Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 137: Fruit inheritance

Half an hour later.

Mary stood on the terrace outside to enjoy the breeze.

After Amebara Yukiyo's XP impact that was awe-inspiring, coupled with Weiwei's strong persuasion, Mary finally did not demolish the banquet hall.

However, it is too difficult for her to be good at dancing in this social scene. Relationships themselves were not Mary's strong suit.

In order to get rid of all kinds of harassment, Mary simply came to the terrace to wait alone. Anyway, besides her, there were many heavyweights in the banquet hall, and the people who could come to this banquet would not come without interruption. She was obviously in a bad mood. of Mary.

Of course, except for that abnormal creature named Yukiyo Amehara.

As for who you are waiting for...

"Your Excellency Mary, I haven't seen you for a long time, but you are still in such good spirits."

A reliable adult male voice came from behind, and Mary turned her head. The huge hem of her skirt made her a little tangled.

"This skirt...is a bit in the way."

With a click of her tongue, Mary looked at the two people standing in front of her.

The man in the front, with dark purple four-pointed star makeup on his eyes, smiled and bowed. It was Bell, the one who spoke just now. The tall Jaka stood guard at the door of the terrace, showing no intention of letting anyone get close.

"It's been a long time indeed, Bell, Jaka, you are well."

Mary took a deep breath and sighed secretly: It's not easy to finally get to the point.

"Thanks to you, everything is getting better since Crocodile fell."

Bell smiled and said: "Your Majesty Weiwei said that you came to us to inquire about something. I have been busy with business and could not come at the first time. I am very sorry. Whatever you want to know, I will tell you everything."

"You are so polite." Mary raised her eyebrows, "Then I won't waste any more nonsense. Bell, Jaka, you two have the same fruit abilities, right?"

She narrowed her eyes.

"The consensus in the sea is that Devil Fruits only appear randomly, which is why the value of Devil Fruits is so high. How did the fruits of the two of you have been passed down in Alabasta for so long?"

Mary got straight to the point.

When Bell heard this, his face became solemn, he looked around for a moment, and looked at Mary with a somewhat serious look.

"Is this matter...important to you, Lady Mary?"

Bell suppressed his smile and asked cautiously.


It seems that this matter is indeed very confidential. Is Bell in trouble?

Mary frowned and nodded.

"Yes, this is very important to me."


Bell pondered for a moment and looked at Jaka.

Jaka nodded to Bell.

Seeing Jaka do this, Bell also nodded and looked at Mary again.

"Originally, according to principle, we cannot tell you this matter."


"Originally, Your Excellency is enough to transcend these principles, so we will tell you the principles, but I hope that Your Excellency will keep it secret for us."

"Okay, I will keep it a secret for you."

Mary committed without hesitation.

After hearing this, Bell took a deep breath and said seriously:

"In fact, according to documentary records, there was an ancient country in Alabasta thousands of years ago."

"The records before that are really unclear, and we don't know much. But one thing we can know is that there was no such thing as Devil Fruit at that time, but the power of falcons and jackals were already protecting this land. ”

"The power of the falcon and the jackal?"

Mary asked immediately, grabbing the point.

"Yes, the power of falcons and jackals." Bell nodded. "The patron saint at that time seemed to be able to transform into falcons and jackals through some special means. But after a blank hundred years, this mysterious The method becomes a devil fruit."

"And the way we pass on the Devil Fruit is actually very simple."

After a pause, Bell asked Mary:

"Your Excellency Mary, do you know about the Yinzabella Apple?"

"? I only know apples. What are Yinzabella apples?"

Mary asked curiously.

“The Insabella apple is a rare fruit that grows exclusively on the western slopes of Albana.”

Bell explained.

"Every time a Patron Saint dies, his successor will go to the Insabella Apple Plantation to conduct a secret search. In the end, whether it is a Devil Fruit in the form of a Dog Fruit, a Jackal, or a Bird Fruit, in the form of a Falcon. Found on that plantation.”

"You mean..." Mary opened her eyes slightly, "These two Devil Fruits were converted from Yinzabella Apples?"

"Yes, that's exactly it."

Bell nodded.

"Once or twice, it can be a coincidence. But for hundreds of years, there has been no error in this rule——"

"Then this is the correct answer."

"Moreover, after so many years of searching for patterns, we also discovered a very special point."

"That is, if the Devil Fruit chooses the Insabella Apple, then it will only choose the closest Insabella Apple."

"This is all I know, are you satisfied?"


Mary closed her eyes and thought for a long time.

After a while, she opened her eyes.

"I understand, thank you for your selfless sharing."

"It doesn't have to be like this, Your Majesty Mary, you are Alabasta's benefactor."

Bell bowed to Mary very politely, and then said:

"Then, since your Excellency has no doubts, I will go on inspection tour with Jaka."


Mary nodded.

"By the way, help me say goodbye to Weiwei."

"It's been a day's delay. I have to travel all night. Please help me wish her a successful union and a happy banquet."

After that, Mary jumped off the terrace without waiting for Bell and Gaka to react.

This is really anxious.

After all, there was no telling when the war on the top would break out. Mary planned to speed up and compress the time to the shortest possible time. After gathering the information that should be collected, she would go to Impel Down City immediately.

As a result, I didn't expect to see Jaka and Bell right away when I arrived in Albana, so I had to wait for a whole day until they were done.

Now Mary didn't want to waste any more time. After asking what needed to be asked, she went to look for the Destiny. Saying hello doesn't count as leaving without saying goodbye.

She had nothing to miss about this party. In comparison, Weiwei has become much more stable than she was a few months ago. This is what really makes Mary feel relieved.


Jaka and Bell were stunned by this sudden incident, then looked at each other and immediately returned to the banquet hall.

The two of them had a tacit understanding and separated to search, but after a few dozen seconds, Jaka saw Weiwei's location.

At this time, Weiwei was still chatting with a rather mature-looking uncle. Listening to the bits and pieces they mentioned, the topic should be about the construction of water conservancy facilities in Alabasta.

Of course, Jaka didn't understand these things either, so he just rushed in front of Weiwei.

"Jaka? What's wrong?"

Seeing Jaka running over so rudely, Weiwei was stunned for a moment, but did not get angry immediately.

After all, she knew Jaka and Bell, so there must be something big going on to come to her in such a hurry.

"Your Majesty Weiwei," Jaka said immediately, "Your Majesty Mary has left."

"In which direction?"

With almost no sluggishness, or even a conditioned reflex, Weiwei asked immediately.

Jaka was stunned for a moment, thought about it carefully and then said:



Weiwei immediately shouted loudly to Sabo who was clinking glasses with the bear in the distance.

"Take me to the north gate immediately, as quickly as possible!"


Sabo was stunned.

"hurry up……"

Weiwei bit her lip.

The next moment, Sabo appeared next to Weiwei in a flash.

This move shocked everyone present.

At this speed just now... this kid looks harmless, but he might be very scary if he gets his hands dirty.

Which of the maritime forces can cultivate such young people?

"North Gate?"

Sabo confirmed to Weiwei again.


The next moment, Sabo picked up Weiwei.

"Then hurry up!"


Having said this, Weiwei looked back at the man who was chatting with her.

"Sorry, Masin Haji, I'm in a hurry right now..."

"Anyway, I'm sorry!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Sabo and Weiwei disappeared in the banquet hall.

Masin Haji was left standing there awkwardly with a stunned expression.

The bear's eyes moved slightly and he looked out the terrace window.

"The aura of that little girl..."

"What happened!?"

Sabo asked Weiwei as he galloped towards the north gate at full speed.

"Your Excellency Mary has left!" Weiwei said with difficulty under the strong wind pressure: "I have to see her off!"

"Well, this guy is really in a hurry!"

Sabo couldn't help but complain.

Sabo, who was running at full speed, was incredibly fast. In just a few minutes, he took Weiwei to the North Gate Tower.

However, it was clear that Mary still had to be a step faster.

Standing on the tower, looking from a distance, a dark figure is quite eye-catching in the dark yellow desert background.

I don't know when, Mary had changed that blue and white dress back into her own military uniform.

"Are you still a step too slow..."

After getting off Sabo's arms, Weiwei walked slowly to the front of the city tower, holding one hand on the battlement, watching Mary's retreating figure.

He didn't shout loudly, he just watched Mary go away silently.

"Why don't you go call her? Isn't it just to give her a lift?" You came here so urgently?

Sabo took a breath, walked to Weiwei, and straightened his clothes that were already a little messy.

"No, that's enough."

"Since we are still a little late, don't let Lady Mary turn back again. Since she has chosen to leave directly, she will probably find it troublesome for us to see her off like this."

"Just watch him off. Fortunately, at least when we arrive, we won't even be able to see his back."

Weiwei shook her head.

Sabo was silent for a moment and said:

"I'm afraid you really want her to spend more time with you, right? I can see that you have a lot to say to her."

"For example, what changes have taken place in Alabasta during this time, what have you done, how have you changed from the past, etc."

"I also read in the newspapers what you and she went through in Alabasta."

He turned to look at Weiwei and said seriously.

"I've seen it in my eyes these past two days. If you try to persuade her to stay, she will definitely stay with you."

"How much effort you have put in for her, how many people are spying on Desert United's seat, how many relationships you have managed, and how many regulations you have made in the contract, to win her an honorary chairmanship."

"I don't think it's too much to at least let her accompany you through this dinner party."

Hearing what Sabo said, Weiwei took a deep breath and shook her head.

"Saab, do you know why I did so much for Mary?"

“Because Mary is the savior of your country.”

Sabo answered without hesitation.

However, Weiwei shook her head.

"Saab, you haven't gotten along with her."

"She has a fierce look, but she is almost infinitely tolerant of her friends, which is heartbreaking."

"The nerves that seem so tight that there is no room for rest; the stiff smile she shows for the people she cares about; the extreme attitude that makes people feel slightly uncomfortable; the unfettered and maverick justice; the surface is cruel but is actually stronger than anyone else A gentle heart; a figure who stands in front of the weak even when he knows he is defeated..."

"Saab, you have only seen her beautiful side in the newspaper, but you definitely don't understand any of this."

"And these are the reasons why I am willing to do so much for Lady Mary."

"She can't just give, someone should also pay for her."

Having said this, Weiwei slowly stretched out her hand, and between her index and middle fingers, the bright red word "Justice" on Mary's cloak came into view.

This reminded her once again of the difficult years when she wore this cloak.

"I like her decent, free and energetic look."

"She was very busy. Because of the banquet, Jaka and Bell were busy with work, and they were forced to let her waste such a long time."

"So since she has nothing to do in Albana, let's keep her here and let her waste time for my personal reasons..."

"I can not do it."

Sabo's eyes widened slightly.

The night in the desert is very cold, and the night wind on the tower is so cold.

After hurriedly chasing her out of the banquet hall, Weiweike was still dressed in a strapless evening dress.

The cool breeze blew by, and she subconsciously hugged her shoulders.

Then, a dark blue suit covered Weiwei's shoulders.

Weiwei was stunned for a moment and looked at Sabo.

Sabo looked at Mary who was gradually fading into the distance and said:

"I can understand how you feel."

"I should have someone who is worthy of me, but..."

"Haha, I lost my memory and can't remember anything."

Sabo smiled sadly and shrugged his shoulders.

Weiwei also smiled:

"One day you will remember whose it is worth your efforts. I believe there will be such a day."

After saying that, Weiwei looked towards the desert again.

At this time, there were no more people in the yellow sand.

Weiwei gradually recalled recent events.

The reasons she and Sabo said were true, but not all of them.

After leaving Alabasta, Mary's abilities became stronger and stronger, her status became higher and higher, and she continued to distance herself from Vivi.

But Weiwei, who had been helped selflessly by Mary, stubbornly wanted to do something for Mary.

But, with her poor qualifications, how can she help Mary?

So she began months of planning.

Study the history of various countries day and night to find out the laws of economic development.

Continuously develop the economy, recruit rebels, select talents, and continuously strengthen national power.

Then provide free foreign aid, food, security, medical care, and free international support.

Significantly reduce tariffs, attract businessmen, and accelerate economic development.

Condensing cultural symbols and continuously expanding the influence of Alabasta.

Strengthen centralization and make yourself the symbol of Alabasta. Then he combined all the conditions he had reached before, and then communicated with the revolutionary army and Tianlong people who had recently arrived in Alabasta. He continued to deal with them and demonstrated his political abilities. Finally, he successfully obtained help from both parties and established the Desert Alliance.

In the past few months, I have been planning all night long and making adventurous visits among various national forces, trying my best to build a super power.

All arrangements are made to create this platform.

On this land, let the power of kingship be brought into full play.

This is a power that allows Weiwei and Mary to be on the same stage, and a power that can give Mary considerable help with Weiwei's ability.

Lady Mary...

I am not as courageous as you, nor am I as smart as you, nor can I compare to you in terms of overall strength.

Come to think of it, when you helped me, you never thought about getting anything in return from me, right?

When I finally settled on the United Desert Convention, I thought maybe I could help you.

So, it doesn't matter if you don't know how much I paid for it.

Just like you gave everything to help me without asking for anything in return, I will try my best to help you without asking for anything in return.

Weiwei turned around and walked down the tower. The banquet was still going on, and she still had to discuss the remaining things.

In the depths of the distant desert, Mary seemed to realize something. She turned to look at the city wall behind her, where only a black line was left.


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