Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 484: : five years later [2]

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Chapter 484: Five years later [2]

Xiaohu wants to chase, it is too late, the soil mole is the best one to escape, just spent a lot of effort to force him here.

The emotions of frustration came up, and the little tiger bowed his head and pulled a pair of ears, and did not dare to go to see the North Moon.

Sitting on the branch, Huang Beiyue held his hand and smiled at him. After a while, he said, "Little Tiger."

Xiaohu looked up and gave her a sneak peek. Huang Beiyue pointed his chin with him and the little tiger slowly looked back. When he saw it, his ears stood up!

I saw that the squirrel that had just escaped actually came back! Like a drunken drunkard, he swayed and swayed.

The tiger is very excited, and immediately ran over a bite, this time will never let go!

Huang Beiyue laughed, bowed his head and reached out. From behind her, a round ball jumped into her hand, and the petals on her body opened, revealing a very cute and lovely round face, a happy mouth. Laughing.

The dream animal will not grow too big. It has only been a big circle in the past for many years. Unlike the tiger, it has grown taller than her in a few years.

In the past, Xiaohu also liked to pounce on her. Now if he dares to pounce, she will definitely take him out....

"It's still awkward, Xiaohu, I have to divide a piece of meat for a while." Huang Beiyue touched his head and smiled.

Xiaohu immediately glanced at him with great dissatisfaction, and the fierce look was absolutely deterrent!

吱吱 吓 吱吱 吓 吓 吓 吓 吓 吓 吓 吓 吓 吓 吓 吓 吓 吓 吓 吓 吓 吓

Huang Beiyue said seriously: "Little Tiger, no more bullying, and grabbing the soil rat, there are half credits."

Xiaohu had no choice but to nod and nodded, secretly groaning, not knowing what bad water was in his heart, and going to secretly deal with it.

Huang Beiyue jumped from the branches and was tall and graceful. The two slender legs were slightly bent on the ground, and they stood up. The black robes could highlight her cold and noble temperament.

The red hair of the fire is slightly curled, and it is scattered on the shoulders. It looks more beautiful than when it was a child. The delicate facial features make the heart beat faster, but between the delicate eyebrows, the cold look like ice can make The heart stops.

She has a pair of scorpions that are naturally dark and cold, like the morning stars, with clear radiance, but always revealing the murderous murder.

The dull black robe did not weaken her beauty. The color of the atmosphere is most suitable for her, and it can highlight her arrogance.

This way, it is almost exactly the same as the North Moon in the modern times.

Stepping on the slender legs, walking to the front of the little tiger, patted his head and said, "I have told you many times, to the prey of the mouth, you must not open your mouth, kill him with one bite, and let him not have Struggling to escape."

Whether it is hunting or against the enemy, it does not move, it is slowly consumed, and it is slowly playing, but when it is moving, it is a blow!

The little tiger nodded and the mouth slammed, and the groundhog immediately slammed and broke his breath.

"That's it." Huang Beiyue said with approval, turned to look at the surrounding environment, saw a cluster of green vines, and went over and studied it carefully. "Is this what Master said?"

This plant is also a very aggressive thing in the glare forest.

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