Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 156: Only me

When the prisoners on the sixth floor escaped, Enxia had already realized that something was wrong.

Inventory of enemy and enemy combat strength:

Our side: Zefa who is old and weak, Magellan who is alone and helpless, Kuhlman who is half dead, Dusqi who is just starting out, Ashe who is not good at frontal combat, Paul who is recovering from serious injuries, and himself who is useless in close combat.

Enemies: Charlotte Lingling, one of the Four Emperors, Red Earl Redfield, Barrett, the Descendant of the Devil, Bundy Walder, the Destroyer of Worlds, which one of these people is not a famous figure?

At the next level, there are Kaixia Jinbei who is imprisoned for some reason, Hiryu of the Rain, King of Evil, Big Wine Barrel, Huge Battleship, Crescent Moon Hunter, Fire Calamity, Plague Quinn, etc., just pick one out. It's enough to put the young children of the Golden Generation into a tough fight.

How to fight this? There's no way to fight this!

Even if there are two more generals, Enxia feels that this situation will not be easy to fight.

She pursues justice that adapts to the circumstances, so she will be patient when she needs to be patient, and she will be desperate when she needs to be desperate. And when faced with such a dead end, she would not fight to the death.

Acting according to circumstances and acting flexibly may seem despicable to some people, but in Nxia's view, this is just a means to preserve vitality.

In her opinion, it was time to retreat at this time.

Where there is life, there is hope. So what if these people run away? Those who could be caught back then would be caught the first time or the second time. And when these people in the Navy die, they are really dead.

Therefore, Enxia chose to escape at the first opportunity and dive into the fog. Quinn had always been passively beaten, and Nxia's brief disappearance did not arouse his suspicion. He just thought that Nxia was looking for an opportunity to shoot her again.

However, just when he was on guard and ready to counterattack at any time, Enxia had already arrived at Kuhlman's side.

The purpose of retreat is to preserve the vitality, and in Enxia's view, Coleman, the second strongest person in the Golden Generation, is obviously the one who needs to be taken away.

Even though it seems that he is already dead, he is still breathing a sigh of relief. Maybe he can be saved if he gets out?

Her tall and thin figure emerged from the mist and landed next to Kuhlman.

"Can you still move?"

Enshia asked.

Coleman's originally chaotic spirit suddenly gradually became clear, and he raised his upper eyelids with difficulty.

"……what do you want to do?"

he asked laboriously and weakly.

"Take you away and get out of here."

Enxia breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Kullman was still conscious. Immediately, she put on a straight face and reached out to help Coleman.

However, when Enxia tried to pull Kuhlman up, Kuhlman's tone suddenly became deeper.


"What are you waiting for? If you wait any longer, when those guys on the sixth floor really take action, it will be too late."

Enxia's playful expression finally disappeared, and for the first time, an anxious look appeared on her face.

"Are you going to... give up here?"

"Do you still want to keep this place?"

Enxia's eyes widened, and he lowered his voice and grinned at Kullman:

"Stop joking, have you really been knocked out of your mind? Take a good look at the current situation."

"It's impossible to hold on to this impel city. Just retreat first, and then capture these people and bring them back to prison later!"

"If we don't leave, we will all die here!"

Enxia was a little excited and even reached out to grab Kuhlman's shoulders.

Nxiya did not dare to use too much force to take Kuhlman away who was seriously injured, so he could only treat him with emotion and reason.

"You should understand better than me..."


Suddenly, Coleman grabbed Nsia's arm.

Enxiya's eyes shrank slightly.


"Have those guys on the sixth floor escaped?"

The blood foam overflowing from Coleman's mouth made his words not only hoarse, but also accompanied by the sound of bubbles bursting.

But his gradually clear eyes let Enxia know that Kullman was awake now.

As if he had made a decision, he seemed to be having a comeback. His injuries continued to worsen, but he became more and more radiant.


"...'As long as the notorious pirates and conspirators are still at sea...people will stay up all night because they are afraid of losing the ones they love.'"

"'So, to give peace of mind to the weak... I'm going to put the vicious criminals in jail.'"

"'This is the great fortress of hell. If this place is destroyed, people will fall into infinite panic.'... This is what Deputy Warden Hannibal said."

"If we escape here, we may not have to pay the price...but the people on the sea...will pay the price for us."

"Is this also what you can bear, Enshia?"

"Are you giving up here now to say that their sacrifices are meaningless?"

Coleman looked at Enxia solemnly, calmly, silently, and sharply.

He spoke intermittently, but every word was ringing.

Hearing what Kuhlman said, Enxia took a deep breath, and his expression suddenly became extremely angry.

"...Do you think I am willing?"

"What I hate most in my life is being forced to escape. It is really embarrassing to be forced to run away by others!"

"But so what? Survival is the most important thing. If your life is still there, anything is possible!"

"Kulman, I hated you from the beginning."

"I have always looked so serious and righteous, majestic and upright."

"I also know that people like you are often the most stubborn when faced with a situation like this, and will kill everyone!"

"So Kuhlman, let me ask you a question now - are you leaving?"

"If you don't leave, I will take someone else with me."

"This war has been lost, stop dragging others into the water!"

"It's time to make a choice, abandon your worthless innocence, or die stupidly here!?"

"Are you sure you can defeat those monsters!?"

【"I have."】

"If not, just follow me...wait..."

Enxia suddenly paused.

After a while, she looked at Kullman in shock.

Coleman's body was covered in blood, and his white navy uniform was dyed bright red.

But under the hair that was stuck together with blood, the look of the two eyes was far clearer and stronger than Enxia's.

"...What did you just say?"

"I have."

"have what?"

"We are sure to defeat those monsters."

"Are you kidding!?"

Enxia's expression suddenly became ferocious and twisted. She let go of her hand and took a few steps back.

Coleman stared into Nsia's eyes and watched her retreat.

Enxia shook her head and backed away:

"You're crazy, you're not awake anymore."

"The Red Earl, the descendant of the devil, the destroyer of the world, who is not a famous figure in this world..."

"You can't even defeat Mary, and you still say that you are sure to defeat them?"

"There is a limit to being brave!"

Enxia's fists were shaking.

This is a lie.

Although she doesn't like to be held back by others, her noble character will still be respected by others even if she is stupid. Therefore, not only did she not dislike Kuhlman, in fact, after getting along with him for a long time, the person she respected the most was Kuhlman, not Mary.

Therefore, she actually really wanted to take Kuhlman away.

But right now...

"There's no time, Coleman, I don't have time to convince you."

"If you want to stay here, then you can die alone."

"I'm leaving..." After saying that, Enxia slowly turned around and her body slowly merged into the mist.

The process was extremely slow, and Nxiya waited.

Waiting for Kuhlman to change his mind was the only way she could think of to make a person with Kuhlman's character compromise.

After all, everyone cherishes their lives. Knowing that death is meaningless, it is obviously impossible for Kuhlman to welcome such a thing with his wisdom.


Coleman's hoarse voice came from behind.

Enxia was shocked and turned around immediately.

"Have you changed your mind?"

Enxia herself didn't notice that her tone was slightly trembling at this time, revealing a sense of expectation.

However, Kuhlman's answer disappointed him.

"Encia...take them away. The Beasts Pirates and the BIGMOM Pirates have united, but Kaido didn't show up. I'm afraid there are still people outside who are fighting hard against Kaido."

Kuhlman said, raised his head slightly and said:

"You take the others and defeat Kaido."

"I'll hold on to this place."


Enxia opened her mouth slightly.

"……Are you serious?"


"Are you conscious?"

"Very sober."

The two looked at each other for a long time.

Enxia swallowed, her expression very stiff.

"You really...have a way to stop them?"

"Believe me."

A concise and clear answer, just like Kuhlman's usual style.

Looking at Coleman's unshakable gaze, Enxia was silent for a long time.

Finally, she turned around.

"Enxia, ​​bring me a message to Mary..."

Enxia did not look back, but her body gradually melted away and merged into the mist.

"I did what I promised her."

"Justice can be filthy, but the heart must be pure..."

"See you tomorrow."

As soon as the words fell, Enxia disappeared.

Seeing no one in front of him, Coleman let out a long sigh.

Enxia has a way to take away other people's things, as long as others are willing...

People with natural fruit abilities are better than any strong person in escaping. As long as they are unwilling to get entangled, natural fruit users will hardly be stopped by any other type of strong person.

And how to make others willing...

Coleman stood up with difficulty.

His wound tore open again, and his heart and lungs almost fell out of his body.

The blood had gradually coagulated, and the ubiquitous feeling of powerlessness in his body made Kuhlman deeply understand what a bad state his body was in.

But Coleman no longer cared.

He did not deceive Nshia. Even though his body is in tatters, there is still one way to reverse the current situation.

It's just that he has to pay the price with his life.

Not even Huangquan can go forward. Once that move is used, not even the soul will be left.

——So what?

He moved forward slowly, and the will-o'-the-wisps began to burn on his body.

But unlike before, the burning will-o'-the-wisp this time is no longer an ominous gray, but a sacred silvery white.

"Dead, 51,232 people..."

Coleman's fruit power has reached its extreme. How many dead people and souls there are are extremely clear in his mind at this time.

"There are more dead than I thought..."

Enxia, ​​do you know?

We are the ones at a disadvantage, not justice. Every inch of land captured by the pirates, at least for now, still belongs to justice, and this has never changed.

And my justice... was born for this moment.

[Kulman, do you know? 】

[Justice exists objectively, it is the truth in the world, it is inclusive and diverse, pure and simple. 】

[Because of its diversity, it can protect ordinary people or maintain order in the sea. Even killing can be the path to justice. 】

[But it is pure at the same time. A person with a righteous mind must have a noble heart. Otherwise, a fighter who cannot find a reason to fight will gradually fall into the abyss and eventually become evil. 】

In Coleman's mind, he recalled the instructions his instructor gave him when he had just joined the army and was still ignorant.

The smile that was finally burned out in the flames of war is still fresh in Kuhlman's memory.

[Everyone here is a like-minded person like you. 】

[It is to protect our country and protect the justice of the people that we draw out our swords and knives and put on armor. 】

Yes, from the beginning, I already had a reason to fight.

From the beginning to today, the objects of protection have changed, but justice has never changed.

He has never wavered in his justice and is always ready to sacrifice for it, as if he was born for it.

On Coleman's body, white fire started burning from the soles of his feet and gradually spread to the top of Coleman's head.

All the bodies burned by the flames became translucent. His body began to turn golden, surrounded by silver-gray flashes.

BIGMOM, who was fighting with Zefa, suddenly trembled.

"what happened……"

In her stunned eyes, waves of soul power passed by her.

Prometheus, Zeus, and Napoleon all had extremely painful and struggling expressions on their faces, and the chess soldiers she brought all fell down like cut rice.

All the souls flew out and rushed in one direction.

"That is……"

"What are you thinking about!?"

When BIGMOM was distracted, Zefa's crusher hit her in the stomach.

“Crushing bunt!

! "

With an explosion, Zefa's crusher emitted a dazzling fire, followed by BIGMOM's body shaking violently, and her high-pitched scream.



The severely injured BIGMOM ignored the previous abnormality, and her anger seemed to be transmitted to her three Homies, stabilizing their souls.

A fierce fight broke out between the two again.

"Are we going to help?"

Shiliu took a puff of his cigar and asked in a deep voice.

"No." Barrett shook his head, "Let's forget about this kind of thing. I can't afford to humiliate that old guy Zefa by bullying him with more."

Ladfield nodded with deep understanding.

As a lone ranger who once kept pace with Roger and the Golden Lion on his own, he also has his own pride.

Perospero couldn't help but twitch his face.

He fished these people out just to make the battle progress faster. Fortunately, they all fished with the self-esteem of a strong man.

But...it doesn't matter. The purpose of speeding up the battle is to prevent being caught off guard by the headquarters' support. Now, the two guys with white beard and red hair may have appeared in Marineland. Even if the navy mobilizes one or two generals to advance into the city under huge pressure, they will not be a match for these prisoners.

Perospero's calculations crackled.

As a result, these people missed their only chance to escape.

Tens of thousands of souls gathered towards Kuhlman, and their consciousness flew to hell. The power of the soul was quenched by the will-o'-the-wisp into its essence and incorporated into Kuhlman's body.

I don’t know if it was Enxia’s intention, but the fog around Kullman was extremely thick, almost turning into water.

This also resulted in that no one noticed what was going on inside, and no one cared about what happened here.

As Kullman moved from the edge of the impel city to the center of the battlefield step by step, the will-o'-the-wisp component burned everything about him.

The will-o'-the-wisp burned through Kuhlman's chest, and his body burned away, leaving only his clean body.

The will-o'-the-wisp burned through Kuhlman's eyes. When he opened his eyes, there was pure white inside.

The will-o'-the-wisp burned Kuhlman's hair, and his hair turned into silver curls, slowly floating in the air.

Finally, his body was burned to the ground, and his soul lost the shackles of his body and floated up from the ground.

Beside him, the fragments of his soul formed strips of pale golden light, surrounding him like an asteroid belt.

At this moment, the remains of the will-o'-the-wisp floating in the air are the true appearance of Kullman's heart.

This is his justice too: pure and noble justice.

He took a deep breath, and the Yunqie in his hand was also burned by the will-o'-the-wisp, turning into a crystal clear sword.

"Sure enough, you are also a noble sword..."

Coleman looked at the sword in his hand and lifted it.

"Then come with me."

"Underworld Funeral."

This is the insurance mechanism of Coleman's fruit power, and it is also the last trick that can be used and can only be used once in a lifetime.

The complete animalization of the ancient battlefield fire - the funeral ceremony of the underworld.

Burn the will-o'-the-wisp to the extreme, completely burning out your own body, leaving only your own soul, and even your own soul will burn. You will have an unlimited amount of the combined strength of all the deceased's bodies, and the duration will be unlimited.

Until the owner of the Devil Fruit ability has his soul burned out and dies.

This process is irreversible.

He raised his head and looked into the distance.

At this moment, the fog dispersed.

Coleman's figure appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, no matter who it was, they felt a chill deep in their souls.

An extremely powerful yet extremely peaceful aura slowly spread out.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on the ground of level 5, the white humanoid standing in the center.

Coleman was silent, raised his sword, and pointed it directly at everyone in level 6.

At this moment, there are no shackles or prisons between these criminals and the world.

Just my flame.

Just my cloud cutter.

just me.

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