The rhythm of the chapter review area is very big. I think it is necessary to talk about the issue of realm and combat power. Realm is realm and combat power is combat power. Don’t talk about it together. This is wrong. Look at everyone. If I write a chapter without saying anything about my views, I’m afraid I will be pressured. When readers are divided into several factions, the author will indeed find it difficult to write.

However, I am still as always, I will not blindly listen to any one side, everything will start from the original work.

Let’s talk briefly about the Peak of Immortality first. After all, many brothers have never seen the Holy Ruins, or they haven’t looked carefully, or they have seen it, but they have forgotten it.

"Holy Ruins"

Who was preaching at the beginning of Chapter 1663 (free): At the end of the chapter, Chu Feng proved the Immortal King with his supreme Taoist practice, and the time was 1.25 million years in the Ruin Era.

Original text: "In the ruins of the year, 1.25 million years ago, Chu Feng established himself as a Taoist, covered with rays of light, powerfully broke through the barrier, and officially entered the realm of the Immortal King!"

Chapter 1664: Independence from the World (Free): The original text is like this

"The ruins have lasted for more than two million years. Chu Feng has entered and exited countless large universes, captured the stars, descended into the Nine Netherworlds, and analyzed unparalleled dangerous places. His strength has continued to grow, and he has reached the late stage of the Immortal King.

But people are becoming more and more silent and extremely restrained. When he was at the pinnacle of the mortal world, he could fight against the Immortal King, let alone at this level. If the kings were resurrected, it would be difficult to stop him from suppressing him with one hand! "

"In the 2.43 million years of ruins, Chu Feng has completely deduced the path to the Immortal King's realm, and created his own Dharma and Tao. He sat there cross-legged, and the scriptures revealed themselves, lingering around him, and were about to spread. Drive away and restore life to the depleted world." At this time, Chu Feng should be the ultimate Immortal King.

The following original text also verifies this point.

"As the ultimate Immortal King, although Chu Feng is covered with soil, his body is clean and dust-free. Although Chu Feng has restrained all the Dao marks and rules and will not hurt the few people outside, the fragrance of the immortal body The breath is still lingering in the soil after a long time, and they can smell it."

He attained enlightenment in the Jueling Universe and was dug out by someone like Duan De. At this time, he was the Supreme Immortal King, and the timeline was 2.43 million + a dozen + tens + many thousands of years in the Ruin Period. It’s a bit unclear here. , however, considering that Chu Feng became the quasi-immortal emperor 2.83 million years ago in the Remnant Era, this description of the "extreme Immortal King" should be around 2.8 million years ago in the Remnant Era.

To sum up, the growth of Chu Feng in the realm of immortality and Taoism is as follows: he became the Immortal King in the 1.25 million years of the Remnant Chronicle, the late Immortal King in the 2 million years of the Remnant Chronicle, and the late Immortal King in the Remnant Chronicle of 2.43 million years. The Immortal King is supreme.

The battle strength is like this. The top immortal can fight against the Immortal King. Brother Dong did not describe it when he first became the Immortal King. 750,000 years after he became the King, at the late stage of the Immortal King, he suppressed the kings of the group with one hand. The "King of the Groups" here "Some general meanings, I will understand it as the Immortal King is invincible. After 1.18 million years of growth, when the Immortal King is at its peak, the description is unknown, but the expressive power is that it can enter the ancient road that even the Immortal Emperor finds dangerous, and go deep.

After talking about the original work Chu Feng, let’s talk about Shi Hao.

Shi Hao, everyone must know more.

(1935 Immortal King Blocks)

"If Shi Hao hadn't tempered his body just now and successfully passed the test, and his physical body was already solid and indestructible, then he would have been torn into pieces and destroyed here under this palm just now.

This palm looked very slow, but it was too cruel and its power was endless.

Even so, Shi Hao flew out all of a sudden, covered in blood and cracks. He was pressed down by the Immortal King's slow palm, and was almost destroyed physically and mentally. His soul was unstable and almost exploded. "

At this time, the body of Shi Hao of the Red Dust Immortal has passed the test and passed through, possessing the body of the Immortal King. Ao Sheng is the supreme Immortal King, but the real body has not come, and only one hand has left the lower world.

In the end, Shi Hao's Yuan Shen passed a series of tests and reached the level of the Ten Fierce Ones. Before he could cross the last step, the three top masters each used one hand, plus Jin Maohuan's broken tower, to kill Shi Hao's Yuan Shen.

(1940) Shi Hao's soul turned into ten paths, and sat cross-legged in the ten reincarnation seals. He practiced hard for half a million years. Each path was not weaker than the peak of the year, and even surpassed the peak.

I feel that although this kind of practice cannot be roughly calculated as 50 times 10 = 5 million years, if there is no Yuan Shen to transform into ten, and there is only one Yuan Shen, Shi Hao would have to practice for at least one or two million years to achieve this. kind of accumulation.

Original text: "Shi Hao created his own method. This brand-new Taoist method includes various scriptures, treasures, etc. It is infinitely powerful. It received the most cruel test when fighting against several immortal kings.

The Immortality Sutra only ensures that Shi Hao's physical body is immortal and cannot cultivate his soul.

However, after he drew on the strengths of hundreds of schools of thought and created a new system, he broke the shackles.

Why is the Yuan Shen divided into ten pieces and hidden in the ten seals of reincarnation? His path to immortality and his method are integrated and comprehensive, making up for the shortcomings of the Immortal Sutra. The Yuan Shen can no longer practice this method. Now his Yuan Shen Immortal.

The most important thing is that the ten souls are running and are indestructible. Each one has been restored. Based on the peak realm of the past, after long years of seclusion, it has finally surpassed it. One of them has been like this, better than before. If it were ten Fusion and unity, how powerful it will be. "

After the ten souls merged into one, Shi Hao was probably at the level of a supreme immortal king, and his combat power should have reached that of a giant. Why? There is an original text that says: "Before, he had the confidence to fight with the Immortal King because he had bloody courage and had always used the weak to attack the strong and the weak to defeat the superior. But now, he is more calm and confident. With great confidence, even if he relies on Taoism and magic power, he is not weaker than anyone." This was Shi Hao's narration after opening up the sixth secret realm.

Everyone knows the following plot. Shi Hao opened up the sixth secret realm in the boundary sea, and there was a god three feet above his head, turning into a supreme giant.

In comparison, Shi Hao encountered setbacks and cheated and skipped levels, while Chu Feng moved forward step by step.

Return to this book again.

Wang Heng is one-third of the protagonist, a clone of Yuanshen. He gave up his physical body and only cultivated Yuanshen. Currently, he is at the pinnacle of immortality, just like Chu Feng.

In the Immortal King Realm that values ​​the soul, Wang Heng can shine. However, without "qi" and "jing", his innate potential is lower than Chu Feng. It is impossible for me to say that Chu Feng is the ultimate immortal. With perfect energy and spirit, the protagonist is more powerful than Chu Feng in cultivating a single god (anyone in the same realm will have strengths and weaknesses).

However, in terms of attack power, Wang Heng is not weak (the Yuan Shen Sword and the Immortal Killing Sword are both powerful weapons against the Yuan Shen)

However, if the sword takes a deviant path, there are always highlights and non-prominences, right? Abandoning the physical body is tantamount to abandoning the station of the soul. Then, "qi" represents magic power, and Wang Heng is not the top, the driving force for casting spells. It is all about the power of the soul. In the short term, it is a very domineering path. The soul will be extremely powerful. But in the long run, how is it possible to reach the realm with the word "emperor" by just relying on the soul? The further you go, the disadvantages of doing so. will become more prominent.

You all have recognized this eccentric path of soul, which can be regarded as my success, but you must also look directly at its shortcomings. Of course, I did not clearly write this out before, and it is my problem.

Just like exotic spirits, there are flaws that cannot be ignored.

If one were to compare combat prowess in the same realm, the three-part body would definitely be invincible in ancient times \u003e Wang Heng \u003e Gen Jin. I believe many people would have noticed that.

The Qi body Qi refining system has boundless magical power. Although the soul and body are not the original body and are refined after acquisition, the system supports the combat power.

The divine body gives up the physical body and specializes in the soul. Everything depends on the power of the soul.

Needless to say about the spiritual body, with the deepening of practice, the most powerful physical body cannot cover up the flaws of the soul. The magic power is the same as the divine body, and it is not top-notch.

This is the current situation of the three bodies.

The next chapter is about the tribulation of Yuanshen crossing the Immortal King. Since Wang Heng has not encountered a life-and-death catastrophe like Shi Hao, I will follow the steps step by step like Chu Feng did. It is impossible to give Wang Heng a Yuanshen branch. It's a big mistake to practice, and then let the protagonist skip a level. Even if he skips a level, Shi Hao has to train hard for half a million years before he can jump. How long has Wang Heng been practicing? Recovering from a serious injury counts as ten thousand years, but practicing thirty thousand years will surpass the hundreds of thousands of years that the original protagonist cheated on? This is a bit outrageous.

In terms of realm, step by step, in terms of combat power, if there is no big battle, try not to give direct descriptions to avoid endless debates. Anyway, in terms of attack power, the divine body is not bad. In actual combat, who doesn't have a headache if it specifically targets the soul?

As you said before, the later period of the Immortal Era cannot be that short. The real reckoning and war will take place many thousands of years later. I have raised the protagonist to a very high level now, and his combat power will collapse by then.

Let’s be realistic and take the two protagonists of the original trilogy as a reference, step by step. After reading it for so long, no one wants this book to collapse and end hastily, right?

Anyway, by the time of the final battle of the Immortal Era, the three clones of the protagonist will have grown to the point where they can play a decisive role in the war.

If your requirements for the combat power of the three-part body are exaggerated, how should I write it? I can't write at all, and then it's just a horizontal push, and there's no need to combine.

If there are no difficulties and constraints in the practice of avatars, then why should the protagonist merge? Just divide them up and make them three people.

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