Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 527: : The old man reunited [5]

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Chapter 527: Reunion of the old man [5]

Lolo nodded, and his heart was a bit strange. In this place, there was a summoner who didn’t even summon his own beast. It was really different from the general summoner.

"If you are riding horses, it is better to walk with us." Lolo said kindly, they have many family members and strict rules, and they are not allowed to be too swayed by the summoners, so they are all riding horses.

"Alright." Phoenix North nodded, and together with the people of the Bugier family, can save a lot of trouble.

On this road, many mercenary groups and major families, their team of more than a dozen people can easily become the weak in the eyes of others, will come to trouble.

Although she is not afraid of trouble, she is not willing to waste time on the road.

Lolo’s face immediately smiled, coming out of the carriage and riding a horse, in parallel with her.

The team slowly went on the road. Sure enough, the cross-star banner of the Bujier family danced in the wind. The mercenary group on the road met, and they had to let go to the side. No one dared to block.

Lolo went on the side and said, "Hello, Lord Moon, are you going to Beibei for the first time?"

"My family and I have lived in the forest before." Huang Beiyue responded faintly.

"It turned out to be a high-ranking person." Lolo said with emotion. "If it is ok, I also hope to be a hidden person. I don't have to be dragged by these trivial things. In fact, I think it would be boring to get more."

"How old is Lolo, how can there be such an idea?" Phoenix North was shocked.

Lolo smiled a little and said some things: "Because there are individuals, she doesn't like this kind of life. If I can, I want to be like her."

Huang Beiyue holds the reins and looks at the front. "How do you know that she doesn't like it? Maybe she likes it, just don't say it."

"Maybe, but I think that her heart must be sad, so it has not appeared for so many years." Lolo's voice slowly weakened. "If I had the ability, I must take her away."

Huang Beiyue turned to look at him. If it wasn't for the mask, the look on her face would be very obvious.

"It's ridiculous?" Lolo laughed and laughed at his hair. "She is very strong and she doesn't need me at all."

"Nothing is ridiculous. If you are strong, you will need to rely on others because she is not God."

Lolo’s eyes lit up and looked at her and said, “Your night, you are very good!”

Huang Beiyue raised his lips slightly and said: "But not everyone can let her rely on it. The world is so big, maybe waiting for someone who depends on you, it hasn't appeared yet."

Lolo stunned, and Jun’s face flashed a blush, and he lowered his head and smiled: "Yes."

Huang Beiyue turned to look at the carriage made by Sakura Night Princess and smiled and asked: "The girl in the carriage is so beautiful."

"Yes, she is the big beauty of the South Wing country's public cough!" Lolo guilty, almost said leaking.

Can not let this moonlight night know that the identity of Sakura Night is a princess, after all, Sakura Night is secretly ran out, and less one knows that there is less risk.

Moreover, knowing that Sakura Night is a princess, if you get along with it, you will inevitably have to add a layer of rituals, which will be meaningless.

He intends to make this moonlight night, so it is still confidential for the time being.

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