Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 891: : Love is heard [9]

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Chapter 891: Love and Voice [9]

"You....... ah--" The face of the flame-hearted lion suddenly picked up and wanted to rush over, but found that his arm was broken into three quarters from the middle, and the flesh and blood fell fuzzy.

How could this be? The **** woman, seriously injured his hand for the first time, cut his arm directly for the second time!

He must, must kill the **** woman!

"If you are looking for death, can I fulfill you?" Huang Beiyue was cold and over-the-top, and the eyes under the mask were murderous.

The arrogance of the flames of the flames of the flames of the flames was also stunned, and hesitated a little. Huang Beiyue had already left the back of the Yang Palace with the Sakura Night Princess.

Almost their forefoot just left, the back foot wind and the wing will come in, the beautiful face is as cold as frost, cold and cold, looked at the flame lion.

The flame heart lion lowered his head in guilty conscience, kneeling on the ground, and the broken left arm squatted down.

Seeing his injury, the wind and the wing also slightly smashed, so neat and fierce wounds, caused in such a short period of time, the strength of the ghost face, seems to be more refined than the previous one!

"Your Majesty, **** it, that ghost face...."

I glanced at the messy clothes on the ground and the blood on the corner of his mouth. The wind and the wing knew what happened just now. Although the purple scorpion was cold and waveless, some subtle displeasure was revealed.

The flame lion rushed to the ground and his face was white. He knew that he should not be able to automate the Sakura Night Princess, but this kind of thing has never been asked before, why does this seem a bit different?

"Why did the ghost face take her away?" asked the wind and the wing.

When he heard that he had not pursued what had happened, the flame lion sighed quietly and said: "The subordinates don't know. When the ghost face comes in, they will do it to the subordinates, then..."

Waiting for him to finish, the wind wing has already followed their direction of departure, at his speed, the wind wing can quickly catch up with them!

In the palace, there are people everywhere in Shura City. Everywhere they are chasing and blocking, Huang Beiyue carries the injured Sakura Night and says nothing can go out.

There was a rumbling wind coming from behind, very urgent, just in the blink of an eye, it was very close to myself!

He caught up so quickly, it is really difficult!

"North Moon, you don't care about me, I am the princess of the South Wing country, he did not dare to kill me." Sakura Night Princess also heard the sound behind her, and said weakly.

Huang Beiyue licked her lips and grabbed her hand and did not loose it.

If she was allowed to leave Sakura Night here because of fear, why did she promise to bring her into the palace?

It was because she was sure she could protect Sakura Night, she promised Sakura Night, but now...

The wind behind him suddenly rolled up violently, like a sharp blade with thousands of sharp edges, rushing over them in the wind!

Wind kill!

Huang Beiyue quickly pushed the cherry blossom night behind him, and an ice enchantment opened, shrouded the cherry blossoms, and then flew up and greeted the violent wind!

Behind the **** light flashed out, the ghost face opened his arms, and numerous sharp ice and snow blades appeared behind her, and the sharp blades were rotated to form a strange array of appearances.

"Wan Jian Qiu!" In the sharp edge array method, after the strange mask, the crystal snow and ice pattern is looming!

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