Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 892: :Love humming sound [10]

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Chapter 892: Love and Voice [10]

The wind and the wings glimmered slightly, and the purple scorpion reflected the color of the ice and snow, and the unspeakable hustle and bustle.

Seeing that the ice-clear blade was drilled into his wind-killing, and it hit the invisible blade of the wind and made a sharp sound!

The wind of the madness swelled, and then it exploded. The surrounding grasses that were blown by the violent winds were almost uprooted, and countless broken ice slags were scattered, and the unlucky ones had to be accidentally injured!

However, there are still two sharp edges in the air!

An invisible wind blade!

A running ice blade!

Phoenix North Moonlight condenses, hands clasped together, quickly set up a curse, fingers forward, the blade of ice will spurt out toward the door of the wind wing!

At the same time, the wind wing also waved the sleeves, and the blade of the wind also flew toward the north of the phoenix!

The two people shot almost at the same time, all of them are the same rapid and accurate power, coming towards the other side's vitality!

Phoenix North jumped up, and the figure disappeared in the air for a moment. It was a very fast speed, which led to the eyes of ordinary people, and could not see her movements at all!

However, the wind wing is exceptional. He raised his head in a sloppy manner and saw a place in the air at a glance. A little blood spattered.

It seems that his blade of the wind hurt her!

When the ice blade of Huangbeiyue reached his eyes, suddenly there was a gust of wind blowing around him. The wind was softly blowing around him. It seemed that there was no strength, but when the ice blade touched the gust, But when slammed on the ground, it broke into countless ice.

The Sakura Night Princess in the enchantment stared at it all, watching him motionless, the cloud was light and windy, but it resisted the hard hit of the North Moon, and the North Moon.......

The wind and the wing smiled and smiled and said: "Come out, you lose."

If you have a win, you can see it as long as you have eyes.

The strength of the ghost face is indeed not to be underestimated. It can even be said that it is powerful to a terrible realm!

Just now, the trick is to "kill the swords." If it weren't for the Shura King, I am afraid that many people have already lost their lives under the numerous horrible ice blades!

Those ice blades, each with five sharp edges, and that angle is too rough, simply avoiding it!

Just after the impact of the wind and the killing, the ice **** that splashed out also caused many masters to be injured, showing the extent of it.

Moreover, it can be tied to the wind and kill of Shura City, which is already unattainable for most people.

Is it still she wants to wait for the Shura King to summon the War of the Kings?

Just the last blow of the Blade of Ice, has been vaguely able to see the shadow of the Warrior of the Warrior, although the Shura King did not summon him, but since ancient times as a guardian of the Warrior of the Shura City, the evil spirits almost no need to summon the King of War, in his encounter When it is dangerous, it will naturally appear to protect him.

The ghost face person has been injured, lost, the strength gap is so obvious, how could she escape?


In the cold air of winter, a sound of colder and colder than ice and snow came slowly.

" Lost? Not necessarily."

A section of the palace wall was pierced by a huge ice blade, and then a glamorous woman dressed in a gorgeous palace dress slowly came out.

"Emperor, Queen!" Someone exclaimed!

Why is it that Queen Empress is coming out?

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