All the creatures in Hengwang City felt this and involuntarily stopped their movements, with horror and awe in their eyes as they looked towards the majestic ancient palace in the center of Hengwang City.

That is the Hall of King Heng, where the famous King Heng is in retreat.

Over the years, King Heng's reputation has been like a shining comet across the historical sky of the Fairyland, leaving an indelible mark on it.

With the body of a true immortal, he can withstand five attacks from the supreme immortal king without dying. This is a unique existence in the vast history of the immortal realm.

The most astonishing thing is that it took him a very short time from entering the Immortal Realm to rising up. Not long ago, he was participating in the Peach Festival. In the blink of an eye, he reached the pinnacle of Immortal Realm and fought against Ao Sheng, one of the overlords of the Immortal Realm.

People don't know how he did it, and they all have different speculations and opinions. Only the Immortal King and some immortal beings know that Wang Heng went to the land of Tongtian, where he spent a period of time, and then he rose up and jumped to the top. Otherwise, , it is impossible to practice so fast.

Since the Five Strikes Agreement, Wang Heng's name has spread throughout the world. All the young geniuses in the Immortal Realm regard Wang Heng as a role model and regard him as a beacon on the road to spiritual cultivation.

Generation after generation of young people, except for those in the Ao Sheng camp, regard the emerging Hengwang City as a holy place in their hearts, because when they come here they can get close to the legendary Hengwang and maybe get a glimpse of the holy face.

He is also the only creature who is not up to the level of the Immortal King, but has the title of Immortal King. Whenever the word "Heng King" is mentioned, it can make people's blood boil and they can't calm down for a long time.

The speculation about when he will become king is one of the enduring topics among monks. Tens of thousands of years have passed, and people are still talking about it endlessly.

Some people say that he needs half a million years. Some people say that the realm of the Immortal King is different from the past. The previous realm is fast, but it does not mean that he will become an Immortal King quickly. They think he will need at least a million years. After all, in the history of the Immortal Realm, only one person has achieved immortality. Most of the king's creatures took an era.

One million sermons are already amazing.

However, at this moment, the fluctuations coming from the center of Hengwang City shocked all the affected creatures.

It was a kind of coercion, a kind of wave, sweeping across the sky and the earth, suppressing the inside and outside of the universe, as strong as a real immortal. In this ocean-like fluctuation, it was like a small boat, accepting the beating of the strong wind and waves at any time. Possibility of capsizing.

The powerful creatures stationed in Hengwang City are all too familiar with this kind of fluctuation. This is the pressure that a strong person will only have when he proves to be the Immortal King, and it has just begun.

If it is the middle and late stages of the Immortal King's Tribulation, the creatures who prove the Immortal King cannot control their own power at all, and a catastrophe will occur.

"Oh my god, in just 40,000 years, is King Heng going to reach the Immortal King Realm?"

"Is it too early? He is so young and full of energy. There has never been such a young Immortal King in history."

The person in charge of the big force, a group of immortal beings spoke up. They came from extremely ancient families, and many of them had the lineage of the Immortal King.

"There may be hope of success, because he is the unique King Heng. He has been breaking conventions and creating miracles along the way." Someone said.

"It's unbelievable. It's the only example in history to challenge the Immortal King at this age." Some people sighed and couldn't help but admire.

However, there are also creatures with expressionless faces who open the altar and spread the news to the outside world.

Soon, the news that King Heng was going to survive the Immortal King's Tribulation spread throughout the Immortal Domain.

Everyone was shocked and speechless by the news. When Wang Heng came to the Immortal Realm, he was only in the realm of the weak. In just 40,000 years, he was already on the verge of becoming an Immortal King.

Among the geniuses of the Immortal Realm at the same time as him, the most amazing ones have barely become true immortals. Moreover, their cultivation has stagnated. If they want to move forward, it will take an extremely long time, and they may stop there.

On the other hand, Wang Heng seemed to have no bottleneck, singing all the way and rushing to where he is now with a stern attitude.

"I didn't expect this day to come so quickly." In an Immortal King's cave, a vague figure sat cross-legged and sighed.

He was the Hunyuan Immortal King who had helped Wang Heng back then. When he was in his last years, he gave the Immortal King the Hunyuan Dao Jing.

On the other side, King Pan also heard the news, his eyes were shining, the light inside was unpredictable, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Some of the immortal giants who were in seclusion frowned slightly.

"It's a bit impulsive. For him, it's only a matter of time before he becomes king. It might be better if he takes some time to settle down."

As for the Immortal Kings from Ao Sheng camp, when they heard that Wang Heng was going to survive the Immortal King Tribulation, their expressions were extremely exciting. Without exception, their faces were filled with cold light and murderous intent.

They were all involved in the killing of Wang Heng back then. This was a huge cause and effect that was difficult to resolve. There would be a time of reckoning in the future. Naturally, they did not want their enemy to become king and truly rise.

However, Wang Heng has already joined the Immortal Realm and is a member of the Immortal Realm. He is valued by the Immortal Realm giants and it is not easy for them to intervene rashly.

"Do you really think it's so easy to become an Immortal King? Just rely on tens of thousands of years of accumulation to see how you can become a king." Such a cold snort came from the cave of Immortal King Taishi.

In the cave of the Immortal King at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, a dazzling fairy light burst out, dazzling more than any other light. In an instant, the power of the supreme Immortal King enveloped the entire universe, but in the blink of an eye, it disappeared without a trace.

Immortal creatures who are familiar with the Immortal King at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty know that this is the result of the ancestor's anger. For what reason, it is not difficult to guess that the news of King Heng's attack on the Immortal King has already spread throughout the Immortal Realm.

In King Sheng City, in the ancient cave filled with chaos, Ao Sheng, the supreme Immortal King of the generation, is still in seclusion at the moment.

Ten thousand years ago, Luo Mo and the others were too cruel. He had not suffered such a heavy blow in many epochs.

This is an origin injury, the most serious injury encountered by the Immortal King. His opponent is the Immortal King from a foreign land. In Ao Sheng's body and soul, not only are there traces of the Dao left by the Immortal King, but there is also a powerful force that is not weak. The power of darkness frightened Ao Sheng. He didn't know which immortal king was behind it. It took him a long time to clear away the power of darkness.

Because of this, ten thousand years later, his injuries have only improved slightly, and it may take tens of thousands of years to return to his peak.

However, a message from his descendant, the Quasi-Immortal King, almost caused him to relapse into an old injury and almost vomit blood.

Wang Heng, who had always been regarded as a thorn in his side, actually wanted to attack the Immortal King at this moment. Ao Sheng was shocked and angry, and wanted to kill the grandson of his old enemy. However, everyone in the Immortal Domain was paying attention to this matter. At that time, there were giants who wanted to protect Wang Heng, so it was difficult for him to succeed. Moreover, he himself was not healed from his injuries and was not suitable for leaving the country.

"What a shame. If I had been more decisive back then, how could I have been in trouble today?" He regretted it.

During the Peach Festival, Ao Sheng had the idea of ​​​​killing Wang Heng. Unfortunately, the giant had a tough attitude and wanted to protect Wang Heng. Ao Sheng and others were afraid and did not take action.

Thinking about this now, he was extremely upset. If he had been more decisive at that time and killed Wang Heng even if he did not hesitate to attack the giant, there would be no King Heng today.

However, time cannot be turned back, and it is useless to regret it. Wang Heng is destined to become the king.

Ao Sheng knew clearly that with Wang Heng's strength, it would be enough to forcefully attack the Immortal King.

Ao Sheng, who is known as the overlord of the Immortal Realm, feels so uneasy for the first time, because a peerless enemy is about to rise and stand on this vast territory, and he, Ao Sheng, may never have peace.

Not only that, Ao Sheng has been really unlucky recently. He failed to kill the foreign land and was seriously injured. A thousand years ago, there was another flat peach event. He personally asked King Pan to issue the Immortal King's decree and invited the ancient invincible from the original ancient world to come. Yes, but it was all in vain and no one was there.


Intermittent low roars came from the ancient cave, scaring the descendants of Ao Sheng who were waiting outside into silence.

In the Hengwang City, a majestic figure rises from the ground and stands in the sky above the Hengwang Palace. It is majestic and towering over the sky. Its unparalleled power spreads, making the entire universe tremble slightly.

This is Wang Heng's law, heaven and earth, and it already has the power of the Immortal King.

He looked down at Cangyu, stepped forward, ignored the various defenses of Hengwang City, and left in one step, crossing the cosmic boundary wall and arriving at a relatively dry cosmic starry sky.

During the Tribulation of the Immortal King, even if he was so powerful that he could not control the power, it would destroy King Heng's city, so Wang Heng came here.

Immortal King Wuji arrived earlier and used his means in advance to transfer the source of life in this universe to prevent them from disappearing into thin air.

At the same time, he was wary of possible accidents. The Immortal Kings of Ao Sheng's camp and Wuji were all under surveillance and locked up. Moreover, he had contacted the giants of the Immortal Domain and asked them to secretly help and protect the road. To deal with his mortal enemy, he had to Defend.

At this moment, Wang Heng came to this universe. He no longer had any scruples and completely let go. After 30,000 years of seclusion, he once again built a shoulder in the form of the Great Dao corresponding to the Eternal Sutra.

At the time of the Five Strikes Agreement, he only managed to build a Yuan Shen Sword, an arm, a shoulder, and a neck. Now, with an extra shoulder, his attainments are completely different.

A terrifying momentum erupted, earth-shaking, millions of stars exploded in an instant, bright light flashed, and then fell into eternal darkness.

This kind of momentum even surprised Wuji, who was in the realm of the Immortal King. He sighed in his heart that his grandson was so great, no wonder he was appreciated by the giants of the Immortal Realm.


Between heaven and earth, the avenues were boiling, like boiling water. One after another, the most powerful avenues turned into beams and chains, lasing over and heading straight towards Wang Heng.

He gave up his physical body and only cultivated his soul. Naturally, there was no physical test when he passed through the Immortal King Tribulation.

However, this seems to have triggered some taboo. Heaven and earth cannot see such a creature becoming a king. The catastrophe of the soul is more violent and terrifying than imagined.

Wang Heng snorted, and his body was instantly pierced by the chains and beams of the avenue. The aura of destruction spread. Even Wang Heng, who practiced the Eternal Sutra, felt the crisis of death.

Only then did he realize what the so-called precipitation was. The earlier he attacked the Immortal King Realm, the higher the possibility of failure and death.

He is too young. It is rare in ancient times to challenge the Immortal King at this age. Many Immortal Kings in the Immortal Realm are amazed by this.

However, the matter has come to this point, and Wang Heng has no way out. He must break through the shackles and shackles and truly transform into an unparalleled immortal king. Only in this way can he have a foothold.


His hair was disheveled, he looked up to the sky and roared, the Eternal Sutra bloomed, and the dark beams of light intertwined with the avenue. Even in the face of the danger of death, Wang Heng was still using the Tribulation of the Immortal King to temper his soul.


Wang Heng coughed up blood. This was no longer blood, but the essence of the soul.

Hundreds of great avenue chains and beams of light penetrated his body, cracking his soul body and making it full of cracks. It was about to collapse and he suffered unimaginable heavy damage.

This is not over yet, because the avenue is endless, one hole penetrates, and there is the next, endless.

Finally, Wang Heng exploded to pieces, and his soul body disintegrated and fell apart, unable to withstand this calamity.

In the distance, Wuji Immortal King showed worry on his face. The chain of the Great Dao made him a little frightened. Wang Heng's Dao practice was far lower than his. The time spent cultivating the Dao between the two was simply incomparable. How to compete? This is simply a certain death.

What pleased him was that Wang Heng persisted, constantly activating the Eternal Sutra to repair the injured body.

After that, he was blasted and disintegrated several times, and his breath dropped sharply, like a candle in the wind, swaying uncertainly, as if it would be extinguished in the next second.

The arrival of the breath of death inspired Wang Heng's will to survive. A huge potential emerged from the depths of the soul's body, promoting the evolution of the Eternal Sutra. In the form of the Great Dao God, the second arm was taking shape little by little.

The weapon held by this arm is the Immortal Killing Sword that he dug out from the Immortal Killing Platform. It is specially designed to kill Yuanshen with no disadvantages.

Once this arm is formed, the power of his sword swing will skyrocket to a degree visible to the naked eye.


There were more beams and chains of the great avenue. The past, present, and future were overwhelming, leaving no way for people to survive at all. The profound meaning of the great avenue of the heavens swept over, and Wang Heng was directly submerged in it, constantly disintegrating, and in the eternity. With the help of others, the adhesion was forced back.

In this cruel, almost hell-like tempering, his soul body became more tenacious and powerful, and his Taoist form was also progressing rapidly. His second arm was about to take shape. Although it was very slow, it was real. Moving forward, with every step he took, he felt a surge in strength.

Finally, the trial from the Great Way of Heaven and Earth ended, and Wang Heng endured a calamity unimaginable by other enlighteners.

But this is not over yet. Between heaven and earth, there are endless avenue symbols floating over, turning into an eternal immortal furnace, burning fiercely, trying to turn him into ashes.

This is a real massacre, very deadly. Starting from the source, we strive to completely eliminate Wang Heng.

He was burned badly, and his soul shrank and turned into a scorched shell.

Many times, Wang Heng's vision became dark, as if he was about to fall into eternal silence. There would always be a soul sword and a blood-red guillotine coming, striking him in front of his eyes, and waking him up.

This was repeated, and in the end, Wang Heng was almost losing consciousness. His whole person was in a state of chaos, hazy, and he was really about to die.

There is no end to the road, and the Eternal Immortal Furnace has also come to an end and begun to crumble and disintegrate.

The fairy light shines down. This time, it is no longer a terrifying punishment, but a soft and sacred one. Between heaven and earth, fairy sounds burst out, and countless visions emerge, filling the universe. This is the fairyland. The Great World is congratulating the birth of an Immortal King.

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