Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1302: : Lord of Black Jade [1]

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Chapter 1302: The Lord of Black Jade [1]

He looks so beautiful, will God let everyone go?

Raised his hand on the shoulder of the moon, and then he returned to God. He didn’t feel embarrassed at all, but smiled and said: "What do you ask?"

"I just saw the North Moon County Lord, but that is not her." Looking at his own words on the moonlight night, I am afraid that people will not understand, just want to explain, but he laughed happily.

"Sure enough, he!" The cold smile hung on his face, and seemed to understand everything.

She still didn't say anything, he actually understood, the first time he felt admired.

"The woman asked me to help her find someone named Cheer. Where can I go to find it?" The moonlit night could not help but be depressed.

"This kind of thing doesn't have to be on the mind, go, I will take you to a fun place." He just smiled casually. He didn't care about the things just now. He pulled up the moon and night hands.

He opened him on the moonlight night and said: "I have no time to play, I am going to Lingyang College."

"You want to enter the beast palace?" He raised his eyebrows slightly, and his face looked a bit unnatural.

Moonlight night is smart, his expression changes are not deliberately hidden, she naturally sees clearly, asks: "Can't that place enter?"

"No..." He hesitated and said, "Moonlight, you are the first person to enter the Palace of the Beasts. Have you found anything special, such"

The moonlight night was tight, and I suddenly remembered the stunning woman I saw when I fled into the secret room with the ice spirit.

Is there anything special about that woman? If you are worried about it...

There were countless thoughts in my mind, and I thought about it in the moonlight night. I said, "That is a land of seals. If someone says something, it should be sealed inside."

"Not a seal." He shook his head and his voice suddenly became very low. "She should have died."

"How can a dead person be in the beast palace?" asked month and night.

He raised his hand and touched her hair. He smiled: "Some things are coincidental, you won't understand."

"You don't say that I certainly don't understand!" Moon night pouted and opened his hand. "You are so obsessed with me. It seems that you are not taking me as a friend. If this is the case, don't ever do it. Don't come back later. It!"

She turned and walked away with anger.

I can't help but laugh, this girl is really capricious!

Three steps and two steps to catch up, he stepped big, a few steps to her, grabbed her hand, said: "Things are too complicated, involving hundreds of years, I am afraid that I can not finish, not intentionally staring at you ""

"Then you said something important!" Moonlight smiled, in order to lead him to say what he wants to listen to, moonlight night at the expense of the innocence of his hands, let him hold.


"For example, you just said, people in the Palace of the Beasts!"

"I just guessed that she would be inside, maybe it was just that I guessed it wrong." He frowned and rarely saw his normal and dignified look, so he couldn't help but smile at the moonlit night, no longer joking.

She cautiously asked: "Then tell me who she is?"

"She is Xuanyuan, more than a hundred years ago, no one can be enemies with her on the mainland of Calta." Pulling her hand, she walked slowly on the moon-filled streets.

Xuanyuan, please? The name she had never heard of, but Xuanyuan’s surname seems to be very special, and a few days ago, she heard the guy named Lie Evil also mentioned a person named Xuanyuan.

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