Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1451: : Looking back and laughing [10]

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Chapter 1451: Looking back and laughing [10]

"In the next day, I will fight for the eyes of the county magistrate." Moonlight walked up the steps, and when I saw her face, my mind was full of thoughts.

"Adult is polite." In the soft girl voice, there is a hint of uncertainty about strangers.

She stretched out her white wrist and placed it on the golden mat on the table, because she could hear that the person is a woman's voice, so there is no need to avoid it.

This kind of battle, the North Moon County, has seen more in the past few days. Many masters have treated her for treatment. It is nothing more than a pulse. Ask a few words.

This person called Tiantian was invited by the prince of the wild, so she deliberately waited here early, but did not hear the voice of the battlefield, and there was some little disappointment in her heart.

Moonlight did not go to take her veins. This kind of thing was not necessary at all. Her hand movements were very fast. Before the maids stopped, they had quickly pressed on the corner of the main eye of Beiyue County.

"You are careful..."

The words of the maid were interrupted by the North Moon County Lord, and the people invited by the War Wild, of course, wholeheartedly trust.

On the moonlight night, I closed my eyes slightly, and my fingers flowed with my fingers. A small black energy swept along the meridians around the eyes of the North Moon County.


Those vitalities barely encountered any obstruction, and the meridians were unobstructed without any damage.

Slowly pull your hand back, gather in the sleeves, think for a while, only open the moonlight night.

"The eyes of the county owner are not sick."

The maid next to her saw her movements, thinking that she was a tall man, but when she heard her say this, she couldn’t help but laugh: "The eyes of the county owner are clearly invisible. What do adults say is not a problem?"

If you don't know that this person was invited by the prince of the wild, he was already slammed out of the door!

"If you can't see it, it must be a problem with your eyes?" The moon and night asked coldly.

The maid could not speak for a while.

The North Moon County chief smiled and said: "The adults said that it makes sense. I have never felt that my eyes are unwell, but it is dark."

"The eyes of the county owner are very beautiful. It is a pity to see them."

"What's the pity?" The North Moon County owner gently shook his head and smiled. "Actually, I don't have hope. I can't see it and there is nothing wrong with it. It's said that it is not cured. It is the emperor who refuses to give up."

"Who said that there is no hope?" Hands clasped in the sleeves, standing up from the seat on the moonlight night. "The county owner is waiting for the wedding day and personally sees the blessings of the world."

The owner of Beiyue County has a glimpse of his face, "The adult means..."

"You are so good, it is worth all the best!" After the moonlight smiled, there was no delay, and he turned and walked out of the gazebo.

The maids only saw her black robes very handsome, walking like the wind, but in a blink of an eye, they disappeared into the yard!

"Adult?" The North Moon County Lord also shouted in vain.

The maid said with surprise: "The county owner, maybe this time I really met a savior!"

“Really?” North Moon County muttered, slender fingers gently stroking his eyes, can't believe it.

It was a pleasure, a maid rushed in and said respectfully: "The county owner, Princess Yongning came."

The smile on the face of Beiyuejun’s face almost disappeared when he heard the words “Princess Yongning”.

A very uncomfortable feeling came up. She frowned and said, "I am not feeling well today..."

"If the county owner is uncomfortable, I have some remedies here, maybe it is useful." A cold voice sounded.

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