Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 140: Ogre Valpo

"Moohahahaha, don't run away, come and become one with your king!"

On Ciggu Island, harsh shouts echoed in the town.

A terrifying shadow covered Drum Island. In a dark corner, Kuleha gasped and sat down on the ground.


She cursed angrily, pushed herself up, and looked outside again.

Towns are slowly disappearing.

Since Blackbeard left, Valpo has made a comeback. Kureha occupied his castle and defeated Valpo three times, but was finally driven out by him leading a group of pirates. Valpo, who was once scared away by Blackbeard, acted increasingly cruelly. Knowing that his strength was not enough, he tried every means to improve his strength.

He swallowed up his castle in one night. What shocked Kuleha was that maybe Valpo had learned from his previous failures. Not only was he defeated by Blackbeard, but he was also defeated several times by doctors he looked down upon. He actually started to develop his own fruit abilities.

Although it was just a small change, it caused terrible changes in Valpo's strength.

——Valpo went from being able to become the things he swallowed to having some of the attributes of the things he swallowed.

The difference is so huge that it can be said to be a world of difference.

For example, after swallowing the entire castle before, Valpo could only turn it into a castle. At most, it could be equipped with the weapons it had swallowed before. But now, Valpo has gained [hardness].

In other words, the entire rigidity of the castle was completely stuffed into Valpo's relatively small body.

When Valpo came to trouble Kureha again, Kureha took action again and was shocked to find that she could no longer penetrate Valpo's defense.

But in the end, Kureha still cooperated with Chopper and used joint techniques to knock down Valpo.

When Valpo retreated again, Kureha had secretly realized that something was wrong and wanted to take Chopper away from Drum Island.

But Chopper refused.

"I want to make a panacea that can cure everything... If I can't even cure the diseases on this island, then I won't be able to fulfill my promise to Dr. Siruluk."

This is what Chopper said to Kureha when they parted.

He wants to protect the people Shilluk cares about, even if those people regard him as a "yukio" and a "monster".

"This idiot..."

Kuleha gritted her teeth.

After Valpo was defeated by Kureha again, not only did he not think about why he was defeated by Kureha, but he found another way and had another idea.

If he was strong enough, Kuleha wouldn't be able to throw him.

Techniques or anything like that didn't even appear in Valpo's mind. All he thought about were simple and crude methods.

For example, it is so straightforward to strengthen strength.

However, I have to say that this is the right approach.

The method of enhancement he thought of was terrifying.

Swallow living things and digest them directly.

At first, he just devoured the deer and his own men, quietly growing in strength. At that time, Kuleha was not concerned about the disappearance of the pirates and the disappearance of the deer, and failed to understand what was happening behind the scenes.

When Kuleha discovered Valpo in the town, she realized what had happened recently.

Because she saw...

There was a human thigh that Valpo had not completely eaten in his big mouth.

But this time, when Kuleha and Chopper were both frightened and angry, and planned to send Valbo into the sea to kill him at all costs, Valbo remained motionless.

He can even smash the enlarged Chopper directly into the ground with one hand.

At that moment, Kuleha understood that it was too late.

Crazy Valpo tasted the benefits of power, and he became even more violent and started cannibalism crazily in order to gain more power.

Kureha and Chopper could only run around in vain, trying their best to disperse the residents before Valpo arrived in a city. But this is ultimately just a stopgap measure.

Kuleha was getting old after all. She didn't want to be buried with people from the Drum Kingdom, and she also wanted to bring up Chopper, which was what she promised Siruluk.

At 139 years old, she only has this wish now.

Damn it...if he were still young, Valpo would not be her enemy at all.

Kureha sighed.

Unfortunately, she underestimated Chopper's determination.

It would rather give its life for these stupid people than escape from Valpo.

After all...this guy killed its [father].

For it, Kuleha didn't know how many times she helped secretly, how many injuries she suffered, and how many hidden diseases she now has on her body.

Originally, I could live for another ten years, but now I can barely survive this year.

But the uninformed Chopper still stubbornly wanted to protect others, which made Kuleha angry and mixed in her heart.

"Why are you so stupid... Hiruluk is like this, and so are you."

"Living is the only asset. If you die, you will have nothing!"

Kuleha forced herself to hold on, looked at the place where the tall building collapsed in the distance, gritted her teeth, and ran over again.

No matter what happens this time, even if Chopper is knocked unconscious, he must be taken away!

No matter what Chopper says, no matter how much Chopper will hate himself afterwards... at least let him live first!

However, just as she forced herself to take the first step, a black figure appeared behind her.


Kuleha turned her head immediately and saw a petite figure.

"Mind telling me what's going on here?"

"Dr. Kureha."

"Run, run, run to the west!"

Dalton shouted at the people at the top of his lungs about filial piety.

And the crowd fled in embarrassment in the direction he commanded.

"...Damn it!"

Dalton watched the collapse of high-rise buildings approaching. Dalton, who had seen the destruction of towns many times, knew exactly what this meant.

He gritted his teeth, took out the big shovel from his back, walked with difficulty, and walked against the crowd in the direction of Valpo.

A soldier was shocked when he saw this scene and quickly grabbed Dalton's arm.

"What are you going to do? Dalton!"

the soldier asked in horror.

"...Before, others held Valpo back and gave them time to evacuate. Now it's my turn."

Dalton said hard, his words full of bitterness and despair.

Valpo personally destroyed all the ports and ships, and all of them were nothing more than Dalton's fish in the jar until new ships were built.

Only by constantly feeding Valpo can the people buy time to escape.

Before, it was Dalton’s soldiers who volunteered to [feed]. This time, it was Dalton’s turn...

"Does it have to be you?" the soldier said tremblingly, "I wanted to ask before, why does it have to be us who die?"

"Because we are warriors!"

Although Dalton was frightened, his tone was still solid and forceful: "If you don't pay for this life now, when will it be!?"

"Let go, it will be too late if you don't go!"

Looking at the bloated body gradually appearing in the smoke and dust stirred up by the collapsed ruins in the distance, Dalton already felt the approach of death.

However, after swallowing, Dalton still violently pulled away the soldier's hand.

Then, he ran towards Valpo quickly.

At this moment, a voice from the crowd made his steps suddenly halt.


"In front of the ruins... there is a monster!"

A sharp-eyed man pointed at the figure emerging from the ruins in the distance and shouted.

Dalton was also stunned when he saw a figure blocking himself and Valpo.

——That is a familiar figure.

The soldiers who were maintaining order also looked up. Even the originally crowded flow of people slowed down, and many people looked back blankly.

It was a reindeer covered in bruises, and the pink hat on its head let everyone know who it was.

"Kureha's reindeer, Siruluk's disciple..."

Dalton whispered.

Chopper slowly walked up to Dalton and stared at him deeply.

"I remember your name was Chopper."

Dalton said muffledly.

Chopper nodded and said nothing.

Dalton also looked at him silently.

A few seconds later, Chopper shook his head and galloped towards Valpo.

The crowd immediately started talking.

"Is that monster...going to defect to the ogre Valpo?"

"This guy is indeed with Valpo..."

"Where is Kuleha? Where are the Kuleha people? Were they killed by it..."

Listening to the rumors swirling behind him, Dalton suddenly felt an unknown anger rising in his heart.

"Shut up, everyone!

! "

The huge roar shocked everyone.


Dalton gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

He turned and looked at the crowd.

"Run, are you waiting to die here!?"

"Get out of here!"

The angry Dalton is completely different from the usually gentle one. The most terrifying thing is when an honest person gets angry.

Therefore, everyone did not dare to neglect and fled here quickly.


Dalton finally looked back at the reindeer who was moving forward without saying a word.

"You and Siruluk... really match each other."

Chopper ran towards Valpo with firm steps.

It is clear that it will die.

But it could buy them more time and buy the country more time.

Buy more time for these patients.

Sparing time between the patient and the god of death is exactly what he should do as a doctor.

"Let's go, there are many patients waiting for me today."

Hiriluk's confident smile appeared in Chopper's mind.

"One day you will also go to the sea. Then you will understand how small your worries are. The island you were born on is only so small in the whole world..."

Doctor, I no longer have the chance to understand the insignificance of my troubles, nor the vastness of this world.

But at least now, I can understand your original thoughts.

I have never been expected by anyone other than you and Medical Girl Kureha, and I know this better than anyone else.


Even reindeer have their own dignity.

Racial discrimination, bullying and fear of the strong, ignorance...

If the diseases of these patients can be cured, even if it only cures the disease of this country, then it will be worth sacrificing oneself.

I don't exist just to be liked by everyone. Just like Dr. Siruluk, I can become a medicine and heal the world. This is the meaning of my existence.

I may not understand what a miracle is, nor what faith is... I don't understand these things.

But all I know is that I'm not a monster.

I am the doctor expected by Siruluk!

"Look, look at me!"

"Watch the monsters you discriminate against die fighting for you with your eyes wide open!"

Valpo's body appeared in front of it!

"Well, this is...a reindeer?"

Valpo's obviously not very smart mind made him unable to realize who this was.

"Strengthened wrist strength·Carved hoof cherry!"

Only when Valpo realized that the huge impact hit his abdomen could he react.

"You're the reindeer!"

Valpo roared loudly and grabbed Chopper's head with his big hands.

The physical gap between Chopper and him was so great that according to Keti Ying, it wasn't even scraping for him.

The strengthening of physical strength also increased Valbo's speed. Chopper backed away desperately, and barely managed to avoid Valpo's heavy blow.

"Isn't that guy a monster..."

Among the fleeing crowd, some people could not stop talking in low voices.

"That's right..."

"But why is it fighting Valpo..."

In a few breaths, Chopper and Valpo fought several times. He was already stained, but his attacks were still firm.

"...Chopper, Siruluk..."

The same person was despised, and the same person stepped forward voluntarily.

This scene at this time is so similar!

Unknowingly, Dalton had bitten his lip until it bled.


"Stop talking and lead people to retreat!"

Dalton lowered his head and shouted.

Now he didn't even dare to look back and see Chopper's condition, he couldn't bear it.


Finally, Chopper, who was fighting, was unable to dodge Valpo's heavy punch, and his abdomen was severely penetrated by a huge force.


It coughed out a mouthful of blood, but trembled and stood up.

He glanced back slightly and looked at the crowd of people gradually disappearing from his field of vision.

Dalton, I trust you to get them off Drum Island.

"I will buy you enough time...at least so that he can't find you in a short time."

"The memory of being saved by the monster I discriminated against is etched in my mind."

"Think carefully!"

Chopper whispered.

"What are you talking about!"

Valpo rampaged in disgust, crushing the crowd in the distance.

He didn't have time to bother with Chopper. Since he wouldn't be able to kill it for a while, swallowing the thousands of people in front of him was the key.

"Carved hoof cross!"

Chopper attacked again, hitting Valpo's knee.

Joints are often relatively fragile, and even Valpo, whose body is extremely hard, staggered under this blow.

"You guy!" Valpo was really angry at this, "Kill you!"

"Right, that is it……"

Chopper smiled as if his plan had succeeded.

It knew that a simple-minded, surly and violent guy like Valpo would definitely forget his purpose in a moment of anger.

And as long as Valpo falls into a state of anger towards himself, then...

How long others can run depends on how long you can hold off.

Until you die!

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