Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 145: Push forward the city on the isolated island!

Inside Impel Down City, Magellan was taking Kuhlman and others to visit Impel Down City.

"The prisoners on this floor of the Extreme Cold Hell are all pirates with a bounty of over 100 million. The prisoners on this floor are in an environment that is colder than a large icehouse. Their bodies are severely frostbitten until they die. There are also animals in the forest of the Extreme Cold Hell. There are a large number of "military wolves", more ferocious than the huge beasts on the second level."

"In addition, because the temperature of this level of hell is too low, there are no surveillance phone bugs installed on this level."

With that said, Magellan handed some coats to Kuhlman and others.

"do you need?"

"No, no need." Kuhlman refused naturally.

Magellan nodded and put his coat away again. Continue to introduce:

"The prisoners on this level are already the highest-ranking and most important group of prisoners under the legend, including the prisoner you captured, BIGMOM's daughter Armand."

"But because she is a strong person in physical skills, she was just locked up and the torture she suffered was not enough, so I come here from time to time to release poison regularly to control her."

"In about another month, she shouldn't have the strength to struggle anymore."

Magellan said in a deep voice that he had been doing this kind of thing since he joined the job, and his control of time was quite precise.

Kuhlman looked at the surrounding environment, looked down all the way, and recalled the mountains of swords and seas of fire he had seen before, and he couldn't help but sigh:

"'Impulse City' is truly a purgatory on earth. "

"Hell is designed for human beings. The purpose of this "Propulsion City" is to serve as a symbol of the ruthless suppression of evil in the world, to deter people from doing evil. "

Magellan said sonorously and forcefully: "No matter what era, the restriction of human power and the protection of order are things that should be placed at the forefront of society and should be considered most. This is the reason why I am willing to guard here. "

"What an admirable morality..."

In the team behind Kuhlman, Dasqi looked at Magellan with gleaming eyes.

According to Mr. Zefa's introduction, Magellan's strength is close to [General]. If he is willing to use this ability to find a job in the navy, he may have a better working environment and promotion opportunities. But he resolutely accepted this thankless job in the eyes of others.

For him, fame and wealth are not what he wants in his eyes. What he cares about is his ideals and responsibility for maintaining the order of the world.

This noble quality makes Dasqi admire her very much.

When she was willing to go to the headquarters to follow Mary, in addition to Mary being familiar with her, it was largely due to Mary's concept of justice. Now, the burly mature man in front of me is completely different from Mary in terms of ability and appearance, but his thoughts are indeed the same.

"You're Dusky, right?"

Magellan also heard what Dusky said, turned around and gave her an ugly smile. It looks forced, but it looks very honest.

"I've heard that you are a swordsman. It just so happens that besides me, among the people guarding the impel city, there is also a swordsman who is as capable as me. If there is a chance, I might be able to let you compete. "


Hearing this, Dasqi became excited instantly.

Magellan's strength is close to that of a general, on par with him... In other words, he is a swordsman close to the level of a general!

It’s exciting just thinking about it!

I don’t know when, but Dasqi, who was originally obsessed with collecting famous swords, gradually began to move closer to Sauron in terms of personality.

Perhaps the difference began to appear when Mary gave her Captain Bizen's light and the figure of Sasagi Kojiro appeared in her dreams.

"Is it Shiru of the Rain?"

At this time, Zefa, who was following the team at the back, suddenly asked.

He was actually the nominal person in charge of this visit, although in reality it was Mary and Coleman who carried out the operations, and Zefa was only responsible for leading the team in.

"Yes, it's Hiryuu of the Rain."

Magellan nodded.

"That guy is a real trapped beast in a cage. Has his temper calmed down a bit now?"

Zefa obviously knew something about this Xiliu, so he asked Magellan.

"That guy Xiliu must have restrained himself a lot." Magellan was not sure about this either: "At least he is not very good at swearing now that he is on the sixth floor."

"If the two of you work together, then you two can guard Impel Down City, and you can generally rest assured."

Zefa knocked on the ground and felt something strange.

Why does it feel like the floor is... hollow?

The unique structure of Impel Down?

However, before Zefa could think about it, the phone bug Magellan carried suddenly rang.

Magellan answered the phone, but an extremely panicked voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Mai, Mai...Director Magellan!

! "

"Calm down, what happened?"

The obviously wrong tone on the other side of the phone caused Magellan's expression to change, and Zefa immediately tensed up his body and entered a battle-ready state.

The world's largest prison is the most important place, and nothing can go wrong. Always be vigilant, this is what Zefa taught Kuhlman and others.

Therefore, Kuhlman and others quickly entered a fighting state.

"Someone invaded Impel Down!

! "


Magellan's face changed with shock, and he shouted loudly: "Who is it!?"

"It's the Four Emperors...ahhh!

! "

Before he finished speaking, there was a scream from the other side of the phone, and with a snap, the phone was hung up.

In the Director's Office of Impel Down City, there are sculptures solidified with syrup everywhere. The syrup gushes out from the cracks in the wall and fills the entire room before anyone can react.

And Perospero stood at the top of the Impel City and slowly put away his hand.

He licked his lollipop cane.

"Hehehehe... The core communication area has been taken out. Mom, we can take action now."

Around the impel city, large ships emerged one after another, and the coated bubbles on them exploded when they surfaced.

On the ship, figures famous in the new world stood proudly.

BIGMOM Pirates’ Bean Minister Charlotte Daifuku, Brown Minister Charlotte Owen, Butter Minister Charlotte Opela...

But in fact, the generals of the BIGMOM Pirates are all fighting in Alabasta at this time, so in terms of the strength of the BIGMOM Pirates, the entire army is not actually dispatched this time.

However, this time the BIGMOM pirates are not fighting alone.

From the other side of the impel city, on a dozen large ships, the pirates of the Beast Pirates were also standing on the bows.

Great version of Plague Queen and Drought Jack.

Kanban Fuzfu, Black Maria, Sasaki, Junye, Peggy Man.

Countless pillars and givers...

Three brothers, Charlotte Conte, Charlotte Cadence and Charlotte Cavallet, swam out of the water.

"The nearby blue monkeys and giant sea kings have been cleared, Brother Perospero."

These three brothers are quite powerful. In the original Cake Island chapter, they worked together to defeat Luffy.

As these ships sailed all the way over, the invading sea kings and blue monkeys were all dealt with by these three brothers.


The flagship of the Beast Pirates was originally empty on the bow. The next moment, a dark figure slammed into the bow of the ship.

The last big sign: All troops are in danger, arrived.

"The two nearby naval fleets and the guarding lieutenant general were killed by me."

Jin said coldly: "They didn't have time to report it to the outside world."

"very good!"

Perospero shouted excitedly, spreading his hands and looking up to the sky.

"Mom! It's your turn now!

! "

"Rumble, rumble..."

"Elbaf's Spear - Powerful Country!

! "

BIGMOM's shrill laughter came from the sky.

Napoleon slashed downwards with a giant sword energy shock wave, with an extremely wide range and extremely fast speed. The entire cloud covering the Impel City collapsed in the blink of an eye.

Then, the floors of the advancing city had no ability to block the sword energy and instantly collapsed.

On the fifth underground floor, Magellan looked at the hung up phone and was a little shocked for a moment.

"The Four Emperors..."

Zefa's eyes narrowed slightly: "Which of the Four Emperors attacked Impel Down City? He was so bold..."

At this time, Zefa suddenly remembered a major event discussed in the headquarters recently.

A terrible thought came to his mind.

"It can't be Whitebeard..."

Suddenly, there were bursts of roaring sounds overhead.

Everyone came to their senses immediately and raised their heads.

The next moment, the ceiling exploded and countless fragments flew towards everyone.

A ferocious big face appeared in the smoke and swooped down rapidly.

“Fire from heaven!

! "

Auntie grabbed Prometheus with one hand, formed a pillar of fire, and smashed it at Magellan and others.

Without any hesitation, Zefa immediately jumped up.

"Crush Collapse!

! "

The extremely pure armed domineering energy covered the crusher, and Zefa punched hard, colliding with Big Mom's Prometheus.

A huge explosion spread throughout Impel Down City!

Zefa, who went all out, completely offset Big Mom's attack.

Auntie, who had been invincible from the first level, finally encountered some obstacles here.

The flames dispersed, and the aunt's ferocious smile appeared in front of everyone.

"Haha, Zefa, why are you, an old guy, in a ghost place like Impel Down?"

Auntie seemed very surprised by Zefa's appearance, but even though she was surprised, she didn't care too much.

It seemed that Zefa didn't matter to her. Maybe this is the self-confidence of being a Yonko.

Auntie has absolute confidence in any one-on-one challenge against any general. What's more, Zefa is now old. As a strong man who mainly relies on physical skills to fight, the impact of age on him can be said to be frightening. Moreover, he was famous for his black wrists, and one of his arms was broken off at this time.

Therefore, from Auntie's point of view, having one more Zefa makes this prison robbery a little more troublesome, but it has nothing to do with the overall situation.

"I'm quite surprised. Originally, I thought it would be Whitebeard who would come to rob the prison!"

Zefa also grinned, showing a cruel smile.

In the earliest days, Zefa fought countless pirates but never killed any enemy, so he was called the "non-killing" general.

However, after enduring the murder of his family by pirates and the murder of all his beloved students except Ain and Binz, his attitude toward pirates took a 180° turn, and his entire personality became violent and terrifying. .

Even though he has long since fallen from his peak, facing his aunt, Zefa's momentum is not bad at all.

"You actually dare to challenge the authority of the World Government with the power of a pirate group. You are really brave!"

Zefa shouted.

However, what he received in response was the aunt's disdainful snort.

"Haha, who told you that I was the only one here this time?"

As soon as she finished speaking, a figure appeared from behind her and hit Magellan directly below.

"Fire Dragon Emperor!"

A flame wrapped around the samurai sword, and then an oriental dragon-shaped flame was shot through the sword. The hot flames were like magma, shooting toward Magellan.

But the director of Impel Down City remained calm, and three huge purple dragon-shaped venom appeared behind him.

"Poison dragon!"

The three-headed poisonous dragon jumped straight upward and collided with the fire dragon. The purple dragon came into contact with the red dragon, emitting a pungent stench, and the purple poisonous mist spread quickly.

"Spread out!" Upon seeing this, Magellan shouted immediately.

His poison does not distinguish between friend and foe. Anyone who comes into contact will slowly lose their senses and be corroded by the poison. That's no joke.

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of Gatlin firing suddenly appeared, and countless bullets were fired towards the ground!

"Be careful! Stay away!"

The sharp-eyed Coleman immediately yelled. At the same time, the equally sensitive Enxia immediately grabbed both Dasqi and Ai Xi next to him, and immediately pulled them out of the shooting range.

Kuhlman pushed Paul and Kier beside him.

"Mr. Coleman..."

Keir's expression was extremely shocked.

He didn't expect that he, who was halfway on the boat and was not even familiar with anyone, would actually be rescued by Kuhlman.

However, Kuhlman was alone within the strafing range at this time. He had no choice but to put up armed protection.

The power of these bullets is quite terrifying, and it is simply different from normal weapons. Even though Coleman tried his best, his back was still scratched by the bullet.


Just when the mysterious man in the sky opened fire recklessly, a crisp gunshot terminated the fire coverage, and Gatlin suddenly misfired.

The smoke slowly dispersed from Enxia's gun muzzle.

"Get off here."

She looked sharply into the sky, behind her aunt.

A fat voice fell from the sky and hit everyone in front of them.

He held up Gatlin, whose core structure was directly interrupted by Enxia's sudden shot and was completely scrapped, and said:

"Damn it! Kid, you actually destroyed my plague bomb..."

Quinn looked at everyone with an angry face. Enxia curled her lips in disdain and immediately pointed the gun at Quinn.

"I'm going to destroy that pig head of yours next, Fatty."

On the other side, Kiel rolled and crawled towards Kuhlman.

Coleman pulled out his sword, took a deep breath, straightened his body, and looked at Quinn ready.

"Mr. Kuhlman, are you okay?"

Kil said quickly.

"Don't worry, it's just a scratch." Coleman said, shaking his head.

"This guy should be Plague Quinn." Enshia stared at Quinn and said, "That black guy should have been wiped out by Plague. It seems that the Beast Pirates have also gotten involved... There is still a big sign left. Can a drought jack, Coleman, handle it?”

Coleman thrust his sword into the ground, his eyes cold.

"Believe me."

easy to understand.

The battle between Zefa and Big Mom is in full swing, and Magellan and Ji are equally matched, but for now, Magellan clearly has the upper hand.

After all, in a confined space, the advantages of poisonous gas are too great.

The remaining people will probably have to be dealt with by their group. It is no exaggeration to say that this is the most difficult battle they have encountered in training.

"Hehe... let's make a big fuss then." Enxia raised her eyebrows, and a mist suddenly began to disperse from her body.

The fog seemed slow, but in fact it filled a space of nearly a kilometer in a few seconds.

Enxia has never shown her fruit ability. This time, she can no longer hide her clumsiness.

Coleman drew his sword and walked toward Quinn step by step.

However, Quinn looked at Coleman and showed a cold smile.


No one noticed that the cold air would gradually spread from the bullet point behind Coleman and slowly spread out. The place covered by the cold became like a ghost, rigid and necrotic.

Quinn's Ice Ghost Virus.

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