Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 485: : five years later [3]

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Chapter 485: Five years later [3]

This kind of plant is also a very aggressive thing in the floating forest. The more people who are accidentally wrapped up by them, the more they struggle, the more tightly they will be wrapped up, and finally they will suffocate and die, becoming the object of their engulfment.

Suo Teng Teng is a soil-based plant and a good material for refining advanced weapons. It is also very rare in a floating forest. It is a good luck to meet.

However, the twelfth-order soil-property beast is very fond of the roots of the stalking vine. It can be said that the ground squirrel is the nemesis of the scorpion, and as long as the squirrel is followed, the scorpion can be found.

Huang Beiyue walked to the soil that showed a face, and the corner of his mouth rose slightly, and he smiled wickedly.

Suddenly her hand was raised, the **** and the index finger were juxtaposed, and a series of messy symbols were quickly written in the air!

Her fingertips are condensed with a transparent spirit. When I slid through the air, the speed is too fast, and the symbols written in the air will appear in the air!

"驭土符!退!" A clear drink, with the fingertips in the air, the symbol of the energy writing represents the yellowish color of the soil properties |

The law is established, the spell is made!

The symbols in the air quickly plunged into the soil. During the time, the soils were retreating as if the tides were falling apart!

The screaming stalking vine was immediately exposed, and a green vine was dancing like a snake, and the face-like thing on his head was very embarrassing, and it looked awkward!

Huang Beiyue immediately took out the snow shadow knife, and his eyes were fast, and he quickly rushed over and began to harvest the lifeline!

Those who asked for the vines were not easily provoked, and immediately wanted to fight back, and they entangled the body of Huangbei.

Standing next to the little tiger, immediately rushed up and whispered, the power of the beast scared those who ordered the vines to retreat, feared, and wanted to hide back into the soil.

However, the soil that sheltered them has disappeared at the moment. They can only dance without head and brain, and finally they are all harvested by Huangbei.

The cutoffs of the lifeline will still move, those heads are still struggling, but the attack power has weakened.

Huang Beiyue tied them up and let the little tiger camel on the back.

Sometimes let the tiger exercise, lest he grow too fat.

"It's just that the first-order earthy symbols are so easy to use. What is the power of the second-order third-order fourth-order meta-functions?" Huangbei Yue could not help but secretly rejoicing.

For so many years, Lingzun taught her spells, the secret of the beastless, she can finally see the first and second, and finally saw, in that little black jade, hiding a vast and boundless world.

In the past five years, she has abandoned the original method of cultivating and relying on cohesiveness, and instead of cultivating, she can use the spirit and the magic of communication with the rules of heaven and earth!

This is another set of cultivation system, which is different from all the cultivation systems on the mainland of Calta. It is not a summoning technique, a refining technique, a martial art or an illusion, but another method!

And the advantage of cultivating spells is that she doesn't have to have one attribute like other masters.

There is no vitality in her body, but she can communicate with the five attributes through the spells and use them!

In other words, her body has no attributes, but she has five attributes of fire, ice, wind, thunder and earth!

This spell is a rule that breaks the rules of the entire continent and creates a more powerful skill!

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