Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 157: No Passage

"who is he?"

The Red Earl opened his eyes slightly and looked at the figure dressed in pure white.

For some reason, he felt an inexplicable sense of oppression.

This feeling of oppression was very familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had encountered it before.


Zefa looked at Kuhlman with his mouth wide open in astonishment, and murmured unconsciously.

This was his student, one of the students he valued most, and he knew this face all too well.

But at this moment, although the person was right, Zefa felt a strange feeling when he looked at him.

And it was at this moment when he was distracted that BIGMOM seized the opportunity.

Just now, BIGMOM was distracted and Zefa punched him hard, and BIGMOM also planned to take this opportunity to give Zefa a hard punch.

"Emperor's Sword: Broken Blade!

! "

Simple and crude, BIGMOM, who dominates the world with physical strength, does not have any fancy tricks. He simply and quickly slashes vertically from the sky with a sword, and cuts it down suddenly!

The flames of Sun Hozmi covered the sword Hozmi, and the sword lengthened and fangs grew.

"not good……"

Zefa felt the strong wind coming from behind his head, but it was too late to return to defense.

"go to hell!"

BIGMOM's attack was aimed at killing Zefa, intending to kill him from head to tail with one sword.

Even if the armed domineering defense cannot kill Zefa, this blow is enough to completely make Zefa lose his combat effectiveness!

However, at this moment, a faint golden light flashed across everyone's field of vision.

The Red Earl slowly opened his eyes as he watched this scene.

Barrett's expression also changed, and what rose with it was an extremely powerful fighting spirit!


The emperor's sword stopped.

A golden glow held under the blade of the Emperor's Sword, and one hand grasped the blade. Compared to BIGMOM's body and the huge blade of the Emperor's Sword, this hand looks so small.

However, no matter how hard BIGMOM exerted her force, her emperor's sword could not move downwards any further.


Zefa looked at the golden figure blocking him. He was floating there quietly without saying a word.

Coleman's fruit ability can gather the soul power of everyone to strengthen his soul. His soul can contact the entity, and he has the combined strength and speed of everyone at the same time.

Ten thousand people with the power of one person and one person with the power of ten thousand people are completely different concepts.

What's more, the souls Coleman absorbed were not ordinary people's souls. All the souls are the dead who died in this war. Some of them are prisoners who committed heinous crimes, some are marines who fight for justice, and some are jailers who fulfill their duties.

Maybe each of them would be easily crushed when faced with a strong man of the level of the Four Emperors, but when the power of ten thousand, twenty thousand, thirty thousand, or tens of thousands of people is completely absorbed into one person's body, even if it is Even the Four Emperors could only hold back.

Because, even if the physical strength of each deceased person is only [the strength of five ordinary adults], Coleman, who has gathered the strength of 50,000 people, can easily exert a force equivalent to about 36,000 tons, which is approximately Two little boys nuke.

Because it is directional, the power is even greater.

What's more - this is not even an output that can be achieved with full strength, just a casual blow.

It's not a problem at all to knock off a hilltop with one punch.

Moreover, although the fruit's ability to burn his body completely prevented Coleman from using his armed haki, the fully enhanced soul power gave him the ability to easily predict Katakuri's future abilities.

It has nothing to do with the degree of development of seeing, hearing, and color, it depends purely on strength.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Coleman's single panel has completely surpassed the Yonko.

In addition, his powerful soul gives him absolute control over the BIGMOM in front of him!


Coleman raised his head, took a deep breath, and the white in his hole shone brighter and brighter.

"Ghosts and gods with fire bodies!"

Silver-white will-o'-the-wisps ignited on his body and quickly burned along the emperor's sword. Moreover, a huge pillar of fire even rose into the sky and swept away both Zeus and Prometheus!

The three Homitz didn't even have time to scream, before their souls were burned to the core and turned into ordinary swords. The flames and clouds dissipated directly.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!



Since the three Homiz contained fragments of their own souls, BIGMOM suffered heavy losses almost instantly.

But before she could finish screaming, Kuhlman flashed past.

Then, he kicked BIGMOM in the abdomen!

Then, just for a second. Coleman punched four or five times in a row, and the power of dozens of little boy nuclear bombs concentrated on Big Mom's abdomen, and Big Mom didn't even have time to use her weapons to defend herself.

The style of painting suddenly changed to One Punch Man.

At this moment, what does the moon look like, and what does Auntie look like.

The aunt immediately lost consciousness and flew out. Her body smashed through the impel city, and seawater poured in instantly.

No matter which camp they were in, everyone was dumbfounded by this scene.

"***" Barrett's face turned blue when he saw it, and he cursed loudly: "This kid doesn't want to die? Isn't he also a person with fruit abilities!?"

The Red Earl hadn't eaten the Devil Fruit yet, but was looking at Coleman floating in the sky, his eyes full of interest.

"Would his devil fruit suit me well..."

None of these people know how strong Auntie is.

Unlike these people, Perospero, who was standing with them, looked pale.

"How is it possible...my mother was actually beaten out?"

"Mom's strength can't be compared to others?"

"Isn't this obvious at a glance?" Walder gave a sinister smile, "The boy seemed to bet his life on this battle. The fat woman was knocked down before she could recover. Isn’t that a normal thing?”

"Don't underestimate the power that enlightenment can bring."

Having said that, Walder couldn't help but shudder as he looked at the seawater that was constantly pouring into the Impel Down City.

"No, I ate the devil fruit and finally came out. It would be too uncomfortable to be soaked to death by the sea water."

After that, he laughed loudly, activated Momo's fruit power, and said, "Then I'll take the first step!"

"Double '30 times speed'!" With a loud roar, Walder's speed increased to 30 times the original speed, and he quickly ran upwards.



! "

At this moment, Walder hit a wall!

His rapid charge came to a halt. The huge recoil made his head turn red, and blood spurted out in mouthfuls.

No, that's not a wall -

That's a hand.

Kuhlman floated in front of Walder and put one hand on Walder's head with an expressionless expression.

And it wasn't Kullman who stopped Wald, but Wald himself suddenly bumped into the hand in front of him!

At this moment, Laidfield's interested expression suddenly disappeared. At the same time, his muscles tensed.

"What just happened..." Shiliu looked at this scene in disbelief. It was not until just now that he realized that Kuhlman had stopped Wald.

Completely unexpected, Walder's escape was not even noticed by him, but Kullman did.

Not only that, he didn't even notice that Kuhlman had left the spot. It was only now that the afterimage of Kuhlman slowly dissipated.

"What speed is this?" Barrett took a deep breath and slapped his hands on the ground.

"Hahaha, it seems that I have to go all out this time!"

"Good opponent."

Ladfield tore off his prison uniform, revealing his muscular body.

A true legend like him, even though he has been tortured for so many years, is still the undisputed strongest in this kind of prison.

He once kept pace with Roger and Whitebeard, but he even looked down upon the strongest people in the world today - the so-called Four Emperors.

Even though he considers himself inferior to Roger and Whitebeard, he is still someone who can compete with those two.

But at this moment, looking at Kuhlman, he became excited.

Not to mention the power, the speed he just showed was enough to make people's hearts beat.

In the entire Impel City, there was only one person who could barely see Kuhlman's movements clearly, and that was Laidfield. Only one person knew how exaggerated Kuhlman's speed was just now.

"Nearly thirty times the speed of sound...it's really out of reach."

"Moreover, his sense of knowledge seems to be better than mine to some extent."

"It wasn't the man who stopped him at all, but Walder himself who hit him."

"What a superb insight and domineering spirit."

Laidfield has possessed powerful insight and color domineering since he was a child. As he grows older, it becomes stronger and stronger, and he can see through people's hearts. But because of this, he was used to seeing the ugly hearts of the people around him, so he was greatly repulsed by people and developed a withdrawn character.

Therefore, the sight of coming to Defield is extremely powerful. However, his Haki of Knowledge is more inclined to read other people's hearts, rather than predicting the future or covering a large area.

Obviously, in his opinion, he finally met an opponent who was qualified to compete with him in terms of knowledge, knowledge and sex.


Walder quickly took two steps back, slapped his head violently, and coughed several times.

After a while, he came back to his senses and asked loudly:

"Kid... do you want to stop us?"

"Stop everyone on the sixth floor?"

Walder said this with a hint of threat in his tone.

"I'm too lazy to interfere in your fight with that fat bitch, but let us go first!"


"Shut up."

Before Walder could finish speaking, a white light bloomed in front of his eyes!

The next moment, before he could react, he felt a chill on his neck.


He looked below him and saw a headless corpse spurting blood.

Even without a buggy body like BIGMOM, simply armed color Haki can greatly reduce the damage from Coleman who cannot use armed color Haki.

But Coleman was too fast, too fast.

It was not until Walder's head fell to the ground that this sudden attack occurred, and no one realized that Kuhlman had just drawn his sword.

And at such a speed, Walder simply couldn't guard against it.

Walder didn't even react to activate his weapons, and his body and head were already separated.



The body fell to the ground.

The air suddenly became quiet, and everyone focused on Kuhlman.

I saw him slowly raising his sword and holding it horizontally in front of him.

The body floated up and slowly flew towards the hollow in the center.

Finally, he stood in the center of the highest level of Impel Down City.

"Stand back, criminal. Justice is here, I am here."

"This is the great fortress of hell, a fortress that even the Pirate King cannot destroy."

"I will not let go of any criminals who try to escape from Impel Down City, and any scum who try to break into Impel Down City."

"No traffic allowed here!"

At this moment, the Red Earl realized that he was wrong, how wrong he was.

The man in front of him was not an evenly matched opponent at all.

Someone who can casually kill Walder without anyone even reacting...

He knew where the familiar feeling from before came from.

"The strong one..."

"A man far stronger than me..."

On the other side, Zefa followed Enxia to the sea level of Impel Down City in a daze.

At this time, almost all the official personnel and navy of Impel Down City had withdrawn from Impel Down City, and even Magellan came here seriously injured.

Zefa was not the only one who was fascinated by what happened just now. Magellan was also stunned for a moment. And this time also allowed Jin and Jack to seize the opportunity.

Although Magellan also gave Jin and Jack a hard blow, they still could not avoid being injured.

The fog that filled the Impel City in Encia showed a huge advantage at this time. The invisible fog turned into arms and fished out all the people on the team.

As for the criminals who had been stopped before, Enxia didn't care.

Because, when Enxia withdrew, all the criminals who tried to escape immediately were beheaded in an instant.

Those prisoners who did not choose to escape immediately and stayed where they should have escaped, touched their heads and found that they were still there.

Everyone thought that Kuhlman just stopped Wald, and although the speed shown was fast, it was not too exaggerated. Even when I came to Defield, I just thought that Kullman's speed was only 30Ma.

However, that was just what Kuhlman did when he came back after doing what he had to do.

At the moment Enshia retreated, Kullman beheaded all the escaping prisoners on the five floors.

His speed is calculated according to the minimum ability of a prisoner, and the theoretical speed of a full burst has reached an incredible 0.07c or more.

Of course, this is just theory. But even if it is cut in half or even a quarter, this speed can already sweep the entire impel city in the blink of an eye.

And the power of these prisoners who have been swept away will be integrated into Coleman's soul. Keep scrolling, the more you kill, the stronger you become!

"Enxia...what's going on?"

"Why can Coleman suppress BIGMOM? Why can he... kill Walder directly?"

Zefa finally recovered from the shock. He looked at Nxiya blankly and asked.

"...Not only that, he can even easily defeat any of the Four Emperors now..." Enxia's expression was a little dark.

After a while, she revealed her plan and her conversation with Kuhlman.

"If I guess correctly, Coleman should be dead."

At the end of Nxia's words, he shook his head in despair.

"He should have no clear consciousness now and is just acting on instinct."

"I once talked to him about the fruit's ability. His fruit obtains power by burning the soul."

"The power gained by burning the soul..."

"Do you think, with Coleman's performance now, do you need to say anything more?"

Enxia looked at Zefa steadily.

Zefa's expression was uncertain, and after a while, he sat on the ground a little dejectedly.

"It's like this again, it's like this again..."

The long-standing shadow in his heart came to mind again, making Zefa's eyes widen.

After a long time, Zefa raised his head.

Only then did Enxia see the traces of time on the old man in front of him. No matter how strong his body is and how much Vegapunk strengthens his body, at this moment, he still can't hide the fatigue in his eyes.

"I failed to protect you..."

"Teacher Zefa!"

At this time, Enxia shouted loudly, which surprised Zefa and woke him up.

He looked at Nxiya and saw Nxiya saying urgently:

"Kulman won't last long... Although it may be enough if he doesn't last long, but you heard his last will before he died!"

"[I will not let go of all the criminals who try to escape from Impel Down City and the scum who try to invade Impel Down City.]"

Having said this, Enxia paused, recalled Kuhlman's judgment, and said:

"In addition to the BIGMOM pirates, there are also members of the Beasts pirates in Impel Down. But Kaido did not show up."

"With the three disasters coming together, Kaido was probably blocked by others and didn't come!"

"That is to say..."


Before Enxia could finish speaking, Zefa suddenly stood up and took a few steps back with her.

"Will Kaido not be targeted by Coleman..."

At this moment, the endless chill and anger in Zefa's tone made Enxiya shut up.

"What are you waiting for?"

Zefa looked at Nxiya, with determination in his eyes.

"Kulman stopped the others... let's go kill Kaido!"

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