Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 526: : The old man reunited [4]

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Chapter 526: The reunion of the old man [4]

This girl named Sakura Sakura, is it the Sakura Night Princess of the year?

The girl who is so eloquent is so bright and moving.

Sakura Night Princess turned her head and saw her. The horrible ghost mask did not scare her, but her brow was tightly locked and her eyes became cold.

"The most hated people wearing masks, hypocrisy!" Sakura Night Princess said coldly.

Huang Beiyue said, "I sometimes don’t care if I bring a mask."

"No help, even the closest relatives can deceive?" Sakura Night Princess said, the voice was a little sobbing, and the eyes were red.

Phoenix North does not speak.

Lolo quickly said: "Moonlight night, please don't be angry. This is my cousin. For the first time, I am far away. My family is used to arrogance. It is easy to offend people, and..." Lolo said, raising his finger to his head.

Huangbei month chuckled, the Sakura Night Princess immediately turned around, very delicately pulled out the whip, a whip will be drawn on Lolo.

Lolo smirked, the toes point a little, and the body retraced backwards, and all of a sudden went to the door of the restaurant. The body, the movement, is definitely a master!

"Sakura Sakura, how many times have you said that you can't beat me at the moment." Lolo raised his head and smiled, and the young man was very angry.

Sakura Night Princess put away the whip and said coldly: "If you don't eat any shit, wash your marrow, what's so great?!"

"Of course, great, that was given by my master!" Lolo said proudly.

Sakura Night Princess’s face sinks: “Master Master, you are a master, she is not a disciple!”

"Hey, I don't want to say this to my master!" Lolo's anger was also coming up.

"I want to say, how can you treat me?" Sakura Night Princess has no fear, no fear of the day! "She wants to be an apprentice, why haven't there been a shadow for so many years? I'm afraid I forgot you!"

Lolo took a few deep breaths, and he was still flying free and easy. At this moment, it was like a withered flower, slowly falling down.

Sakura Night Princess also knows that the words are heavy, just to say his pain, and seeing his lost expression, I feel very uncomfortable.

"I just talked about it, what kind of expression do you do?"

"You control me." Lolo pouted and said impatiently, "Are you resting enough? If you are enough, you will be on the road."

"Enough," Sakura Night Princess whispered.

"Let's go." Lolo stood at the door of the restaurant and nodded slightly to Huang Beiyue.

Huang Beiyue also nodded, just right, Jike they had bought a horse back, a dozen horses outside the restaurant, Huang Beiyue and Asare, they went out, and Jike took a white horse.


"Wang, this is a snowy horse with a fast foot."

Huang Beiyue touched the white hair of the horse. He liked it. He turned over and held the reins. The animals were spiritual and felt the strong smell of her beast. So it was very obedient, even if it was a stranger. Dare to move.

Lolo over there got into the carriage and opened the curtain and asked, "Yue night, you are the summoner?"

"That's right." Huang Beiyue said faintly.

Lolo looked at Jike and others and found that everyone was riding a horse. Some curiosity: "Is there no summoner in your team?"

"Yes." Huang Beiyue said simply. ,

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