Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 162: War on the Top (3)

"There are really two troublesome groups of terrorists here."

Qing Zhi yawned, still feeling a little unenergetic.

Sakaski's expression was invisible under his hat, he just shook his head and said:

"It's useless to say anything now."

"It's really annoying~~" Kizaru said nonchalantly.

Looking at the rising sea on both sides, the three Shichibukai, as ability users, were obviously a little anxious, while Mihawk stood there as steady as a mountain, looking at Shanks with piercing eyes.

Warring States shouted seriously:

"Don't think that we can win easily because of our numbers!"

"The man opposite has the power to destroy the world!"

The huge waves rolled towards the Navy Headquarters with an unstoppable momentum.

The sea water is like a curtain, opening the stage for the battle on the top!

After this war, no matter what the situation is, the entire era will usher in incredible changes!

"Although the opponent is the strongest man in the world, there are also monsters in the navy that cannot be underestimated..."

Following Doflamingo's weird laughter, Aokiji jumped up from his seat and jumped high into the air.

Facing the overwhelming waves, Qing Zhi stretched out his hands.


At this moment, General Aoki Pheasant, who had always been harmless in front of Mary, finally showed his fangs.

Two slender icicles stretched out from Kuzan's palms and reached the huge waves on both sides.

With a weird crunching sound, in just the blink of an eye, the huge waves on both sides were completely frozen!

"Little Blue Pheasant..."

Whitebeard looked at the blue pheasant slowly falling in the sky and smiled.

The navy exclaimed:

"This is the power of a general..."

“Shore defense artillery fire!


Following the shout of an unknown commander, all the coastal defense guns on the outer wall of the Navy Headquarters opened fire!

The shells flew like meteors towards the forty-three ships.

At this moment, the captains across the new world showed their special abilities and slowly approached their headquarters despite the gunfire.

Both Ghost Spider and Flying Squirrel drew their swords and prepared to step forward to meet the enemy. However, at this moment, secret orders from the Warring States Period came around.

"Let them come over."

The movements of the radicals and conservatives were stagnant one after another. Seeing that two of the three generals had not yet moved, they also stopped.

Ordinary artillery fire naturally does not threaten these captains. It didn't take long for them to enter the harbor through the crescent-shaped gap.

"Be careful..." Knight Ranger Doma sensed something was wrong. This was a bit too smooth.

At this time, Warring States waved his hand.

Qing Pheasant sighed, he was trying to use himself as an ox and a horse.

Sighing, he landed on the sea, with ice and snow spreading under his feet.

At this moment, the power of the frozen fruit was fully activated, and the entire port was frozen into ice, and all the ships were immediately unable to move!

“Raise the wall!


Warring States roared loudly, and behind everyone, a huge steel city wall slowly rose up, breaking the ice, and this also made everyone understand that the sea had been completely frozen by Kuzan from the sea surface to the bottom of the sea. Not only that, a circle of steel walls rose up throughout the port.

"I didn't want to use this so soon, but red hair, your appearance is really surprising."

Warring States said in a deep voice.

"...This arrangement is to catch us all in one fell swoop."

Shanks lowered his brows, and the next moment, the sword flashed!

Griffin unsheathes!

The moment Griffin was unsheathed, everyone present felt a tingling sensation on their skin.

This is the powerful momentum unique to the top swordsmen!

"Then let's try it and see if you can do it, Navy!"

Just as the red-haired man finished speaking, a green sword energy suddenly tore through the ice and struck Shanks directly!


The red-haired man took a step forward, and a red sword energy slashed out, colliding with the green sword energy!

The two sharp swords clashed, and the huge shock wave released caused some signs of Sengoku's military cap being lifted off.


Mihawk slowly put away his sword and positioned his sword.

"It seems that your swordsmanship has not deteriorated over the years, Shanks."

"Don't you disdain to attack someone like me who has a broken arm?"

Shanks said coldly.

"Today is different from the past. What you just said made me interested."

Mihawk raised his hat.

"Anyway, at least for now, I'm still on the Navy side."

"You are quite confident."

"...Compared to the past, your bad temper has not changed at all."

Shanks was speechless.

However, no one paid attention to these.

The sword fight between Shanks and Mihawk seemed to be the clarion call for the beginning of the war. The pirates jumped off the ship in dense numbers and rushed to the execution platform without fear of death!

At the same time, many naval admirals and lieutenant generals also died, becoming the strongest line of defense before the execution platform.

The two forces collided fiercely, and the shouts of killing shook the heaven and earth. The entire Malinfando turned into a mess.

Mihawk walked off the platform and rushed towards the red-haired ship. Seeing this, the red-haired man jumped off the bow of the boat and faced Mihawk.

The two started a simple exchange of swordsmanship. It seemed that because of the melee around them, both of them were relatively restrained and did not use too much force.

Kizaru also flew off the stage. After being called back from his overseas deployment by Sengoku, it was really difficult for him to do something, so he set his sights on Marco.

Marco was also quite satisfied with the result of holding back a general. The two of them chased each other, retreating and attacking each other, playing Tai Chi.

Diamond Jozi rushed towards Aokihiko despite a lot of artillery fire. The huge strength and hard body made Aokihiko a little unable to start. Coupled with the fact that Qiao Zi was extremely cautious, Qing Pheasant could not find any flaws for the time being. After taking a look around and finding that there were no decent opponents, Qingzhi played the trick of hitting the turtle with an ice hammer along with Jozi.

Akainu also flew forward and grabbed Whitebeard!

His belief in absolute justice is extremely strong and uncompromising. And at this time, Jozi and Marco, who are really capable of stopping him, have been stopped respectively. If they don't start a fight with Whitebeard now, then when will it be better! ?

Of course, the war has just begun, and Whitebeard is full of energy. Akainu tried his best, but was unable to get close to Whitebeard for the time being. On the other hand, Whitebeard's many shocking punches, even if Akainu blocked them, the huge impact still spread out, causing a lot of damage to Marinefando.

It can be said that at the beginning of the battle, Akainu was somewhat at a disadvantage.

Of course, this kind of war is destined to take an extremely long time. Except for a single-minded warrior like Akainu, almost no one puts in all their efforts from the beginning, and in the end they all have some reservations. And because Akainu started the team by mistake, he had no chance to hit a meteor volcano to clear the field for the time being.

As a result, the battle situation became tense.

Garp, Tsuru, and Sengoku were at ease, while the red-haired pirates in the distance, after Shanks left, Dege, Roaring Gabu, and Liam Jones also disembarked one after another, and faced Dover respectively. Lumingo, Empress and Moria.

The others were led by Ben Beckman, standing on the deck, facing Sengoku and others from a distance.

The fighting went on for a long time, and the time for the public execution was getting closer and closer, but still no one broke the situation.

The battle situation was extremely tense, the ice surface was stained with blood, and an unknown number of people fell in a pool of blood, but there was still no breakthrough.

From a strategic point of view, even now, an hour later, for energetic warriors like Pirate World, this war is still in the trial stage.

The reporters watching this scene did not feel anxious. They all know that although this situation seems boring and seems to take a long time to determine the winner, but - something may change in the next second!

Sure enough, this balance was broken first by the pirates!

I saw that Jesus Bu took the lead in shooting at Warring States!

Then, Lackey Lu's fat body exploded at an incredible high speed and rushed towards the execution platform!

The gunshot fired by Jesus was extremely weird, the sound was extremely sharp, but it did not have any abnormal impact.

Sengoku blocked the bullet with just a few moves.


Sengoku held the bullet in his hand and found that it was not even covered with armed color Haki.

Sengoku crushed the bullet easily, and Sengoku looked at Jesus Bu's smile. It was obviously not caused by a mistake.

At this moment, the uneasy premonition in his heart suddenly became stronger.

Lucky Lu jumped up and headed straight for Ace on the execution platform. When Garp saw this, he stood up and prepared to intercept Lucky Lu.

Although he feels sorry for his grandson, he is still a hero of the navy.

Suddenly, a gunshot rang out without warning, and a bullet hit Garp's forehead.

However, this bullet is covered with armed Haki.

Although this domineering power was useless to Garp, he still grabbed the bullet and looked at the source of the bullet.

The smoke from Ben Beckman's gun slowly dissipated.

"...You are qualified to take action against me." Karp gave up his plan to intercept Lucky Lu and locked onto Ben Beckman.

"But, do you really think that fat guy Lackey Lu can break through the Warring States blockade?"

"No, I've never felt like this, Senior Garp." Beckman smiled slightly and responded politely.


Garp raised his eyebrows.

Lucky Lu flew upwards in front of Garp, and Crane had no intention of stopping him.

She was targeted by Jesus Bu.

Jesus Bu and Beckman, two strong men with shooting abilities, temporarily distracted Garp and He.

Lucky Lu landed on the execution platform smoothly!

At this time, the brilliant light shines on the entire Marinvando!

Without any hesitation, Sengoku activated his fruit power, and a huge Buddha stood at the top of Marinevando!

"That's the ability of the Warring States Marshal..."

The navy and pirates in the audience were all shocked!

When the legendary characters appear in front of their eyes, everyone has an incredible dreamy feeling in their hearts. Unlike Marco’s Phoenix, the Warring States Period Buddha is so recognizable!

"You just want to take Ace away from me!?"

The sound like a bell like a bell echoed in Malinfando, and Laki Lu, who was the first to bear the brunt, was even more dizzy from the roar.

But he grinned and said:

"That's naturally impossible."

"But, your opponent is not me, Marshal of the Warring States Period!"


As soon as these words came to the ground, a mighty laughter suddenly came from the air!

The Warring States Period boy shrank.

At this time, he remembered the abnormality in the sky that he had noticed before Whitebeard and others appeared.

And this laughter, as well as the strangeness of the sky, reminded him of someone.

"Could it be that!?"

Sengoku's eyes widened and he raised his head.

Even Garp's expression changed drastically, and he rushed out of the high platform, ignoring Beckman's threat, and looked up at the sky.

At this moment, the thick clouds were broken by the solid soil, and the sky was covered with shadows.

All the pirates and navy looked at the sky with shocked faces.



Countless islands.

A densely packed huge island.

...Smashed down from the sky!

"Shock wave!

! "

Warring States had no time to look away. He jumped up and punched a few times. The huge shock wave shattered many islands that fell down.

But there are still a lot of islands falling from all directions, and one even hits the family residence behind the headquarters!

At this time, Kizaru didn't dare to fish anymore. He knew how serious the consequences would be if these islands fell to the ground, so he directly transformed into an element to get rid of Marco's entanglement, and countless light balls emerged from his body.

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama!"

With a low cry, light jade like raindrops burst out from the golden cross unfolded behind Kizaru, crushing the islands to pieces!

The crisis was temporarily relieved by Kizaru's decisive action. However, no one was happy.

On the contrary, the expressions of all the old men with some military experience darkened.

They thought of the man who almost destroyed Malinfando a few years ago...

In the eyes of everyone, a man with a skinny face appeared from the sky and slowly floated towards Malinfando.

The battlefield temporarily calmed down.

The person who came had extremely long golden hair, like a lion's mane. In addition, his sideburns and beard were both golden.

There is a rudder stuck on the top of his head, and there are no legs under his knees. Instead, there are two famous swords.


On the Shampoo Islands, some young reporters looked at this scene with confusion.

They looked around and asked:

"Who is this guy..."

"Is he very powerful? How come the Warring States Marshal and the hero Garp both look like they are facing a formidable enemy..."

The crowd was buzzing, and an old man looked at this scene with cold sweat on his forehead.

"Golden Lion..."


The people around did not hear clearly what the old man said.

The next moment, the Warring States Period in the broadcast gave them an answer.

"Golden Lion!" Warring States eyes widened in anger, looking at Shi Ji standing proudly in the sky.

"You monster... you're not dead yet!?"

"Jie hahahaha!" The golden lion laughed wildly: "You, Garp, and Whitebeard, you old guys are not dead yet, how could I leave so quickly!

! "

When the name of the Golden Lion was spoken, the world fell silent.

The next moment, the crowd was excited!

Malinfando actually gathered two of the Four Emperors at this time, and at the same time, there was also a super pirate who had fought alongside Roger!

The combat power of the headquarters was originally an obvious advantage, but now with the entry of the Golden Lion, the situation suddenly became unpredictable.

"Golden Lion, you guy, why are you here again!?"

Sengoku roared.

"Jie hahahaha, it's nothing. I just heard from the red-haired brat that Roger's bastard child actually died in the same way as him. He died in such a painful way, which makes me feel a little unhappy!"

"Besides, I also like to cause trouble for your navy!"

The golden lion replied casually.

Hearing this, Warring States felt very tired.

He was completely prepared to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates, but the appearance of red hair exceeded his expectations.

But it doesn't matter. Dealing with two Yonko is just a little more troublesome than dealing with one. After all, in addition to the three generals, there are two people on his side, himself and Garp.

Then, the golden lion appeared.

So many advanced combat powers...

"This battle is going to be difficult..."

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