Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1450: : Looking back and laughing [9]

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Chapter 1450: Looking back and laughing [9]

Sure enough, it’s a man with a small belly...

I don't want to worry about this problem. I quickly shifted the topic on the moonlight night. After talking for a while, I went back to the eyes of the North Moon County.

In the eyes of Zhai, there is really no way to reverse the eye for an eye. He knows very little about the ban on Guangyao Temple, so he can only helpless.

If she said this, she would have to go to the Guangyao Temple in person, or meet with Meng Haotian.

Seeing that the sky is bright, I think about going to the Long Princess House, and I have a little rest for two hours on the moon night.

The battlefield personally came to pick her up and simply explained her identity along the way.

In the drama, a remnant pharmacist who has never been buried, never walks on the mainland of Calta. This time, it was the coincidence of the battlefield.

Her appearance looks like a seventeen-eight-year-old look, so beautiful, in order to avoid being questioned, so Warfield told the Princess and the Bugier family that she is over 100 years old, just as a pharmacist. Well maintained.

After listening to this, the moon and night are laughing all the way.

I used to think that the battlefield was too cold and there was no humorous cell. Now I feel that people can't look at this sentence. It is really right!

Walking in the long princess palace where I lived in the past, everything is familiar. Although it has been repaired in recent years, all the furnishings are intact.

Because the emperor wants to miss the old man, but he does not want to see the traces left by the time, because it will remind him that the emperor has been away for a long time.

Speaking of it, the emperor is the most stubborn of the people she has ever seen.

In the hallway, I met Lolo, who came in a hurry. When I saw it all night, I saw that I slowed down. Lolo also saw the battlefield, so I strode over and said a few words with a smile.

Between the look, she is completely strange to her.

Moreover, this young boy who had been adored by her in the past seemed to grow up a few years old, calm, handsome, and faintly in the momentum of power.

Because he had already explained it with Warfield, he just introduced her identity to Lolo.

"If you can cure the eyes of the county owner, the Bugier family will be willing to promise you any conditions!" Lolo said sincerely, and heard the name "Playing Heaven", there is no unnatural look on the handsome face. .

It seems that what I am doing is really dripping.

Nodded in the moonlight night, not much talk, waiting for the maid to come, led her to Liuyunge, and the battlefield and Lolo left together.

The maid who led her away from time to time looked up at her, secretly surprised, knowing that she is a master of the wilderness of the wilderness, but it seems so young, it is too surprising.

For that curious look, the moonlight night completely ignored, into the Liuyun Pavilion, the flowers and trees help, the chaotic flowers almost fascinated, the air, exudes a burst of elegant floral fragrance.

Moonlight can't help but look at the flowers, the original cool Yunyun Pavilion, I can't think of it has become so lively.

In the new hexagonal pavilion in the courtyard of Beiyue County, leaning against the beauty, the table is boiled with new tea, and the tea is overflowing. Her expression is very lonely.

The maid in the pavilion saw the moonlight coming, and whispered a few words to her.

The Beiyue County Lord was gentle and gentle from a small personality, and he was polite to anyone, so he immediately sat up and turned his eyes to the outside of the pavilion.

"In the next day, daring to heal the eyes of the county."

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