As for the owner of the restricted area himself, he cannot even go to the boundary sea.

Now he is a body of obsession. He no longer has the fighting power of a giant, but he can maintain the aura of a giant for a period of time. If he bluffs people, even if he tries his best, he can only hit one blow at his peak.

Once you fight the Immortal King, you will be defeated soon.

Above the boundary sea, creatures in his state are the most dangerous and are the hunting targets of other kings. When the owner of the restricted area returned from serious injuries, he encountered countless robberies and killings along the way. He knew this all too well.

Moreover, he is not the only one who owns the forbidden area. He also has two true immortal Taoist boys, a group of disciples, and many descendant groups. If he really falls into the boundary sea and his obsession is wiped out, then the Cross Yin and Yang forbidden area will really be destroyed. It has become a thing of the past.

At this time, five hundred years have passed since Biyu left. The world is vast, and God knows where she went.

Making the decision to go to sea shows that Biyu has put life and death aside and has no intention of coming back alive.

In this case, the owner of the forbidden area cannot rush to find it.

He also disagreed with Gu Wudi's proposal to go to the Realm Sea, because Gu Wudi was a creature with extraordinary potential and infinite possibilities. He had not yet truly set foot in the realm of the strongest. If he could not become a king, he would eventually become an ant and go to the Realm prematurely. Hai, it would be a pity if he died young.

"Among the master's disciples, Biyu was the first to become an immortal. Deep down in his heart, he considers himself a senior sister and wants to be a role model for his junior brothers and sisters.

However, 30,000 years have passed, and the junior brothers and sisters have become immortals one after another, showing extraordinary potential. As the senior sister, Biyu has stopped moving forward, unable to see where the future lies.

Therefore, she thought of the road that her master and her previous brothers and sisters had traveled, hoping to find a way to break through there. "The True Immortal Taoist boy sighed and said.

Gu Wudi understood Bi Yu's thoughts very well. Thinking from his perspective, if he encountered this situation, he would probably choose to go to the boundary sea and fight.

"Let her go, I know her too well, even if she is found, she will choose to go to sea again.

Life or death, it all depends on her destiny. "The owner of the restricted area struggled for a long time and finally sighed like this.

The two True Immortal Taoist boys did not speak when they heard this. They just lowered their heads with sad expressions on their faces.

There were many of Bi Yu's previous disciples who were more amazing than Bi Yu, but none of them survived. They all died. She had no chance to survive.

Gu Wudi was a little unwilling to give up?

He couldn't help but think of the scene when he and Qingyue became Taoist companions, and the scene of all the brothers gathered here. The laughter, the voices and smiles were still echoing in his mind. The memory was profound and unforgettable. .


"No need to say more, this matter ends here." The owner of the restricted area shouted.

A disciple went to the Boundary Sea. He would never allow Gu Wudi, the most promising disciple, to risk his life. The price was too high and he couldn't bear it.

However, Gu Wudi did not give up. He sent a message to the owner of the restricted area and told a story from the past.

After listening to his words, the face of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone softened a little, and his tone became more relaxed.

"If what you say is true, I will allow you to go to the Boundary Sea. Otherwise, it will be impossible."

"Okay, Master, wait for my news." Gu Wudi nodded, then said goodbye and turned to leave.

He walked straight out of the Cross Yin and Yang Forbidden Zone, followed the old memories in his mind, and came all the way to a mysterious and vast land in the Great Dao Heaven.

This place is known as the land of reincarnation. It is surrounded by a peerless formation. You cannot break through forcefully. Even though Gu Wudi has become an immortal, even the quasi-immortal king is not his opponent. If he breaks into this place without permission, he will be reduced to ashes in an instant and die without mercy. Burial place.

"Junior Gu Wudi, please see Master Six Paths of Reincarnation."

Gu Wudi let out the divine voice of the great avenue and spoke to the vast pure land.

What he said to the owner of the restricted area was that he came to ask for help from the giant - the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Back then, Gu Wudi came here with the token of the ancestral sacrifice spirit and the mark of the lord of the restricted area. With the help of the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation, he established the Realm of Six Paths of Reincarnation, and also received the true inheritance of the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation— —Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Power. There was a lot of karma with this tyrannical giant.

Now, in order to persuade the owner of the restricted area to go to the boundary sea to recover his senior sister, he once again came to the land of reincarnation.

According to what the young man from the Supreme Palace said back then, the cave of the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation is not limited to this one, there are many more in the thirty-three days.

He didn't know where the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation was at this time. It was the closest place, so Gu Wudi naturally went here first to take a look and look for it.

However, until his great voice disappeared, this vast pure land did not respond.

Gu Wudi called a few more times, but to no avail. He let out a long sigh and concluded that the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation was not here, and was planning to turn back.

Suddenly, there was movement in the peerless formation that enveloped the Pure Land. In front of it, fairy light filled the air, intertwined with a light door, and suddenly opened.

Gu Wudi was stunned for a moment, then stepped in.

Different from what he imagined, what was waiting for him was not the young man from the Supreme Palace, nor the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation, but a huge black dog with shiny fur, squatting there like a hill.

One person and one dog, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes, the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

"Gu Wudi has met Senior Black King."

In the end, it was Gu Wudi who spoke first.

It wasn't that the Black King didn't want to speak at this time, but he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

It naturally recognizes Gu Wudi. Back then, the Immortal Domain King Heng asked it to bring a Ten Thousand Dao Tree back to the original ancient world and give it to a creature named Gu Wudi. When it met the tree, it realized that Gu Wudi was different. Ordinary, not simple anymore. He is a genius with amazing talent and will become a great talent in the future.

Who would have thought that just 30,000 years later, the boy who was still a humane ant would already jump up and run on top of it.

Looking at the unfathomable Gu Wudi in front of him, Black King was speechless for a while. Why are there so many talented people in this life? Even if Wang Heng of the Immortal Domain was so defiant, Gu Wudi seemed to be no less generous.

The Black King, who personally sent Wang Heng to the Land of Heaven, knew that Wang Heng had a period of time in distant ancient times, but Gu Wudi did not, so in comparison, Gu Wudi's cultivation speed was faster.

The Black King felt like crying when he thought that he had endured several epochs and tens of millions of years with a giant before he was promoted to the realm of true immortals. The gap was too big.

"Gu Wudi, um... let's stay friends from the same generation from now on." Hei Wang responded.

"Okay, please tell me, fellow Taoist Black King, that I would like to see Senior Six Paths of Reincarnation." Gu Wudi nodded.

Hearing this, the Black King shook his huge dog head: "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. Lord Six Paths is not here. He is in Infinite Heaven. He should be in seclusion at the moment. I guess he won't be able to see anyone if he goes away."


"Because Lord Six Paths is extremely focused when he is studying the way of reincarnation. He will not even meet my Lord Wu Ending. Unless Lord Six Paths is forcibly interrupted from that state, otherwise..."

Hearing this, Gu Wudi understood clearly in his heart that the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation was a Taoist idiot. In order to study the way of reincarnation, even his own weapon, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, split into several pieces. If he went to the Infinite Heaven at this moment, the result would be the same as The Black King expected it to be no different.

Suddenly, he looked troubled.

The Black King glanced at him and said, "Do you have anything important to do?"

"Human life matters."

Gu Wudi's words are concise and concise.

"Perhaps, my Lord Wu Jing can help you."

Hearing this, Gu Wudi's eyes lit up.

"Is what Fellow Daoist Black King said true? Is Master Wu Zhong here?"

The Black King nodded.

"This place of reincarnation was discovered by Lord Six Paths. However, my Lord Wujiu and Lord Six Paths are good friends, so they occasionally come here for retreat. You are lucky to catch up."

"So that's the case, then I'll trouble you, fellow Taoist Black King, to inform you that Gu Wudi wants to see you."

"No need, Sir Wu Zhong has already said that if Gu Wudi comes to see him, just take him there directly." Black King replied.

"Huh? This..."

Gu Wudi was a little surprised. When did he become so familiar with Wu Zhong? It seems that we only had a chance encounter in the ancestral land of the ancient monk lineage, right?

"Haha, you don't seem to know that your Taoist companion Qingyue and Master Wu Zhong hit it off immediately and sat down to discuss Taoism. Every time she mentioned you, she beamed with joy.

Master Wu Jing naturally knows something about you. After so many years, one era after another, someone who pioneered a new system finally appeared. Throughout the ages, those who pioneered a new system must have great perseverance, great luck, and a genius-defying spirit. Man, it’s hard not to appreciate you, Mr. Wu Jing. "Hei Wang sighed, looking at Gu Wudi, not hiding his admiration.

Gu Wudi suddenly realized that it was Qingyue. She actually became good friends with the Wu Ending Six Paths in the form of a true immortal. This was really extraordinary.

Follow the Black King all the way through the Land of Reincarnation and into the depths.

Gu Wudi met the Immortal King Wu Zhong.

He originally took the Black King through the no-man's land of the Immortal Realm, pursuing some secrets. Later, he accidentally met Wang Heng in the original imperial city who wanted to go to the Immortal Realm, took him with him, and finally sent him to Tongtian. In this land, he was blocked by the Immortal King of the Immortal Realm and had to leave the Immortal Realm with the Black King and return to the primitive ancient world.

According to the agreement between him and the Immortal Kings of the Immortal Realm, he will not set foot in the Immortal Realm within a hundred thousand years.

It can be said that for Wang Heng, he paid a high price.

On the Taoist platform, Immortal King Wuzhu opened his eyes. For just a moment, Gu Wudi, who looked into his eyes, felt that he was trapped in the long river of time, drifting aimlessly towards one ancient history book after another.

It took him a long time to come back to his senses, and he was already sweating profusely.

"Yes, there are less than one hundred true immortals in the world who can escape from the ripples of time." Wujiu spoke up and expressed this kind of admiration.

Then, his eyes moved around, observing the system on Gu Wudi's body. Gu Wudi did not resist this. He believed that with Wu Ending's courage, he would not capture him and use him as a guinea pig for research.

After a moment, Wuji's eyes erupted with astonishing brilliance. With his giant eyes, he could naturally see the amazingness of Gu Wudi's Qi Refining System. This was not a monastic system that was still in its infancy, but a system that had already been able to cultivate. To the true immortal system, this is extremely astonishing. In Wu Ending's understanding, no one has reached this step for a long time since the fall of the emperor.

Therefore, he was surprised. He once again looked highly upon Gu Wudi and regarded him as a fellow-traveler.

"Gu Wudi pays homage to Master Wu Zhong."

"It doesn't have to be this way."

Wuji shook his head, and then sighed and said: "If Wang Heng had never joined the Immortal Realm and stayed in the primitive ancient world, you and him must be the two most proud people, and maybe we can stage a beautiful story of both realizing the Tao and becoming kings in an era. .”

Without waiting for Gu Wudi's answer, he continued: "I already know why you are here."

After he finished speaking, his hand glowed, and a small, crystal-clear clock appeared. It looked small and exquisite, filled with rich chaos energy, and filled with the power of time and years.

Gu Wudi was shocked. This was the giant soldier of the Immortal King Wu-End, the Bell of End-Nowhere.

Is it possible for Wu Jing to take out this bell at this time...

The next moment, his idea came true. Under Wu Ending's urging, Wu Ending's Bell flew up and came to Gu Wudi's chest, suspended there, motionless and very quiet.

"If you hold this bell and go to the Boundary Sea, as long as you don't go too deep, there won't be any problems and you can pass without any obstruction." Wu Zhong said.

Carrying a Giant's Bell with him, Gu Wudi never imagined that things would develop like this.

With this Endless Bell, what else does he have to fear? Even if you meet the Immortal King, you will feel confident.

"Thank you, Mr. Wu Ending, for lending a hand."

“It’s nothing, I just don’t want to see an Immortal King seedling like you encounter something unexpected, that will be a huge loss to our world.

Judging from your cultivation, you should have just become an immortal. The environment of the Boundary Sea is suitable for you to hone your Taoism. You can just stay in the Boundary Sea to practice. There is no need to rush back. "Wuzu shook his head and said something like this again.

When Gu Wudi heard this, he was immediately overjoyed. This way, he could stay in the boundary sea without any worries.

This move by the Immortal King Wujiu is simply a timely help.

"Thank you, Master Wuzu."

Now Gu Wudi can only say a word of gratitude. He can't say anything about promises of generous rewards in the future. However, he keeps these causes and effects in mind and will not forget them.

"Go, it's important to save people." Wu Zhi said.

Gu Wudi nodded, bowed deeply to Wu Zhong, and then, accompanied by the Black King, came to the exit of the Land of Reincarnation.

"I hope everything goes well for you." That's all the Black King said.

"Okay, thank you."

Gu Wudi said goodbye, walked out of the light gate, and returned to the cross yin and yang restricted area.

After seeing the Endless Bell in Gu Wudi's hand, which symbolized the power of time, the owner of the restricted area finally relaxed and agreed to Gu Wudi's trip to the Boundary Sea.

"Here you go, be careful along the way."

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone handed him three drops of the blazing blood essence of the Immortal King, which contained a vast ocean of life energy, which could save his life at a critical moment.

"Master, this is..."

"These are three drops of Immortal King Essence and Blood from Immortal Domain King Pan. You should keep it. It will protect your life in all calamities. Remember, no matter what happens, you must take care of yourself and come back alive." The Lord of the Forbidden Zone He ordered.

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