Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1301: : Battle of the beast [10]

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Chapter 1301: Fighting the Beast [10]

But the girl, when she saw it, except for the subtle difference between the expressions, she really did not see a place different from the North Moon County Lord!

She is still very confident in her observation. If the girl’s eyes and look are not right, she can’t even find it.

Thinking about it, the seventh tower of Lingyang College has been faintly hoped.

The shoulder was gently patted, and the moonlight thought that the girl had folded back. She suddenly turned back, but there was only a magnified enchanting smile in front of her eyes. She was scared, but the owner of the smiling face reached out and pinched. Her cheeks on both sides, hehe smiled: "Don't stare at me with such a fascinating expression, I will be shy."

The black line on the forehead of the moon night, this person, is there any point?

Raise his hand and open his hand, rubbing his cheek and asking, "How are you here?"

"I just saw an acquaintance, chasing here, but he has disappeared. Who knows that he has come across you again." The red dress fluttered down, and slowly stood in front of her, raised her hand and opened a hand. The red umbrella is on top of the heads of the two.

"Don't block my moonlight!" Moonlight went out from under the umbrella, hands clasped around his chest and looked at him with a slap in the face. "Do you still have acquaintances?"

In her impression, he is an unusually lonely guy. Apart from the strange World of Warcraft under the Seventh Tower, he has never seen him communicate with other people, and he has always been alone and arrogant.

He smiled sighingly: "There are always one or two."

A smile on the moonlight night, gossip asked: "What do you meet, is it a man or a woman?"

"You ~ guess." Look at her, the charming eyes flow, a little dark red looks particularly demon.

A look at the moonlight night, and then touched the goose bumps on the body, it is really a smoke, and the average person can not suffer.

"It won't be a good person anyway!" whispered a whisper. He didn't want to talk to him at the moonlight night and walked toward the back of Lingyang College.

He followed up and chased her and said, "It's a beautiful beauty."

"Oh, is it?" Moonlight said faintly, still thinking about the girl who just saw the same as the North Moon County.

"Hey, you don't care about the expression, I don't think I have any money for cabbage!" He looked at her back with dissatisfaction, this girl...

Moonlight seriously turned to look at him: "Cabbage can eat, can you?"

"Is it good to see cabbage?" He yelled, almost didn't go up and lick her neck.

Smiled on a moonlit night, the eyes were fed and bent like two delicate crescents. "The cabbage is sweet."

"I, I am also sweet...." A sound that is not emboldened.

"Oh? Is it? How sweet?" Moonlight raised his mouth. Under the moonlight, two small tiger teeth were exposed. The sharp pointed hair, like a tooth decay, flashed a subtle glow, and some bloodthirsty feelings. .

In my heart, my heart tightened and my heart pounded. I felt that I couldn’t look directly at the delicate face under the moon.

It’s really... beautiful!

Seeing that he suddenly did not speak, did not meet his victorious personality! On the moonlight night, I asked: "Do you know a person named ‘Cheer’?”

"Well?" He looked at her soft, tender lips, and some couldn't return to God.

The man under the red umbrella is gorgeous, and the magic of the creator is sometimes admirable.

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