversation between Mary and Smoker had ended long ago. The conversation that was unilaterally suppressed by intelligence ended with Smoker leaving incoherently after being shocked.

Mary could see that what she said was a bit too shocking, and Smoker obviously still needed some time to accept it.

Because the door was broken, although Mary was the only one who had nothing to do in the dormitory that night, she still felt a little uncomfortable while lying on the bed.

In the end, she chose to stay up all night to finish writing the diary and then polish it again.

The sun had just risen, and not long after Mary had finished writing, while she was boredly watching the reconstruction work and moving work below on the balcony, Morgans' voice came from the intersection of the stairs and corridor.

"Good morning, Miss Mary."

Morgans said politely:

"Should we set off now, or should we wait for the Warring States Marshal's instructions?"

"In my opinion, the current Warring States Marshal is quite busy. What do you think?"

Morgans asked slowly.

But in fact, the one who is most anxious now is Morgans.

Unlike Mary, it doesn't matter how long it takes for Mary to cause trouble with Kaido, but Morgans hopes to resolve this matter as soon as possible.

No matter how important his news is, once the top trend of war has passed, its news effectiveness will plummet. This is not what Morgans wants to see, so for him, troops are expensive and quick.

He had already prepared another plan. If Mary delayed for too long, he would directly make one plan and temporarily release the existing news. But even so, he was still willing to believe in Mary once, believing that she could give him another big job.

Kaido and Wano, Morgans already felt that an incredible big news was waving towards him.

"Well, now that you're here, let's set off immediately."

Without much hesitation, Mary went back to the room, took out her notebook, hid it, and walked out.

He stretched out a bloody hand and shook it towards Morgans.

"Because of speed, I want to fly there. I remember Morgans, you can't fly, right? Come, I will take you away."

"Etc., etc……"

Mary's decisiveness stunned Morgans, and he asked subconsciously:

"You just left like that?...Aren't you going to ask Warring States?"

"I have a pointer to Wano Country in my hand, why should I ask him?"

Mary weighed the Wano pointer in her hand and looked at Morgans in confusion.

She had asked He He for this pointer very early, and had already asked for it before the actual training.

At that time, she took a copy of the permanent pointers to the four emperors' bases, which was considered a precautionary measure.

"No..." Morgans couldn't hold himself any longer, "That's not what I meant."

"Don't you need to ask Sengoku for instructions?"

"Such as bringing more people..."

"Of course not." Mary said matter-of-factly, "Why do you think Marshal Warring States brought you here to see me? I told him yesterday that I would go and cause trouble."

"As for what I want to do and where I want to go, he doesn't care about me now."

"And...what are you bringing people for?"

Mary grinned.

"Morgans, after living for so long, you should understand that someone like me can't have anyone fighting alongside me."

"Otherwise, I, who am prone to trouble, will bring disaster to them."

When Mary said this, she first thought that no one in the navy could withstand Kaido's attack. The Beast Pirates now had no backbone, so there was no need to lead the navy to replenish their numbers.

Another point is that Coleman's death still made Mary slightly alert.

He died because he was protecting Impel Down City. If we trace the origin, this matter can still be traced back to what Mary Shampoo did.

Maybe it was the BIGMOM Pirates who were ultimately at fault, but Mary also understood that with her own personality, nothing good would happen to anyone involved with her.

This is true for Cullman, and this is true for the people of Alabasta.

Therefore, now she can reduce her involvement with others and reduce her involvement with others.

Especially now that she is still carrying the BUFF of a Forsaken Son, she should not harm others.

"...Okay, that's what you said."

Morgans shrugged in understanding.

Then, he caught Mary's bloody hand.

The blood wings spread out behind Mary, and after wrapping Morgans in his blood hands, he flew up with him.

"Wu~" Morgans exclaimed, "This is really a novel experience."

"Tsk, tsk, I don't know why you, an albatross fruit user, can't fly."

Mary joked: "Is it because you're too fat?"

"Hey, this is a personal attack! You can't blame me for not being able to fly. How do I know the reason?"

The marines below saw a bloody figure streak across the sky.

"...This guy is still so impatient." Warring States looked up and then lowered his head to do his work.

"Haha, a little energy is a good thing."

He said a little tiredly, glanced at the cloth bag on the table, and sighed again.

"I just don't know what she is going to do again."

"Don't worry too much, we will see news about that kid in the newspaper soon."

Warring States wiped his sweat and said, "She's a ghost anyway, and she won't do anything that doesn't overestimate her capabilities. Don't worry."

"Speaking of which, what's the status of Zefa's injuries now?"

"I heard from the hospital that the temporary treatment on the ship was okay, so it's nothing serious."

He scratched his head and said, "It is said that it was the boy named Paul. He broke his arm once when he went out for training and finally reconnected it. He has some experience in reconnecting broken arms. Zefa is really lucky. His arm should be restored this time." There won’t be any big problems.”

"Oh, the sea is so turbulent, so many things can happen in just one training session!"

Sengoku said with a headache.

Seeing that the two elders ignored Mary's unauthorized departure, the marines looked at each other and did not ask for trouble.

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