Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 113: History 800 years ago

"What's drawn on it..."

The mural is quite abstract. Both Kuhlman and Dasqi are soldiers without much education, and their ability to understand this kind of abstract art is relatively poor.

Hmm... The same goes for Mary, who was an IT man in her previous life.

But unlike them, Mary noticed something special.

In the lower right corner of these murals, there seems to be some square mural framing on each mural.

"This is……"

Looking at these things, Mary felt inexplicably familiar.

Cuneiform? No, no, no, how is it possible... I have never seen real cuneiform writing.

A native product of the One Piece world?

Ancient ruins, familiar words, inexplicable murals, incomprehensible architectural techniques...

Are these characters ancient characters?

Mary's eyes lit up, and she felt as if she had found the right answer.

"Dasqi, go back to the ship immediately, go to my room, take the third notebook from the second drawer on the desk and bring it for me, and bring a pen with you."

"oh oh!"

Dasqi was stunned for a moment and quickly echoed.

"You actually remember so clearly what notebook you need?" Kuhlman said in surprise.

"Don't underestimate me. Don't you know how much information I have provided so far? I don't know anything."

Mary said without looking back.

This is the fact. As a programmer in my previous life, I was pretty good at logic. Mary is very good at coordinating and organizing all kinds of information.

The reason why the command was handed over to Kuhlman was that the military aspect was indeed not what she was good at. Kuhlman could do better than her. Secondly, she usually doesn't bother to care about this.

At least when she encountered a storm before, her ability to adapt to the situation was not bad at all.

"Is this text special?"

No longer dwelling on the topic, Coleman looked at what Mary was focused on.

"It's very special." Mary nodded, "And compared to these murals that I can't start with, I have some clues about these words."

I still have some connections with Robin, so I might be able to ask her for help in interpreting it if I have the opportunity in the future.

Frankly speaking, Mary had little interest in so-called historical truth. But as the saying goes, unintentional planting will make a shadow, and you may not know when the idle hands you make today will be useful in the future.

Now that you have encountered it, write it down and it will be a worthwhile trip.

"It's kind of interesting..."

"Then I'll go investigate the area first."

Coleman looked at Mary and nodded. It didn't make sense for him to stay here because he knew nothing about this.


Mary nodded.

After Coleman left, Mary studied the ancient texts for a while, then turned to look at the murals.

Although the ancient characters looked familiar, she was not a language genius. She could only memorize them but not interpret them without studying them at all. Before Dusky got the notebook back, Mary planned to study the mural first, maybe she could tell something.

In the first painting, there are two huge spheres, with some people and boats standing in them.

"this painting……"

As Mary pondered what the painting was trying to say, something about the figures caught her eye.

"These are... wings?"

Behind those people, there is a pair of vague wings.

"I see, these two spheres refer to the Infinite Land and the Pirate Planet. Is the content on this mural about the Moon Man coming to this planet in an ark from the Infinite Land..."

"Sure enough, does this place record the past?"

Mary read on.

In the second mural, on a flat land, the moon people built a huge city.

The third mural depicts a huge battleship.

In the fourth mural, the Moon Man wields a knife at the Blue Sea Man.

When seeing this, Dasqi had already taken the notebook off the ship. While using a notebook to record the ancient texts corresponding to each mural, Mary briefly drew the contents of each mural.

Dasqi was sent out by her to investigate other places in the city.

In the fifth mural, a huge sphere appears over the original city.

In the sixth mural, a group of Blue Sea people obtained a luminous stone.

In the seventh fresco, the stone transforms into something very familiar to Mary.

"Devil Fruit..." Looking at the fruit in Lan Hairen's hand, Mary frowned.

"How did it come about?"

Continuing to read, on the eighth mural, a huge warship opened fire on the sea. A nine-headed monster emerged from the sea. A terrifying shadow on the horizon in the distance had red eyes, but its body kept sinking. in water.

"Hiss, wait a minute -" Mary's expression perked up, "This battleship turns out to be Pluto, the King of Hades?"

The giant beast on the sea corresponds to the king of the sea, and the powerful battleship corresponds to the king of Hades. The huge black shadow that towers over the sky is probably the counterpart of the King of Heaven.

This is a battle of ancient weapons eight hundred years ago! ?

In the eighth mural, the huge city was stripped off the flat land and turned into a floating island floating in the sea. The Lunarians were driven away and another group of people took over the city. At the same time, Hades was also acquired.

On the ninth mural, the Blue Sea people... are in civil strife.

Scarlet paint is mixed with dark tones, and the city depicted in the mural is in flames of war.

The huge urban floating island was split into two, and the defeated people led part of them to an open sea.

In the tenth mural, the luminous stone from before appears again, but it looks a little smaller. But this time...a long-haired man was holding it.

This is also the first time in a series of murals that relatively obvious human characteristics appear.

Moreover... his name is written on the side of this figure in the existing blue sea language.



Mary said the name slowly.

Qiao Yin Boyin, a person who existed in the "Blank 100 Years" period. In the depths of the Forest of the Sea on Fish-Man Island, a mermaid princess made a promise to Poseidon, who was also the "King of the Sea" at that time, leaving behind a historical apology note that she could not fulfill the promise she made with Fish-Man Island.

This character is extremely mysterious, but there are legends about him everywhere on the sea. Roger once lamented how great it would be if he and Qiao Yinbo were born in the same era, and claimed that treasures are a big joke. After Kaido defeated Luffy for the second time, he said to Luffy: "It seems that you can't become Qiao Yin Boyin."

It can be seen that Qiao Yin Boyin should be a key figure in history, but the specific circumstances are unknown.

The mural ends abruptly at this scene.

Mary's pen also stopped.

After being stunned for a long time, she exhaled a long breath.

"It's really...an incredible discovery."

“While the information is still fragmentary, these words are invaluable.”

Mary made up her mind easily.

"It's just that this stone looks familiar."

Mary frowned and looked at the strange stone that appeared twice in the mural. She always felt like she had seen it somewhere not long ago.

This should be a very crucial thing... Hey, wait a minute.

Mary's eyelids twitched as she remembered where she had seen this thing before.

I briefly checked my notes and folded them up.

With one last look at the frescoes, Mary left the crypt.

Back on the ground, she looked around and immediately saw what she was looking for.

It was a stone building made of blue jade. On top of this piece of jade, there is a pure white stone.

"Sure enough, exactly the same."

Mary walked forward and looked at the jade stone.

There's nothing wrong with it. Apart from the invisible color, the shape and size basically match the stone in the mural.

"What's the use of this stone..."

Mary leaned down, blood seeping from her fingertips, and slowly pressed them against the jade stone.

Then, the blood slowly flowed towards the white stone. She wanted to use the blood to see if there was any special mechanism guarding it.

However, the moment the blood came into contact with the white stone, a sudden change occurred!



The huge buzzing sound penetrated Mary's brain almost instantly, causing her to lose consciousness briefly. And this buzzing sound covered the entire island almost instantly, and the nearest Kuhlman and Dasqi fainted to the ground as if they were struck by lightning.

Ai Xi, who was hiding in the dark, was directly blasted unconscious. And Enxia, ​​who was standing at a high place, felt a sharp pain in her brain.

The entire floating island suddenly began to tremble, and it looked to Enxia as if it was about to collapse.

"Damn...what happened?"

Enxia covered her head and growled through gritted teeth.

On the coast, the buzzing sound had been weakened, but Paul still felt sick to his stomach.

"Um...cough, what's going on?"

His eyes were slightly sharp, and he immediately prepared himself for the impact. At the same time, we are also ready to adjust the ship at any time.


The beeping continued, but Mary was beginning to regain consciousness.

The bursts of warmth radiated from Xiela's kiss made her ignore the huge mental impact caused by the buzzer. Even if she was extremely close to support, Mary only felt very uncomfortable.

But not fatal.

Looking at the white stone emitting red light in front of her, Mary didn't know what happened, but it was obvious that the culprit was this stone... and herself who touched the stone.

"It can actually be triggered by blood..." Mary was a little speechless. The next moment, she made up her mind and took action directly, pulling the white stone out of the jade and holding it in her hand.

Anyway, since it has been triggered, I just don't do anything anymore and just take it into my own hands.

At this moment, the buzzing stopped.

A huge electric stimulation was transmitted from Mary's hand to Mary's whole body, making her shiver.

"This is……"

Before Mary had time to think carefully about the reason, the ground suddenly began to roar.


The huge mountain wall suddenly collapsed, and red high-temperature flames burst out from it, converging with the mountain rocks.

This complex mixture gradually formed a human shape, slowly taking heavy steps on the floating island.


One, two, three, countless huge human figures walked out of the mountain wall, and with Mary's stunned look on their faces, they slowly sank into the ocean, boiling the sea in a small area.

"What's this……"

Mary was about to express her amazement when a thunder suddenly sounded in the sky.

She looked up and saw that the dark clouds suddenly began to gather, forming an ink-colored vortex. A navy blue figure hovered in it for a moment, and then suddenly escaped into the distance.

Then, thick dark clouds pressed down in the sky visible to the naked eye in a suffocating way.

Then, a miraculous rain fell.

No - this can no longer be called heavy rain.

Mary's hair stood on end at the sight, and she immediately spread the blood network.

He picked up the unconscious Kuhlman, Ai Xi, and Dasqi and ran towards the shore as hard as they could.

No matter what, the first priority now is to get back to the Dandelion.

At the same time, she shouted angrily: "Enxia!!!"

This sound brought Enxia back to her senses in the distance. She looked at the sky and murmured incredulously:

"Am I dreaming?"

But after all, there was no hesitation in the movements of her feet, and she ran towards the coast in a life-threatening manner, driving as if there were countless monsters chasing her.

——Let’s take a look at what kind of heavy rain made Mary and Enxia feel a desperate sense of oppression at the same time.

The clear water is connected to the sky, and there is no gap between the rain and rain. They are all connected together.

The precipitation did not make any sound in the air, but fell down at a seemingly slow speed.

That's right, it was "smashed".

If you still don’t have a clear understanding of this rain, then please imagine——

A whole sea fell from the sky.

"How could such a thing happen!?"

Mary was furious and swore loudly. This horrifying scene, with an endless sea crashing down, even the general's claws were paralyzed.

Why did this happen to her again?

She remembered the giant waves she saw in Endless Martial Arts a long time ago. However, that huge wave seems to pale in comparison to the sky falling into the sea in front of you.

The sea is gradually approaching the ground, and its suppression of the atmosphere has become quite clear.

Mary and Enshia are in a race against death. There is no shortage of people with fruit abilities in their group. If they were to take a hit like this, the chance of survival could only be said to be slim.

At this moment, in the deep sea near Fish-Man Island, there was a sudden earth-shaking huge vibration on the bottom of the sea.

A huge flower bag with a radius of several thousand meters grew out of it, and in a few seconds it appeared on the sea surface above 10,000 meters.


Huge "flowers" bloomed from the bottom of the sea, and a humanoid creature with snow-white scales stood in the center of the flower.

Her eyes were like snake's eyes, and her entire face was cold and expressionless.

Watching the white stone in her hand slowly glow, she looked up at the sky.

"[Qiao Yin Boyin] has not reached the final place yet... Who touched the king of heaven?"

She let out a mournful whimper, and the flower instantly turned into a mass of black water.

Then she herself sank into the sea and disappeared again.

In a certain sea area in the first half of the Grand Line, Saint Edved suddenly let out a scream and fell to his knees on the deck with his head in his hands.


Gabriel exclaimed and was about to step forward, but was stopped by Saint Edved with a wave of his hand.

"Hoo, ho..."

St. Edweed gasped for air, forced himself up, and walked to the railing.

Beads of sweat spilled from his forehead on his pale face. But there was a rare and arrogant smile on his face.

"You're back, you're actually back, Qiao Yin Boyin——"

"Who else besides you can activate the King of Heaven at this time?"

"Are you actually the other [protagonist]?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Saint Edved gently put down his hand, and a ball floated up in his palm.

"Then I am your opponent, Qiao Yin Boyin!"

Marie Joa, Pangu City.

On the Void Throne, the supreme figure suddenly burst out with overwhelming momentum.

He clapped his hands lightly.

Soon after, the Five Old Stars came to him under the leadership of the Holy Guard.

Several people knelt on the ground and kowtowed to him.

"Lord Yinmu, what are your orders?"

"Let me investigate who has been to the Devil's Triangle recently."


Lord Yoon looked at the glowing white stone in his hand.

“Be prepared for natural disasters.”


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