Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 138: Goodbye Destiny

Albana is not far from the north coast of Alabasta. Mary only walked for a few hours and arrived at the north coast before dawn.

The northern coast of Alabasta was quite steep, with towering cliffs everywhere at first glance, but this made Mary happy.

"You're in the right direction, this is the place."

Mary breathed a sigh of relief.

When Mary came out of the underground before, she was completely confused and wandered around. It was only after a long time that she came across a city by chance. Therefore, she had no idea where she came out of the ground.

Originally, she had made preparations to search around the entire coast, but now she found the approximate location directly, saving her a lot of effort.

"Then the next step is... to find the previous exit."

Mary murmured under her breath.

A few hours later.

Deep in the dark underground, the sleeping Pluto suddenly made a low buzzing sound.

The Destiny Ship Spirit, which was in standby mode, suddenly opened its eyes.

"Oh...are you back?"

Outside Pluto's ship, the blue light spots wandering in the sky suddenly moved regularly, gradually forming a guiding path.

Thousands of meters away, Mary, who was walking in the dark, looked at the blue color that suddenly spread in front of her. She was stunned for a moment, then smiled thoughtfully, and quickly followed the guidance and approached.

Seeing the huge thing in front of her, Mary sighed again. Every time I see this steel behemoth with a completely different style from One Piece, my admiration never fades.

With the experience last time, this time he arrived at Pluto's captain's cabin with ease.

The huge cabin door closed instantly, and she sat on the main seat with great excitement.

"Destiny, long time no see."

Mary greeted the boat spirit comfortably.

After a long time, the strange sound mechanically synthesized by the Destiny came out:

"Be well, descendants of Livingston."

"You can come back here alive. It seems that you have done what you promised me."

"Save the Nefertari clan? Haha, Alabasta is prospering now."

Mary grinned, half lying on the chair.

"But, a descendant of Livingston?"

"Sure enough, you know a lot of inside stories. Were you conscious eight hundred years ago?"

"My consciousness has existed since the birth of the ship."

The boat spirit said in a deep voice.

"Oh?" Mary's eyes lit up, "That's right, I have some questions to ask you this time."

"How much of the history from eight hundred years ago do you remember? Do you mind telling me about these things?"

"Since you have saved the Nefertari clan, of course I have no reason to hide anything."

"It's just... I'm just a ship, and I don't know much."

The boat spirit left himself some leeway, but Mary didn't care about it.

This kind of opportunity to directly seek the truth from the wisdom of eight hundred years ago is rare.

So, she immediately took out her notebook, took out her pen, opened a page and started asking.

She didn't ask randomly, she came prepared.

As early as the second day in Albana when she had nothing to do during the day, Mary did not waste the time completely. Instead, she sorted out and refined all her previous questions, and then divided them into categories according to the people she wanted to ask. , so that whenever she gets in front of someone who can ask questions, she can get the information she wants as quickly and concisely as possible.

This dissociation method was the method taught to her by her senior sister when she was tortured by mathematical analysis when she was in college. I didn't expect that when I failed to score points, I would use it here instead. It's really a twist of fate.

Putting aside these miscellaneous thoughts, Mary straightened her expression.

"First, how did you know that I belong to that clan?"

Just now Pluto said that he was a descendant of Livingston, which made Mary very concerned.

She finally realized that her real surname should be Livingston after multiple confirmations, but how did Pluto, a housebound person, know that?

Pluto said unhurriedly: "Last time you came here with a serious injury, and a lot of blood remained. Because you have a familiar aura on your body, I specially collected some blood for blood analysis."

"After comparing the blood factors, I found that your blood is very similar to the blood factors of the Livingston royal family, so I can determine your identity."

Bloodline factor? Such a familiar term...

Wait, is there a laboratory for analyzing blood components on this ship? Or fully automatic?

After a moment of astonishment, Mary took a brief note and asked again:

"What is the Livingston family?"

"One of the twenty royal families who follow Yin Mu."

"Which side do you belong to?"

"Infinite land."

"Are you a creature of the inhabitants of infinite lands?"


"What are the King of Heaven and the King of the Sea?"

"The king of heaven is Lunaria, and the king of the sea is Poseidon."

"What does Lunalia look like?"

"It's like a mountain, with a height of more than ten meters."

"What is the ability?"

"Control natural disasters."

"What is Renesmee?"

"Sea Spirit."

"What is the ability?"

"Control PYROBROIN, ocean currents, etc."

"Is she still alive?"

"If he wasn't killed, he should be alive."

"Are Devil Fruits made in infinite places?"


"Why are Devil Fruits afraid of sea water?"

"The Curse of the First Aquaman."

"What is the principle of Devil Fruit?"

"Changed the blood factor."

Mary and Pluto exchanged questions and answers rapidly, a series of rapid-fire questions.

Mary didn't care whether she understood or not. Anyway, she asked questions about her doubts first and wrote them down in her notebook. Then she would sort out the specific situation later.

She knew that all she needed to do now was to collect the answers to the questions. As for what was hidden in them, she could think about it when she had free time on the road, or she could wait until after the war and return to Alabasta to look for Robin. , analyze together.

So, while writing furiously, Mary took out the snow-white stone from her pocket.

"What's this?"

"The Stone of Lunaria."

"What is the use?"

"Control Lunalia."

"Okay, control Lunaria...wait, what?"

Mary suddenly froze as she was writing, and then quickly looked back.

Lunalia - King of Heaven.

Natural disasters can be controlled.

The huge natural disaster that swept the world some time ago was almost completely synchronized with Mary's pulling out the stone. Mary also knew the power of those natural disasters.

The Stone of Lunaria can control the King of Heaven, and the King of Heaven can control natural disasters...

Does that mean--

"Can I also activate natural disasters?"

Mary's body trembled, and she placed the Stone of Lunaria in front of her eyes and looked at it carefully.

"Just rely on this rock?"

"Unfortunately, no."

The Destiny kills Mary's fantasy without hesitation.

"It's not that you can command the King of Heaven by possessing the Stone of Lunaria. You have to meet some unknown conditions before you can control it. But those are not things I can know."

"Moreover, there is more than one Lunalia Stone. I don't know how many specifically. However, Yin Mu has one in his hand."

"I am beneath Lunaria."

Pluto said a very distressing thing very calmly.

"…Sorry, it brought back some bad memories for you."

Mary said muffledly.

"One last question for you..."

After straightening her expression, Mary asked Pluto with a serious expression:

"What exactly are elves?"




"It's hard for me to answer."

After a long time, Mary finally heard Hades' answer.

"Maybe, it's some kind of consciousness. Maybe it's some special creatures, it's hard for me to explain."

"But at least there's one thing I can tell you."

As soon as the words fell, the entire captain's room instantly became brighter.

The lights in the entire captain's cabin flickered.

"Elves are everywhere."

"...Elves, are they everywhere?"

Mary wrote the last words and closed the notebook.

She took a deep breath and stood up.

She looked at the equipment in the captain's cabin, and her eyelids jumped wildly because of the extremely punk interior facilities.

She once again recalled the shock when she first saw the power of Pluto's vitality equipment.

The strength of Pluto who can fight against the monster King who has the ability to cause natural disasters of that level would probably be quite astonishing.

Touching the cold steel with her hand, Mary felt a little hot inside.

Neptune is a little cutie that can be easily manipulated. As for Uranus, although I can't control Uranus yet, I have at least got the key to control it.

And Pluto... is the super power closest to him.

The real ancient weapons were clearly displayed in front of them.

I have to admit that Mary is definitely moved, and very moved.

If she could unleash this killer weapon, she would have the most powerful trump card.

"Pluto, if I find a substance that can provide you with energy, will you be driven by me?"

Mary asked Hades very formally.

In other words... an invitation to Pluto.

She invites Hades to join her ranks.

"I can defeat the enemy for you, but I will not attack my former master for you."

Hades said it clearly.

Hades once promised Mary that as long as she saved the Nefertari clan, he owed Mary a favor.

This favor, in his current state, could only be repaid in the way Mary said.

After receiving this answer from Pluto, Mary's eyes lit up slightly.

All you need to do is relax, everything is difficult at the beginning. With this first step, Mary can

Then, she said without hesitation:

"This is natural. But who is your master?"

This point can be said to be very important. Mary must know clearly what objects should be used against if she obtains the power of Pluto.

Be prepared in advance. If Pluto misfires at the critical moment, there will be big problems.

"My masters are the infinite earth and D."

Hades said this.

"Infinite land and D..."

Mary thought for a moment and figured out who Pluto was suitable for.

Although it is inconsistent with previous historical records, judging from what Pluto said, it is actually hostile to Yinmu.

Therefore, it naturally supports Qiao Yin Boyin's side.

In other words, anyone with a D in their name is best not to let Pluto deal with them. And if there is a confrontation with the other four emperors or even the world government one day, Pluto will be able to take action.

Making some considerations in her mind, Mary then asked:

"What kind of energy do you need?"

To drive Pluto, energy is also key. When Crocodile cholera broke out in Alabasta, the main reason Pluto was able to take action was due to lack of energy.

No matter how powerful Pluto is, he still needs enough energy supply to exert 100% of his power.

"A kind of rock."


"Yes, a high-energy rock that contains extremely terrifying energy. After being processed with electricity, it can be used as my core furnace material."

Hades said this.

High-energy rocks, extremely terrifying energy...

These two words go together. Mary's heart skipped a beat.

A substance that perfectly met these two conditions came to her mind - dynamite rock.

Power rock can also be called bomb rock. Its original function is to provide power, but because it contains too much energy, once it breaks, the destructive power it produces is more terrifying than a bomb. In One Piece The Movie "Z", Zefa betrayed the navy and attempted to snatch the power rock and use it to destroy the new world.

This thing can blow up the entire new world... is it also the fuel for Pluto?

For this kind of black technology material generated locally in the One Piece world, Mary could only swallow her saliva and sigh at the wonder of nature.

However, although dynamite rock was very dangerous, now Mary at least knew what the raw materials needed.

As for the subsequent processing, how could an IT man in his previous life know these things?

However, if you have anything to do, ask Vegapunk. Speaking of which, I have already planned to go find him, so now I have one more question.

After briefly flipping through her notebook and confirming that she had collected all the answers to the questions she needed to collect from Pluto, Mary closed her notebook and turned around to leave.

The next stop is Drum Island. When she leaves, she carries a few permanent pointers with her so that she can fly directly to Drum Island.

time is life!

As she walked, she waved and said:

"Since you have told me this kind of secret, I will let you see the light of day again sooner or later."

"Actually, this isn't really a secret."

Pluto opened the door of the command room and simply replied: "In that case, I look forward to meeting you again, a girl of the Livingston clan."

"Believe me, after searching some materials, I still have the confidence."

Mary grinned and left the cabin.

"Cackle, cluck..."

With the sound of gears turning, the door slowly closed again.

The blue breath in the air was disturbed by Mary's body walking away quickly, making Pluto watch Mary go away in a special way.

The boat spirit closed his eyes again.

However, dozens of minutes later, it opened its eyes again.


I saw Mary panting and running back to the side of Pluto's ship, and asked a little awkwardly:

"What, where are you going to get out of?"


After an awkward silence, the blue points of light in the air converged into a path.

As if she had been granted amnesty, Mary ran out quickly following the instructions.

"It's really hard to fathom the fate of Livingston, who was so gloomy and crazy back then, that he would have such a normal little girl..."

Hades sighed.

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