Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 957: : Fengyun gathering [3]

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Chapter 957: Fengyun Convergence [3]

On the open space, there is a blackish wooden token with a yellowish color. The quaint pattern is surrounded by the atmosphere, and the atmosphere is solemn, as if there are numerous powers of deterrence!

Among the tokens, the ‘king’ surrounded by a weird symbol is particularly domineering!

"So, isn't that a form of contract that swears allegiance?" Among the mercenaries, someone recognized the strange symbol, the contract that was sworn in the mercenary union when they became a real mercenary that day. Array!

As soon as this statement came out, the numerous mercenaries in the Wuhui Hall were completely silent in an instant. The voice of Nuo Da’s martial arts hall was silent, and even the sound of a hair falling on the ground could be heard!

The eyes of countless mercenaries stared tightly on the black wooden token lying quietly on the open space. No one made a sound. Didn’t say what this seemingly inconspicuous blackwood token was. So many mercenaries are afraid of fear|!

However, everyone’s heart is incredibly bright, and it’s incredible to know this black wood token!

"The mercenary king ordered..." I don't know who said it in a whisper.

This sentence, like a piece of feathers falling into the lake, gently smashed the blue waves and smashed.

"This is a mercenary king!"

"Oh my God! The mercenary king ordered to reappear in the world!"

The mercenary who had just taken the opportunity suddenly screamed and yelled again and again, almost smashing the roof of the martial arts hall!

The crowd looked up and looked around, trying to find out who the owner of this mercenary king ordered!

"The mercenary king ordered that the world mercenaries surrender, do not know whether it is true or not?"

Between the noises, a cold voice rang slowly, with a hint of arrogance, but all the noisy voices stopped in an instant.

You don't need to be swearing, you don't need anger and anger. Just a faint voice can create a feeling of surrender and fear. This kind of majesty based on the mercenary king's order is really terrible!

Following the voice, the mercenaries looked up and looked at the source of the sound.

This lecture hall is a large three-story building. The spacious open space below can be a place for teaching, or it can be a competition venue. The top three floors are all seats for viewing.

In the middle of the second floor, there is a grandstand for the guests, with a very good view. At this moment, a black figure with a slender but cold arrogance slowly emerges from the stands.

It is a woman! It is a woman who is absolutely beautiful!

The dazzling red hair is scattered on the shoulders. There is a daunting cold atmosphere between the delicate and atmospheric face. Although the black robes are simple in style, they are handsome and aggressive!

Beautiful eyebrows, clear and cold dawn, sinking like water, if the morning star, the skin is like a gelatin jade, there is no sputum.

Such a woman is like a fairy in the sky, but she can only look at it from a distance, but she does not dare to look at it. Not to mention that her stunning appearance is amazing, but it is only the sultry atmosphere that has made people bow down to her.

Could it be that the black-wood token that can command the world's mercenaries is actually what this seemingly 17-year-old girl has?

God, this will not be true? !

"This woman is familiar!" Someone said this, and then received the rest of the people's response, it is very familiar, it seems to have seen where, but can not remember for a while.

In fact, they can't think of it, but they can't think!

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