Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 141: Torch


For more than ten minutes, Chopper fought and retreated, slowly moving in the opposite direction of the people's retreat.

Although Valpo has grown in strength and hardness, he still has no brains.

Only slightly irritated by Chopper's provocation, he chased after him all the way.

However, although Chopper's dexterous body avoided Valpo's punches time and time again, the long and high-intensity pulling had already left Chopper a little exhausted.

The simple and crude bombardment made it difficult for Chopper to withstand. Valpo, who had devoured hundreds of people and an entire herd of deer, now had more than ten tons of power in his movements, which was simply not something Chopper could bear now.

Back then, Dr. Siruluk actually wanted to save such a monster...


Chopper reluctantly dodged Valpo's heavy punch again. The punch blasted through the surrounding walls, and the splashed gravel hit Chopper's face.

That's almost it...

He should have fled far away, right?

After taking a breath, Chopper transformed into his human form and stood in front of Valpo.

"Hoo, ho..."

It breathed heavily and stared at Valpo.

"Eh? Why didn't you run away all of a sudden?"

Looking at Chopper who suddenly stood still, Valpo did not strike hard immediately, but asked curiously.

"Hehe...can you escape?"

Chopper grinned.

In terms of flexibility, it is definitely much more flexible than Valpo, but in terms of speed, Chopper cannot outrun Valpo.

It was so powerful that bricks flew away, and Valpo was dozens of times stronger than its body. Chopper was destined to be unable to outrun Valpo as long as he ran with all his strength.

Since there is no point in escaping, we have to face it.

Fortunately, its goal has been achieved. Apart from not knowing whether people's inherent stubborn ideas will change, it has... no regrets.

Maybe there is still some guilt towards Dr. Siruluk.

‘Am I a qualified doctor now, Dr. Siruluk? ’

‘Mother Kuleha, you are right, you cannot be a doctor with only a kind heart. ’

'But just like Dr. Siruluk, some diseases can only be cured with kindness! ’

"Come on, Valpo!"

"What happened to Dr. Siruluk a few years ago, let the two of us settle the matter now!"

"That's the thing... Chopper wants to die for them."

"That guy... clearly said that he wanted to be a doctor and a panacea..."

Kuleha gritted her teeth and sat on the ground a little decadently.

"That bastard Hiruluk taught him nothing but kindness..."

"How can the disease of the human heart be cured?"

Having said this, Kuleha hammered the ground hard.


"How many people did Valpo eat? How powerful is he?"

In front of me, the girl's cold voice came.

Kuleha was stunned for a moment and raised her head.

After hesitating for a moment, she said slowly:

"He ate one hundred and thirteen people, and probably a herd of deer. He probably had the strength of a vice admiral..."

"I see."

"Let's go."

Kuleha was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously:

"Where to go?"

"Where else can we go?" The girl glanced at Kuleha in confusion. "Hiluluk is dead, do you still want Chopper to die again?"

"I..." Kuleha cheered up and stood up: "Impossible."

"That's it, let's go, it's time to go to the rescue."






Valpo and Chopper exchanged punches to the flesh. Chopper stepped back step by step, and the bones in his body made an unbearable crunching sound.

But there was no expression of pain on its face, it was full of concentration.

Although the previous attack only shattered Valpo's clothes, no damage was done at all. But Chopper didn't react at all and continued to attack Valpo seriously.

Valpo kept swinging his punches, but never subdued Chopper, which also made him feel irritated.

He roared, put his hands together, and smashed down quickly from top to bottom.

Seeing this, Chopper's eyes lit up.

It's now!

Chopper suddenly jumped up, his powerful fist slashed across its chest, and the violent wind even tore its skin and flesh, but it jumped high with firm eyes.

The hands, bulging due to strengthened muscles, were crossed with carved hooves, like cannonballs, blasting with tremendous force.

Before Valpo's offensive failed, he had not been able to alleviate the tendency of his body to bend down.

However, at this moment, two hooves appeared in front of her.

"Strengthening of wrists and engraved hoof cross!"


A crisp crackling sound.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!

! "

Valpo screamed.

Under this heavy hoof, even after considerable hardening, the fragile eyeball still cannot withstand this power.

The whole eyeball shattered at the sound.


When Chopper saw this, he smiled in surprise.

Originally it was only intended to make Valpo retreat in pain, but it was simply unexpected to be able to produce such an effect with one strike.

However, just when it smiled, a heavy punch struck Chopper's stomach from bottom to top at lightning speed.


Chopper felt like he was being struck by lightning, and the huge impact made his whole body make a tooth-piercing sound.

Its body was smashed out like a cannonball, hitting countless walls in succession.

Valpo covered his shattered eyes in pain, howling miserably and rushing toward Chopper.

Chopper coughed twice, spat out a mouthful of blood, and jumped away from Valpo's attack.

"Hoo, ho..."

Both of them were breathing heavily and facing each other.

Although Valpo has great strength and good endurance, he has been fighting with Chopper for so long, and Chopper took the opportunity to hit him hard. Now he is breathing not only from exhaustion, but also from anger and annoyance.

Chopper, on the other hand, was really about to lose his strength.

Exhausted, broken bones in countless places in the body, excessive blood loss...

After learning medical skills from Dr. Kuleha for so long, Chopper knew very well how bad his current physical condition was.

It can be said that as long as it is delayed for a while without treatment, it will definitely die today.

However, it didn't think about going back alive.

"My life has been really good..."

Siruluk said this before he died.

Chopper might not be as open-minded as him at first. However, due to the influence of Siruluk and Kuleha over the years, it has long disregarded its own life and death.

"You must die here today..." Valpo looked at Chopper and growled in a thick voice.

Chopper let out a sigh of relief and sat on the ground.

He leaned back slightly, propped up his hands, and looked at Valpo.

"Valpo...when exactly do people die?"


Valpo was stunned for a moment.

This sentence...why do I always feel like I have heard it somewhere?

Chopper adjusted his hat.

"When all the blood is drained?"


"Is this when the injury is fatal?"

"That's not right either."

"Is this the time when you are reviled and despised by everyone?"

"of course not."


Valpo remembered.

He remembered why the reindeer sat here in such a familiar position.

The pink hat overlapped with the black hat from years ago.

Many years ago, a quack doctor named Shiluluq also said something similar in front of him.

Many years later, his reindeer said the same thing in front of him.

"But, it's the time when the world forgets it."

"Come on, Valpo..."

"My life has been really good."

"Are you humiliating me! Beast!"

Valpo scratched his head frantically and strode towards Chopper with murderous intent.

A quack doctor and a beast actually humiliated me like this in front of me... It's unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable!

Since you don't care about death, then I will send you to death!

“Tony Tony Chopper!

! "

Valpo ran, his burly body sweeping across the earth, and the surrounding ruins trembled.

The black shadow gradually enveloped Chopper, and Chopper looked towards the sky.

"Sakura...pink cherry blossoms..."

"Goodbye, Doctor Kuleha."

"Dr. Siruluk, goodbye."


"Sea of ​​Blood——"


Suddenly, a piece of red water spread out, spreading out at a speed of hundreds of meters per second.

Chopper was stunned for a moment, and his whole body was suddenly lifted up from the back of his neck.


"Idiot son, don't do such stupid things!" Kuleha endured the pain in her body and quickly retreated with Chopper.

"You are so cruel to leave me as a lonely old woman."

"Mother Kuleha..."

Chopper's facial features were twisted together. When he wanted to die, he saw his mentor and family again. This kind of shock was something that no normal person could bear.

However, Chopper only reacted in an instant and immediately began to struggle.

"Let me go, Doctor Kuleha, and run away!"

"Valpo has been injured by me now. I can hold him back for a while. You hurry up and build a ship and take the others with you!"

The person who built ships for the common people was none other than the mean-spirited Kureha. She said she would not save these stupid people, but when Chopper made a request to build a ship, Kureha refused many times and finally agreed.

In Chopper's opinion, Kuleha, who is omnipotent, can indeed build a boat - although it is an extremely simple raft, it can carry a group of people out to sea without any problem.

Chopper's desire to sacrifice was aroused again, but this time, Kuleha decisively hit Chopper on the head with a violent force.

"Idiot son, don't say such things again!"

"Do you think you are wise in this way? No! My heart has been broken by you!"

"If you die, how can you let me, an old woman, survive alone on the sea? You want to kill me, stupid son!"

Kureha cursed mercilessly.

Chopper was a little dazed after being beaten and scolded by Kuleha.

"Cocoa, Doctor Kuleha..." Chopper asked a little confused: "If you drag me along, we will both be eaten by Valpo!"

"You are no match for Valpo..."


There was another violent shudder, and Chopper covered his head in grievance.

"Idiot, after spending so long with me, don't you have any idea whether I will come to help you without preparation?"

"Eh? Can Medical Lady Kuleha find a way to defeat Valpo?"

Chopper asked a little surprised.

"I don't know...but at least it should be no problem to hold off Valpo."

"Although I didn't do anything."

Kuleha glanced behind her.

"That little girl who has become famous recently...should not be the embroidered pillow."

When Chopper heard this, he was stunned for a moment and looked back.

I saw a large amount of blood spreading, forming an extremely terrifying sea of ​​blood.


! "

When Chopper saw this scene, the hair on his body suddenly exploded.

"What is that!?"

"that is……"

Kuleha was also a little confused. After all, Devil Fruits have all kinds of strange abilities. Even she who had lived for more than a hundred years was a little unsure of this visually impressive ability.

"Maybe she's the same guy as you."

"A guy like me?" Chopper was stunned for a moment, "Is she also a [monster]?"

"That's okay," Kureha nodded, "You are all... freaks who ate Devil Fruits."

Chopper looked at Kuleha blankly, then looked back at the sea of ​​blood, but he no longer felt the fear he had before.

"A monster like me..."

"Who are you? What are you?"

The blood gradually stuck to Valpo's body, making him feel sticky and sticky all over his body, which was disgusting and bothersome.

"Why are they trying to get in one after another...the guys who are ruining my affairs!"

Valpo roared and rushed towards the direction where the sea of ​​blood spread behind him.

"Stop it."

A deep voice came, and with the snap of fingers, a large amount of blood rushed up, covering Valpo completely.

"woo woo woo woo……"

Valpo's incomprehensible roar came from it.

"It's such a hard thing...it's covered in armor but it can't be penetrated. It's really scary when the Tunton Fruit is really developed."

Mary drove her blood, covered it with armed color, and turned into a sharp blade trying to pierce Valpo's body.

However, the hardness of Valpo's body is much higher than that of steel. Even if he is not armed, it is just like those naval admirals who have trained iron to the extreme, and it is difficult to break through the defense.

Moreover, Valpo can also move flexibly... maybe not flexibly, which is much better than those lieutenant generals.

And Valpo obviously noticed that the blood was trying to penetrate his body but in vain, and he laughed wildly:

"Moohahahaha, little girl, it seems like all your blood is just a useless toy!"

"Whether it's you, Kuleha, or those stronger guys!"

"As long as I eat enough, you can't penetrate my skin!"


Hearing what Valpo said, Mary's eyes turned cold and she sighed.

Then, he opened his eyes slightly.

"Not to mention whether my blood can pierce you..."

Because I haven't tried my best yet.

"Are you really naive? Do you think I only have blood as my only means of attack?"

"Don't you guys even watch the news?"

At this point, Mary snapped her fingers again.

In an instant, dark flames ignited from her body and spread throughout the sea of ​​​​blood in the blink of an eye.

Even the blood on the surface of Valpo's body ignited the flames of hell.

The evil eye shone brightly, and dark red flames swept across the entire street.

The intense heat easily penetrated Valpo's flames. Devouring the castle gave Valpo only enough physical resistance. But Valpo still has no ability to resist the damage caused by high temperature.

"Let me teach you a lesson, Valpo."

"The only thing in the world that makes you feel pain is bleeding."

Mary walked past the howling Valpo, never bothering to look at him again.

Compared to his previous opponents, this Valpo was really horribly stupid, without any fighting instincts. He had the idea that I was invincible, but he didn't have enough ability to support it.

He's just physically stronger than the average lieutenant general. Apart from that, this guy doesn't even have any fighting skills. He can bully the old and weak Kureha and Chopper, who can't even beat Dalton at the moment. .

Snag, who was much stronger than him, had no ability to struggle under Mary's hand. It can only be said that his long-term abuse of food allowed his arrogant and bad nature to take over again.

He raised his military cap and said:

"Demon Flame, you idiot."

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