Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 160: War on top (1)

A few hours ago, above the rough sea, the Navy Headquarters-Marinvando was creating a historical milestone.

A day earlier, news of the public execution had spread around the world. The Navy's confidentiality work was extremely thorough this time. Although almost no other unrelated people knew about this public execution in advance, the reporters had already been taken to Malinfando by the Warring States Period.

Among them, Morgans came to hear the big news. As the head of the world's reporters, he had long sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere. He had a keen intuition for news and came to Marineland in person when he discovered that the Navy Headquarters was preparing for a public opinion war.

The Warring States Period had no objections to this, and even welcomed it. Although he usually hates this big bird with a spring and autumn style of writing, Sengoku this time wanted to use Ace's identity as the child of Roger, the Pirate King, to increase the prestige of the navy while publicly executing him, and to attack the momentum of pirates.

It would be best if he could beheaded along with Whitebeard. But as long as the execution is successful, even if Whitebeard leaves or even greatly destroys Malinfando, the battle will be considered a success.

And this is inseparable from the support of journalists. Therefore, Sengoku's attitude toward Morgans this time was completely different from usual. Even Morgans was a little uncomfortable with it. Recently, he went to He He for tea instead of Sengoku.

Now, all the elites of the Navy have been assembled, and for the first time, the Navy organization has demonstrated its terrifying efficiency.

In just one day, all the summoned navy came to the windless zone through a strange ship, and quickly gathered from the windless zone to the navy headquarters.

Vegapunk Technical Support - Naval Science Corps Remain.

And when these things became public, reporters gathered like sharks smelling blood.

No matter how eye-catching the news about the massacre in Alabasta has been in recent times, it cannot compare to the major operation of the Navy Headquarters!

Public execution... Captain of Whitebeard's Second Division, Portcas D. Ace!

At the Navy Headquarters, several giant lieutenant generals stood with their chests crossed, their faces serious, looking at the sea in the distance.

There was a huge crowd of people downstairs, almost all officers above the rank of general.

In this battle, 100,000 officers and soldiers, 50 warships, and the navy mobilized elite forces from almost all regions.

With the highest level of vigilance, face the upcoming legend of the sea - Whitebeard.

Four of the King's Shichibukai have arrived.

They are Hawkeye Mihawk, Boya Hancock, Doflamingo and Moonlight Moriah.

"Big Bear is still in Alabasta and has not come back..."

Among the crowd below, Smoker looked at the Shichibukai standing on the high platform and couldn't help but frown and thought: "But where is Kaixia Jinbei? Where did he go?"

There are no criminals escorted to the execution platform yet, but even so, all reporters have their cameras focused on the platform.

There was no other reason than that there were three empty seats on the execution platform.

And not long after, three powerful figures walked towards the stage with completely different steps.


On the Shampoo Islands, the reporters who rushed over looked excited at this scene.

"The highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters, the three generals!"

"This time, everything is in place. Compared with the pirate Whitebeard... the navy is indeed more powerful."

Akainu Sakaski, Aoji Kuzan, and Kizaru Polusalino, the three monster admirals sat silently on three high platforms that were only the height of the execution platform.

At this moment, even though the three of them have completely different personalities and even more incompatible styles of doing things, there is no contradiction. The auras of the three people formed a unique aura of justice, making the entire Malinfando become quiet.


Doflamingo looked at the three generals high up. Although they couldn't be beaten, he didn't have the slightest fear because of his identity.

"Long time no see. In terms of momentum, these three monsters are still hopelessly strong."

"Isn't that better?" Moria said with a playful smile, "The hope of defeating Whitebeard is greater. It would be great if Whitebeard's body can be taken away by then."

"Fufufufu... Although I don't think the Navy will let you take away Whitebeard's body, I wish you success."

Doflamingo said this, but there was a hint of disdain for Moria in his eyes.

Mihawk has no opinion on what is happening right now.

He seemed calm after knowing some inside information, but now he was actually more excited than anyone else.


‘Is there another chance for a head-on confrontation? ? ’

On the other hand, Boya Hancock didn't even bother to associate with the men around her.

It seems that Luffy really did not go to the Girl Country, but was photographed elsewhere by the bear.

Without Luffy's influence, the current empress still doesn't like contact with men at all.

Warring States, Crane, and Garp, these three veterans of the previous era did not stand at the forefront as ostentatiously as the three generals.

Both He and Garp sat under the execution platform, ready to take action at any time if the three generals were unable to cope.

Originally Zefa should also be in place, but now that he is heading to Impel Down City, he naturally has not come.

Warring States is arranging his appearance. In a few minutes, he will stand on the execution platform and appear in the eyes of the world.


He looked at Garp, who had a gloomy and struggling expression, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

After a long time, Crane still sighed.

"Garp...you should have expected this moment when your grandson goes to sea."

"……I know."

Garp's fists were tightly held together, and after a long time, he covered his forehead.

Seeing this, Crane shook his head.

"I don't know what Sengoku is thinking. Those guys in Sakaski are already enough, but they still want you to come here in person..."

"I came here myself."

Garp interrupted He with a voice. This sentence made He's child shrink slightly.

"...I'm here to see my grandson off for the last time."



Warring States stood behind the two of them, listening to their conversation, and it was inevitable that he felt some debt to Garp in his heart.

After all, Garp has been his old friend for many years. Looking at his struggling and painful appearance, Sengoku cannot remain indifferent.

However, Ace's execution is unshakable.

After all, he is the bloodline of the Pirate King. The moment he chose to become a pirate, today's ending was already doomed.

'Sorry, Garp...you have paid too much for justice. ’

‘Today, I’m going to reveal everything. ’

With this thought in mind, Warring States stepped onto the execution platform.



When the figure of Warring States appeared on the execution platform, everyone became excited, whether it was Malinfando or those watching the live broadcast from afar.


"Buddha's Warring States Period!"

The morale of the navy was rising steadily, and while the navy was cheering like a tide, Sengoku's face was as dark as water, and he was very serious.

With his hands behind his back, he waited for the execution to begin.

In the holding room below, the monk held a long knife in his hand and said coldly to the prisoners around him:

"Let's go, it's time."

The prisoner closed his eyes tightly and stood up.

Two executioners stood on either side of him without saying a word and grabbed his shackles.

"No need to delay, I will go by myself."

The prisoner opened his eyes and whispered.

The executioner did not make any comment, but just followed the prisoner.

The scarred Ace looked at the long steps in front of him and took steps.

The heavy shackles made a soft sound behind his hands, making a "zero zero zero" sound.

The belief in freedom, the spirit of youth, and the ideal of fighting for Whitebeard are all scattered in this long and deep tunnel.

One step, two steps...

The sound of rustling footsteps echoed in the tunnel, and the depressing atmosphere reminded Ace of his past.

"Listen up, Luffy."

"We must live a life without regrets!"

The past vows seemed to be ending here, and Ace fell silent.


The executioner held Ace's shoulders.

Unknowingly, they had arrived at a gate several people tall.

"It's about to open."


With the sound of rough machinery, the door slowly opened, and dazzling sunlight shone into the gloomy tunnel from the outside, shining on Ace.

This is a war that changes the times, a war that promotes change.

The dazzling sunshine seemed to herald the end of everything. There are still three hours left before the final execution begins.

Reporters in Shambaud were glued to their screens. The next moment, a person exclaimed:

"Look, it's out!"

People's eyes focused on the execution platform.

The black-haired boy walked up to the execution platform step by step and was pushed down on the execution platform by the executioner.

"Captain of Whitebeard's Second Division, Fire Fist Ace..."

"The outcome of this war is already determined, right?"

On a small island on the Grand Line, in a tavern, a group of people discussed intensely while watching the real-time broadcast of the phone bug.

"Absolutely. The navy is the strongest force in the world. With three generals gathered together, how can they be defeated?"

"But I heard that Whitebeard isn't the strongest man in the world?"

"That's him, too. He can't beat four hands with just two fists..."

Listening to the voice on the side, a pirate frowned.

The next moment, he slammed the wine glass on the table.

"Are you kidding!?"

This sudden sharp sound made everyone present shut their mouths.

The murderous aura of the pirates filled the tavern.

"Don't compare him to ordinary people."

"He is no ordinary pirate..."

"Just a year ago, we were scared to death just to see him sitting there."

The pirates' heavy expressions seemed to indicate that something terrible had happened.

Looking at the orderly marines in the audience, Warring States also raised his eyes.

Looking at Ace who was silent next to him, Sengoku thought for a moment and stretched out one hand.

As his palm pressed down, Malinfando became quiet.

When the reporters on the Chambord Islands saw this scene, they immediately picked up their pens.

"Marshal Warring States...is he going to give a speech?"

"Bring me the phone bug."

Warring States said coldly.

A phone bug landed in the palm of Warring States Period.

Sengoku cleared his throat and raised the phone bug.

"Today, I have something to announce to everyone."

"Portcas D. Ace, about the significance of this man dying here today."

"It's not your fault."

Suddenly, Crane whispered to Garp.

"...Hahahahaha." Garp let out a bitter laugh, "A woman is still gentle at this time, Xiaohe."

"That Sengoku guy just doesn't know how to comfort people."

Crane closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Ace, tell me your father's name!" Warring States said.

This scene made many people watching the live broadcast stunned. Ace's father is Whitebeard. Isn't it obvious?

After hearing this, Ace, who was kneeling on the execution platform, was silent for a moment and said:

"My dad is Whitebeard."

"No, your father is..."

"There's nothing wrong, my dad is Whitebeard." Ace interrupted Sengoku angrily.

"No, it's not!"

Warring States shouted sharply.

He would not hesitate to launch an all-out war with [Whitebeard], certainly not because of his status as the captain of Ace's second team.

"Based on the minimal information obtained by CP, we went through a lot of hard work and searched countless islands."

"All upcoming and recently born children, as well as their mothers, were surveyed."

"But, even so, we found nothing - and no wonder."

"In order for you to survive, your mother tried her best, even at the expense of her life."

"Hidden the navy, hid the whole world!"

Ace's body trembled, he didn't know if it was because of anger or something else.

Whether it was the navy in the audience or reporters from all over the world, they all felt that the atmosphere was abnormal at this moment.

"What's the meaning……"

"How could the Warring States Marshal say such a meaningless statement at this juncture?"

"What is the identity of this person named Ace...?"

Warring States paused and continued:

"In the South China Sea, there is an island called Batlila."

"Your mother gave birth to you there."

"Her name is Portcas D. Rujiu."

"In order for her child to avoid being searched by the navy, her strong desire to protect her child actually made her..."

"It took twenty months to conceive my own child!"

"This far exceeded the Navy's expectations."

"And accordingly, she paid the price."

"When she gave birth to the child, she was exhausted and died on the spot!"

"One year and three months after his father's death, the child who inherited the most evil bloodline in the world was born!"

"that is you!"


! "

People were shocked.

The marines in the audience looked at each other at a loss, with incredible expressions on their faces.

But Smoker, who had been guarding Donghailuoge Town, suddenly changed his expression.

'Public execution...'



Ace gritted his teeth, his joints turning white from the hands pressed behind him.

He looked at Ace, took a deep breath, and said loudly:

"It's impossible for you not to know that the blood of sin is flowing in your body."

"Today, the sinful bloodline will end here!"

"Your father is-"

"One Piece, [Gol D. Roger]!

! "

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