Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 114: Natural disaster comes to the world (Part 1)

"Hurry and set sail!"

When they rushed to the beach and could already see the Dandelion, Mary shouted to Paul.

When Paul heard this, his expression perked up, and he weighed the anchor and raised the sail without any hesitation.


The blood rope around Mary's body danced wildly, throwing Coleman, Dusky, and Ashe towards the Dandelion.

Paul flew forward to catch the three of them, causing another dull pain in his wound.

But Mary couldn't care so much. As soon as she threw the three people out, she immediately turned around and ran towards Enxia.

The blood rope flew out.

The [Sea] was less than a kilometer away from the ground, and the roaring roar seemed to be right in Mary's ears.

The ground on the entire island trembled, flying dust filled the sky, and there was a din of doomsday before the catastrophe.


The place where Enxia was was still on a high mountain, but at this time there was no time to find a place for her to go down the mountain.

In the chaos, she heard Mary's cry and jumped off the cliff decisively.

Then, a bloody rope came through the wind.

A huge pulling force acted on Enxia's waist, causing her to explode at a terrifying high speed that was unreachable under her normal circumstances.


The sudden and huge force made Enxia feel sick to her stomach, but she couldn't care less at this moment.


As soon as she caught Enshia, Mary ran towards the Dandelion.

Race against time.

Paul had already set sail and left the shore. Looking at the situation in the sky, he did not dare to delay at all. He set sail early and was now some distance away from the shore.

Of course, this was no problem at all for Mary.

The blood wings spread out behind her, and Mary fluttered her wings, tightened the blood rope, and pulled Enxia to her side.

"I never dreamed that my first flight would be like this."

Enxia, ​​who was tightly framed by Mary, said with difficulty.

"I didn't expect that I would be in a place like this. For the first time, I had no idea of ​​confrontation at all."

Mary also took some time to complain.

ps: I have read the original work of One Piece in my previous life, and I have never seen any scenes.

ps: I have never seen this scene before.

The sea descends from the sky. Although I know there is a white sea and a white sea in the sky, this is not a sea as empty as those clouds.

This is a physical ocean similar to the blue ocean crashing down. Who can bear it?

Within seconds, Mary landed on the deck with Nxia.

"Pfft...ahem, I don't want to have this kind of flying experience again. I've had enough of it."

Enxia's face turned slightly blue, and she said weakly while holding on to the armrest.

"Stop talking so much and get ready for big waves!"

Mary yelled loudly, and her hands violently moved towards the deck. Blood spurted out from her palms, forming a blood film and covering the ship.

Then, huge blood wings stretched out from both sides of the ship, and a total of six huge wings vibrated together. The huge reaction force immediately lifted the Dandelion out of the sea.

The ocean is extremely dangerous now, and almost any fool can foresee how terrible waves will be caused by the nearby sea when it falls.

Fortunately, the area covered by this heavy rain was not large, and Mary even had time to pull away a little before it fell.

"The sails are furled!"

Unexpectedly, Enxia regained her energy and quickly cooperated with Mary.

The sails were furled, mainly because Mary had now spread her blood wings and no longer needed the wind to push her. Moreover, the sail may also produce huge resistance at this time.

What's more, the huge storms and waves that are waiting are still waiting to happen, and the fragile mast cannot be allowed to shuttle through the storm with such risks.

"Paul, throw them across the room!"

Mary, who was standing on the bow of the ship and controlling the ship's flight direction, shouted loudly.

Paul understood and immediately dragged the three unconscious people and the survivor into the cabin.

Without the last burden, Mary slowly raised a hand, with countless bloodshot eyes connecting her palms.

She slowly pressed down her military cap, her expression becoming excited as she hadn't seen in a long time.

Fighting with nature made her feel excited for the first time.

"Come on...let me see what you can do!"

As these words were spoken, everything in Mary's field of vision slowed down.

In Enxia's domineering energy, a barrier across the world slowly fell down.

The transparent water condensed together and hit the floating island - and the surrounding sea surface with an unstoppable momentum.



Waves hundreds of meters high are coming!

"pay close attention!!!"

With only time to roar, Mary exerted all her power. The Dandelion was lifted up by her blood at a speed that was almost close to the structural limit, and the entire hull made a creaking sound.

Enxia, ​​who was standing on the deck, tightly grasped the railing beside her, her body being tossed around like a rag in the turbulent air currents.

"Mary..." The strong wind poured into her mouth, making her words somewhat unclear: "We can't go any faster, the boat will fall apart!!!"

"I try my best."

Mary returned calmly. Of course she knew that the ship's hull could not withstand such a torment, but now she had no other choice. The first priority was to avoid this huge natural disaster that would destroy the world.

The astonishing air waves with a speed of hundreds of meters per second carried the gravel and wooden branches and shot them out in the storm. Mary had no time to pay attention to it. Enxia struggled to lift her long-barreled shotgun with one hand in the hurricane of unknown magnitude.

"It's time to put your skills to the test!"

She let out a wanton laugh, concentrated slightly, and suddenly pulled the trigger.

Bullets were fired from the muzzle, their tracks bent in the storm.

Calculating the lead time of a strong wind of this level...in a sense, one can only rely on talent and intuition.

However - she is a genius.

When Nxiya turned to the other side without mercy, the bullet hit the oncoming boulder.

In an instant, the two collided and both were shattered.




Several shots were fired in succession, and all the foreign objects approaching the Dandelion were called out by Enxia one by one and smashed to pieces one by one.

"Nice job." Mary said in a deep voice, and then pulled up with both hands.

"Pull up—up—!"

The Dandelion shot straight into the sky, and finally, before the huge wave hit, I watched it pass on the top of the wave.


The deafening roar swept through them and gradually faded away. Mary and Enxia finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when they looked back at the floating island in the distance, they broke into a cold sweat.

I saw that the original floating island had been completely shattered and turned into pieces of rocks floating on the sea. All the ruins turned into dust at this moment, and were carried to an unknown place in the huge waves.

This ancient heritage is now completely buried in the sea.

"What kind of heavy rain is this..."

Looking at the [sea] that was still pouring down from the sky, Enxia murmured: "Where did this water come from? How could it be so exaggerated?"

"have no idea……"

Mary shook her head, not sure why. But looking at the destroyed floating island, she took out the white stone from her chest.

At this time, the stone no longer lost its previous luster and stayed in her hand like an ordinary stone.

But Mary knew very well that everything was caused by this stone. This stone must be something very important.

"Because I took away the stone, did this island activate its self-destruct mechanism... But why..."

The ancient ruins have been destroyed, and it is no longer realistic to look back for clues now.

But fortunately, Mary had already simply painted the murals before the natural disaster struck, and also recorded the ancient texts.

The notebook is still wrapped in the clothes in Mary's arms.

The waves on the sea were still extremely rough, and the first thing Mary wanted to think about now was not these somewhat mysterious things.

What was before her now was the question of how to escape from this sea that was like a hole in the sky.

In the desert outside Albana, a sky-high sandstorm approaches.

The entire sky and earth seemed to be connected by a curtain made of sand, slowly compressing towards the main city of Albana.

Hot air waves hit the face, and as the earth shook, panic began to spread in the city.

However, just when everyone was panicking, the aqua blue aura suddenly burst out.

This aura did not make people lose their minds, but gradually calmed down.

They looked at the girl walking quickly on the street - the girl who looked young.

The girl in blue looks as fragile as a flower, but she has shouldered the burden of a country. She is the queen of their country - Nefertari Vivi.

"Your Highness Weiwei!"

"Your Highness Weiwei..."

"Your Highness Weiwei..."

The people looked at Weiwei and asked one after another, with panic, confusion, and hope in their tone.

Weiwei ran quickly. Behind her, the royal guards formed an orderly formation. Every time they passed a certain distance, a few people would separate out to manage order, making them appear orderly and not at a loss.

"People, don't panic."

"It's just a sandstorm, we've been through a lot more than this!"

"Please obey the soldiers' arrangements and evacuate to the basement in an orderly manner. Bring necessary food and water, and be prepared to fight the weather for a long time!"

Weiwei ran all the way on the trembling ground. As she ran, she shouted to both sides of the street, supplemented by her overlord-like domineering aura, to ease the panic of the people.

Finally, she ran to the city wall and looked at the sweeping sandstorm.

"This scale..."

Weiwei's tone was a little solemn.

Since her birth, she had only seen sandstorms that covered the entire horizon, connected the heavens and the earth, and even stretched out as far as the eye could see.

A sandstorm of this level is, without exaggeration, enough to blow the entire Albana and its foundation into the sky.

"Your Highness Weiwei."

Yin Kalem followed closely and walked up the city wall. Looking at the slowly approaching sandstorm in the distance, there was a trace of cold sweat on my forehead.

"Where are Gaka and Bell?"

"They are evacuating people."

"very good."

Weiwei nodded, picked up a torch on the ground, and stretched it into the smoke of the wolf next to it.

"Your Highness Weiwei, aren't you leaving here?"

Yin Kalem said in an urgent tone: "Once a sandstorm approaches, this will be the first place to be hit."

"I won't leave."

Weiwei shook her head: "If a sandstorm of this scale shows no sign of abating until it approaches the city wall, I will light dancing powder to resist the sandstorm."

Since Weiwei took office, without the constraints of the Baroque Studio, Weiwei has vigorously developed maritime trade and used this to largely solve the water shortage problem in Alabasta.

Now, although the consequences of using dancing powder are still very serious, under the developed maritime trade system, Alabasta has stored considerable water resources, and large-scale use of dancing powder in a short period of time will not cause too big a problem.

This is also Weiwei's first major project since taking office, so that she can use dancing powder to adjust the weather in an area at any time if necessary in the future. Now it seems that this move was indeed prescient.

"But Your Highness Weiwei, you can let me do this kind of thing, or let any soldier do it. I won't offend you..."

The further Yin Kalem spoke, the softer his voice became. He looked steadily at Weiwei who didn't waver in her steps.

"Yin Kalem,"

Weiwei slowly said:

"I am the king of this country."

"The only person standing in this place is me."


Yin Kalem looked at Weiwei's back blankly. She stood facing the sandstorm. Just as her figure was thin in front of the sandstorm, her figure standing in front of the people was just as broad.

"We in Alabasta have gone through so many difficulties and suffered so much persecution to get to where we are today."

"It's just a natural disaster. I couldn't bring the Alabasta people to their knees in the past. Don't even think about it this time!"

Weiwei shouted angrily, pointing the torch in her hand straight at the sandstorm:

"bring it on!!"

This roar quickly disappeared in the turbulent airflow, but it seemed to have been echoing in Albana.

"...Then, Your Highness Weiwei, I will evacuate the people right away."

Yin Kalem took a deep breath, his face became serious, and he bowed suddenly and said.

"Very good, Yin Kalem, contact other cities immediately. Once an abnormality occurs, immediately use all available means. In the name of the Queen, I will give them temporary administrative powers in the event of local disasters."

Weiwei said in a deep voice.

Just as Yin Kalem was about to agree, a strange male voice suddenly came from beside her, accompanied by a burst of applause.

"There is no need to worry, Your Majesty."

Yin Kalim and Weiwei were stunned for a moment and turned to look.

A man stood on the wall at some point, looking at the two of them with a smile.

He has wavy blond hair, a scar on his left eye, a top hat with goggles, and a black vest over an aqua blue background.

"All cities will be fortified by our leaders. Alabasta will not suffer any losses in this natural disaster."

He said quite confidently.

"……Who are you?"

Weiwei turned around and looked directly into the other person's clear eyes.

The man made a gentleman's salute and raised his hat slightly.

"Let me introduce myself. I am the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo."

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