Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 144: The Battle of Albana Begins

"what happened!?"

Under great pressure, Kureha led Chopper step by step behind Mary, and shouted to Mary.

The dark gas escaping from Mary's body has now flooded her ankles. The suffocating coldness made Kuleha shiver violently.


The newspaper in Mary's hand was burned to ashes by the flames of the devil.

She pressed down her military cap and turned her head.


! "

Kuleha felt her body stiffen.

Her eyes turned blood red, and her whole body was filled with murderous aura, and the evil aura spread throughout the land. I don't know when I had slowly pulled out the knife in my hand, and it was still stained with bright red liquid - her blood, crawling on the red lines of the twilight!

Kuleha felt a coldness coming from Mary's body. It's not the kind of cold that flows on the surface, it's the cold that comes from the bones and blood, a cold that can devour a person's soul. Mary, who was filled with murderous intent, now had a dull expression on her face, so dull that it was hard to guess.

Those eyes were as calm as a lake. There was a bloodthirsty demon lurking in the lake, faintly emerging under the red light, screaming crazily at Kuleha.

"Mary Vinicius..."

Kuleha struggled to open and close her mouth, leaving cold sweat on her forehead.

"Kuleha..." Mary whispered, "Take Chopper and come with me."

"What happened?"

Kureha swallowed, hugged Chopper tightly, and asked breathlessly.

"Your medical skills are useful, so don't say any more."

"If you don't want to—"

"Then I will take you away by force, and I will do what I say."

Mary thought of the scene of corpses strewn across the field, and also thought of the symphony of blood and fire in Albana.

We don't know how many wounded there will be. It will definitely be useful to bring two more people with superb medical skills there.

But at this moment, she no longer cared about convincing the two of them. Now she has no time.

"I'll go with you."

Kureha said decisively.

She looked into Mary's eyes. Those eyes were so hollow that it gave people the impression that they were facing a black hole, and their souls would be swallowed by them at any time.

For someone with such terrifying eyes, Kuleha had no doubts about her ability to execute her words.

Especially... I'm afraid something big has really happened to Mary now.

Mary nodded wordlessly, and a stream of blood erupted from her body, directly rolling up Kureha and Chopper.

The next moment, with a sharp scream of air bursting, Mary's hair turned blood red in an instant, and her eyes looked as if they were crying blood, and the wine was shockingly red.

There was a loud bang.

The blood was also controlled by Mary and exploded with great acceleration in an instant.

Kureha coughed up a mouthful of blood, gritted her teeth, and tightly hugged the fainted Chopper.

Chopper is an animal type fruit user, so this is nothing to him.

But Kuleha was suffering. Her injuries were not healed yet, and her injuries were aggravated again.

"This little girl is really rude..."

She looked at the silent Mary and murmured in a low voice.

"So what happened……"

Mary stared straight ahead, and the permanent pointer on her waist made an overwhelming crisp sound.

Mach 1, Mach 2, Mach 3...

Accelerate like crazy.

In a few seconds, he flew out of Drum Island.

Flying straight towards Alabasta.

"Weiwei! Evacuate!"

Kosha clapped his hands and shouted to Weiwei in front of her desk.

"With Mr. Big Bear and Mr. Sabo guarding it, even the generals won't be able to attack Albana for a while!"

"So many troops, pirates, and Kingdom Guards are enough to make those people restrain themselves!"

"I will also cover you, so you get out of here quickly, Albana is too dangerous."

Weiwei's eyes were red as she kept flipping through the documents.

The pen in my hand never stopped for a moment.

"Terrett's Gazette: 'The pirates of the BIGMOM Pirates chased the fleeing people and used swords and guns to deal with everyone; they even brutally hacked and killed those who fell. Walking on the street, there were dead bodies everywhere under their feet.' "

"Wood reported: 'Some alleys are blocked by dead bodies. Most of the dead are city residents. The ground is soaked in blood, and bodies with mutilated limbs are lying everywhere.'"

"Gremory Daily: 'Our reporter has rushed to the front line and assisted the medical team for rescue. In a day of bloodbath, just a few hundred people searched, and hundreds of people with molds of flesh and blood and broken limbs received treatment. Others Mutilated, lifeless bodies are scattered in every corner of the city in grotesque shapes...'"

In the newspaper, while relying on existing intelligence to check the damage situation in various places, he also verified the specific casualties according to the newspaper. Weiwei tried her best to make a disaster relief plan, and she had already written tens of thousands of words of plans.

As she wrote, Weiwei slammed her hand down on the table.


The entire solid wood tabletop almost exploded to pieces, and the cracks spread to the marble floor.

One end of the pen had turned into powder and was deeply embedded in Weiwei's palm, and blood slowly seeped out.

"These monsters, beasts!"

"People who died in tragedy, people who died in tragedy, people who died in tragedy!"

"These pirates and beasts are afraid of facing the navy. If they have the ability, they can go to the navy headquarters to do so!"

“Why Alabasta again!

! "

Weiwei was hysterically shouting about filial piety, and her voice was a little distorted.

The delicate facial features were distorted with anger for the first time, and the bloody figures were before his eyes. Even Crocodile had never caused such a terrifying scene.

She suddenly raised her head. She had not slept in the past three days. Her hair was disheveled and her eyes were bloodshot. Her burning eyes looked at Kousha with a ferocious gaze.


"Where's the Navy Headquarters? Has there been any response!?"

"Where is the revolutionary army? Where are the Tianlong people!?"

"The Navy Headquarters has urgently dispatched the nearest Vice Admirals. They are Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit and Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin. It only takes three hours at most to reach Alabasta!"

"As for the Revolutionary Army, Mr. Sabo has contacted the nearest Northern Army Commander Crow and has arrived at Rapeseed Flowers! It won't take long to reach Albana!"

"The black knights under Saint Edwyd have been ordered to meet the enemy, and Death Smoke and Water Dragon have also rushed to Alabasta as quickly as possible!"

Kosha also shouted to Weiwei in a somewhat frantic manner: "So Weiwei, leave Albana quickly. This place will soon become a battlefield. It is too dangerous for you to stay here!"

"And you need to rest! Your current mental state is very unstable! If you continue like this you will die!"

"What are you talking about?" Weiwei stood up and yelled at Kosha: "I can't leave here!"

"Katakuri has arrived!" Kosha directly grabbed Weiwei's shoulders, "This place will soon be in flames of war..."

"That's why!" Weiwei violently broke away from Kousha's hand and pushed him to the ground.

"That's why I can't leave. This is absolutely not allowed!"

"I am a weak person, a person who has to work hard to climb to such a position!"

"So commanding on site, boosting morale, preventing the front from collapsing, and giving the people enough time to evacuate are the only things I can do!"

"As a national symbol and a bond that unites the desert, I can only stand here, do you understand!?"


! "

The glass in Weiwei's office exploded, and the fragments splashed onto the backs of the two of them.


Weiwei stood up and walked to the window with Kosha.

In the distance, under the giant black fist, the city wall shattered, and a huge shock wave swept through half of Albana.

"The war has begun..."

Kosha's eyes widened and he clenched his fists.

"Then why are you still standing here!?" Weiwei turned around and angrily shouted, "Bring your adapted army and speed up the transfer of people!"

"Don't be in a daze here!"

Kosha took a deep breath and looked at Weiwei.

"...Then take care of yourself."

"Only Lady Mary and Crocodile couldn't kill me back then. You don't need to worry about my safety!"

Weiwei roared.

Kosha glanced at Weiwei silently, turned around and opened the door to leave.

In the corridor, the sound of Kosha running was heard.

Weiwei took a deep breath and sat back on the chair weakly.

She held her head in her hands and gritted her teeth.

"Why is it like this...why does Alabasta always have to suffer such misfortunes..."

"Because you are too weak."

A female voice came from in front of Weiwei.

Weiwei raised her head, and Yukiyo Amehara appeared in front of her with a smile on her face.

"All unfavorable situations are caused by my own lack of ability, Your Majesty Weiwei."

"People are divided into three levels, and they need to be treated differently. The strong dominate the weak. This is only natural."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Weiwei asked in an extremely cold tone. With her ambition to be the overlord, she felt as oppressed as Mary at the time.

Yukiyo Amehara took a few steps back and took out a fruit from behind.

"So, if Your Majesty Weiwei was strong enough, then what happened today wouldn't have happened, right?"

"How about it, Your Majesty Weiwei... do you need this devil fruit?"

Albana South City.

"Push the pressure cannon."

There was still no obvious emotion in Xiong's tone, he just said calmly.

In a sumo wrestling stance, he continuously launched bear-like shockwaves from his palms, blasting towards his opponent.

"Ningli rice cake!"

Katakuri turned his hand into a bar-shaped rice cake and combined it with the armed color Haki. In an instant, he quickly shot countless bar-shaped glutinous balls hardened with the Armed Color Haki into the air in all directions, canceling them out one by one with the bear's air cannon. .

"I didn't expect that, as the King's Qibukai, you would actually get involved in such a thing."

Katakuri said in his unique hoarse voice, with no emotion in his tone.

"You've gone too far," the bear replied emotionlessly.

"This matter has caused public outrage, and at this time..."

"Is it really necessary to cause such trouble to your mother?

"Everything happens for a reason. Just blame that guy named Mary."

Katakuri blasted out the rice cake with a swipe of his hand, and said expressionlessly:

"The reason for everything is that she kidnapped my sister."

"Tens of thousands of people were massacred just because of this..."

The bear suddenly stopped his strength, closed his hands, and a small ball of light from the bear's paw flew out.

The huge shock wave generated by the reaction force of the atmosphere instantly shattered the hem of Katakuri's scarf.

"Famous recipe for glutinous rice balls!"

The huge glutinous rice dumplings formed a square barrier, blocking the huge power of the bear's impact.

Then, without any pause, the unparalleled rice cake blade bullet was shot from behind the rice cake wall.

"I'm just trying to emulate that Mary."

Katakuri half-closed his eyes, and silently started to activate his sex act.

"Isn't this kind of blood flowing like a river what she likes the most?"

"I am hosting a banquet for her. She is the only goal of my trip."

The two people were fighting fiercely here, and on the other side, Smoothie and Sabo also entered a heated state.

"Dragon Claw Hand!"

"Moisture Sword!"

The dragon claws covered in pure armament colors and the pink sword energy collided fiercely. From a visual perspective, this battle scene was much more intense than the one between Xiong and Katakuri.

"It's not bad to have such a handsome little brother."

"I remember your name was Quake Stein, right?"

"Would you like to join our pirate group? For a guy as young and strong as you are, my mother will definitely not hesitate to introduce you to a beautiful sister."

Smoothie said with ease, constantly swinging his sword to resist Sabo's dragon claws.

"Evil devil, stop pretending to be a human and talk like a human being. Every word you say makes me sick."

Sabo refused coldly, and then took a few steps to widen the gap.

Smoothie quickly joined in. She was tired of killing after several days of killing. Now that she had someone she could fight with in a serious way, she also felt itchy hands.

"Am I an evil spirit? Hahaha, indeed, aren't those who eat devil fruits all devils?"

"It's different. Don't confuse me with you."

Sabo deflected Smoothie's heavy sword with a dragon's hook, and hit the opponent's waist with a side kick.

Smoothie dodged.

The two of them kept fighting like this, and neither could do anything to the other.

However, the attacks between the two became more and more violent, full of deadly momentum.

Compared to the merciless battle between these two pairs, Cracker's side seemed quite fishy in the end.


A thin sword and a biscuit sword intertwined, making a harsh sound of gold and iron.

"Hmm~ The intelligence never mentioned that Albana has a number one figure like you."

Cracker was leisurely creating cookie soldiers while blocking the opponent's attacks with his sword.

"Oh ho ho ho ho~ It's not that easy for me to be known."

An elegantly dressed gentleman said with a smile. His face looked old, but his movements were fast and powerful, causing the unprepared Kricker to suffer a lot.

"You look a lot older, but I didn't expect you to be pretty good at fighting, uncle?"

"Hey, wait a minute, my cookie soldier!"

Cracker shouted exaggeratedly as he watched the biscuit soldier he had just created cut into pieces by the uncle in front of him.

"Alright, kid!" The uncle thrust his sword at the door in front of Kelijia, but he blocked it with his sword.

"Desert Union is the property of the Lord, kid, do you know what you are up against?"

"I advise you not to be too petty. I don't want to put in more effort. Isn't this balanced situation good?"

When Clark heard this, he twitched his eyebrows slightly.

"Uh...what do you mean?"


The two of them seemed to understand it by heart, and their attacks became more and more powerful. Even Smoothie said with a twitching face:

"Why is that guy Cracker so desperate all of a sudden..."

However, in reality, both Cracker and Uncle's attacks became weak, and the two of them just started fishing openly.

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