Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 956: : Fengyun gathering [2]

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Chapter 956: Fengyun Convergence [2]

Finally, I woke up the red candle, and spent a lot of time explaining to her why the mercenary Wang Ling was in his own hands, etc. It was finally late for the red candle to calm down.

Huang Beiyue lay in the bed and didn't want to move.

"Master, I always feel that the aunt did not die, he must protect us everywhere in the dark." The red candle that slept on the other side muttered.

"Stupid girl, a super smart person, even if he left the world, everything he had never disappeared." Huang Beiyue comforted her, and the red candle was so deeper than her.

After all, even the North Moon County Lord has never seen Xuanyuan ask the sky, but the red candle and the small lantern are raised by him.

Thinking of the small lantern, Huang Beiyue said: "With the mercenary commander, as long as the mercenaries no longer chase me, we can go to the Guangyao Temple and rescue the small lanterns."

In the darkness, the red candle shook his head hard and said: "Master, save the little lantern, you have to wait until you have five kinds of curses, and then you can break into the Guangyao Temple. The odds are too small, I am afraid that you will lose the beasts." ""

"But the little lantern," the red candle thought, she was very clear in her heart, just a small lantern, can't help it.

"Do not worry, before the end of the beast, the red candle will not kill the small lantern." The red candle comforted her.

Phoenix North quieted down, thinking that the temporary and Guangyao Hall would not have too many intersections, but she did not think that because of the emergence of mercenary Wang Ling, they met so quickly in this rainy country.


After three days

In the largest martial arts hall in Xiqiao, the domestic mercenaries gathered here, and there were chaos and noisy.

"Hey! The people of Xiqiao do not hand over the North Moon, do you want to be an enemy of Shura City?"

"Sura City? It seems that everyone was really scared by Shura City, or is it the greed of the repair of Shura City in the past?" Someone was cold.

"Everyone is from each other, no one wants to say who! To blame can only blame the number of phoenix moons is not good, but the people who have provoked Shura City!"

"Someone, don't worry about it. We have sent people to see the national teacher. The National Teacher has not yet given a reply. It seems that Xiqiao is really trying to be right with Shura City. So, do we have to force it? People robbed?"

"Hey, who will be robbed, who is the credit?"

"This is a life-saving thing. What are the merits? Do you expect Shura City to really pay a lot of money?"

"If you give it? This benefit, do you share it together?"

"There are many workers! Whoever has the most credit, who will give it!"

"Ha ha ha ha - who is the best, let him go to grab people, why do we help? In vain, but no benefit, this kind of thing fools will not do!"

"What are you talking about? There is a madness in the room!"


A few words down, the chaos in the Wuhui Hall will become a mess, in order to catch the North and the Moon are gathered here, in order to catch the heavy profits after the people, and quarreled.

Human ugliness can be seen.


A muffled sound, the mercenaries who almost clamored for a fight, suddenly stepped back and calmed down.

"Who is it!" After a moment of silence, someone shouted angrily.

"The boss is in the mouth, look, see, see what it is -" a loyal mercenary fingered a piece of open space between the mercenaries.

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