Gu Wudi naturally had no objections. He had just made a breakthrough and became an immortal in the mortal world, but he did not want to be caught and studied by the immortal king of this world.

For the Immortal Kings who have made no progress for several or even a dozen epochs, they will not let go of any opportunity that may allow them to move forward.

In the vast world sea, there are many tragedies such as devouring the Immortal King Dao Fruit.

The owner of the restricted area no longer hesitated and took action to activate the treasure ship, causing it to slowly take off.

The aura of the Immortal King made the avenue of heaven and earth tremble, and one chain after another of the gods of order wrapped around them, trying to seal and suppress the treasure ship.

The owner of the restricted area moved in white clothes, shouted softly, controlled the treasure ship to accelerate, and rushed in the direction from which it came, leaving the endless chains of order behind.

This move caused a lot of noise, and it instantly attracted the attention of the Immortal King-level creatures in the forbidden area of ​​the hidden world.

However, the treasure ship moved very fast, like a stream of light, slamming into the boundary wall, creating a large crack, and then rushed into it, submerged into the vast void outside the boundary, and disappeared.

Several extremely powerful divine thoughts descended upon him, and he watched helplessly as the treasure ship left.

In the blink of an eye, the rules of the avenue surged in and flooded the cracks in the boundary wall. It didn't take long for the place to be repaired.

The exploration was fruitless, and several powerful spiritual thoughts communicated with each other, and then receded like the tide.

Since then, the immortal pit, which has become famous all over the world and shocked the past and present, has disappeared and has become history forever.

Although it has only appeared in this world for 30,000 years, it does not affect its extraordinary status in the ancient history of this world.

Since the records of history began, the first human being to become an immortal came out of this restricted area. He is destined to be famous forever and be remembered by future generations.

The primitive ancient world, the great road to heaven, the cross yin and yang forbidden land.

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone and Ancient Invincible did not return for 30,000 years, and there was no news. No one knew where they went. When they left, they did not leave the soul lamp behind. No one knew whether they were alive or dead.

During the 30,000 years since the two left, the two True Immortal Taoist boys had taken care of the residence of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone in an orderly manner. The bitter tea tree he planted did not wither and become lonely because of the departure of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone. Instead, it grew more and more. It is vigorous and produces vibrant tea leaves one after another.

The two Taoist boys have nothing else to do except take care of the residence of the master of the restricted area. Their potential in Taoism has long been exhausted. No matter how long it takes or how many heaven-defying spiritual objects they consume, they cannot go any further. , so I simply gave up practicing, and I haven’t sat in lotus position in retreat for who knows how long.

When they have nothing to do, they often stand on a low mountain and look towards the entrance, hoping to see the return of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone and the Ancient Invincible. This sight lasts for 30,000 years.

During this period, several disciples of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone would occasionally come here to see if their master and Gu Wudi were back, but unfortunately, they failed every time.

Qingyue, who had been in seclusion in the restricted area before, successfully attained enlightenment about a thousand years after Gu Wudi left.

Then, she bid farewell to the two True Immortal Taoists and chose to travel. In twenty-nine thousand years, she only came back three times.

Every time she comes back, she has made great progress in her Taoism. Her cultivation speed is so fast that even the descendants of the Immortal King are inferior to her, and she can only be defeated.

Only Chi Cang, who was equally gifted and extremely qualified, could overwhelm her and practice faster than her, which shocked the two True Immortal Taoists and the other two disciples of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, Fairy Biyu and Lonely Che. , amazed again and again.

If it weren't for Gu Wudi, Chi Cang would definitely be the number one disciple of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone.

According to the words of the True Immortal Taoist, he is more amazing than any of the previous disciples accepted by the Lord of the Forbidden Zone.

At this rate, Chi Cang is definitely the person closest to Gu Wudi.

During this period, some regrettable things also happened in the Cross Yin and Yang Forbidden Zone. The two True Immortal Taoists were unable to deal with it and could only wait until the owner of the restricted zone came back.

On this day, as usual, they stood on the low mountain and looked at the entrance, expecting to see the two familiar figures.

Suddenly, a figure in white clothes appeared. He was extremely handsome. He could be called the most handsome man in the world. He was dressed in white clothes and looked extremely elegant. He walked towards him with a faint smile. There was another creature behind him, tall and majestic. His eyes are deep and have a strange temperament, which is very aloof, as if he is beyond this big world and not among the five elements.

It is the Lord of the Forbidden Zone and Gu Invincible who have returned from the apocalyptic world.

After 30,000 years of not returning, the Lord of the Forbidden Zone has not changed much, but Gu Wudi has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The two True Immortal Taoists could no longer see through him at all. They only felt that Gu Wudi was unfathomable, vast and awe-inspiring.

They knew that this creature had completely risen and they were no longer his match.


The True Immortal Taoist boy came forward and was very excited, especially the female True Immortal Taoist boy, who looked at the Lord of the Forbidden Zone with obvious admiration in his eyes. However, this was destined to be an unrequited love that ended in nothing.

The owner of the restricted area nodded and asked about the situation in the restricted area. If he hasn't returned for 30,000 years, something might happen.

Gu Wudi was also listening attentively. He had already swept through Qingyue's retreat place with his spiritual consciousness. The dust there was very thick, indicating that Qingyue had not been back for a long time.

Two true immortal Taoist boys welcomed them in, first made two cups of tea, and then recounted what had happened over the past thirty thousand years.

Hearing that Dugu Che had finally reached the pinnacle of the Ultimate Dao, and that a thousand years ago, he bathed in the golden holy river in his family, made a leap, and successfully became the True Immortal Queen, the Lord of the Forbidden Zone showed a look of relief.

This disciple comes from the Golden Blood Clan, one of the four most powerful bloodlines, and is extremely talented. It was here that he impressed the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, accepted him as a disciple, and taught him the Dafa.

He has lived up to the expectations of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone and has always been among the top ten in the Immortal Domain. Now he has finally become an Immortal and entered this realm.

Later, the True Immortal Taoist boy mentioned Chi Cang. Among the many disciples of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, his cultivation speed was only slower than that of Gu Wudi. Coming from behind, he became an immortal one step ahead of his senior brother Dugu Che, nearly 20,000 years earlier.

"The last time Chi Cang came back, he was already in the middle stage of True Immortal. If nothing else, he is not far from the late stage of True Immortal now."

Hearing this, the owner of the restricted area had a strange light in his eyes. According to the boy's description, Chi Cang became an immortal around ten thousand years old.

This speed is really amazing, to some extent, it is faster than Gu Invincible.

However, Gu Wudi cultivates the Qi Refining System, and every step he takes is opening up and developing new things. It is normal to be slower. Even so, his thirty thousand years of becoming an immortal is an achievement that other living beings cannot match.

Only Chi Cang, an innate soul born in the thunder pond, could be so fast.

Next to him, Gu Wudi couldn't help but fell into deep thought when he heard that his junior brother Chi Cang was approaching the late stage of true immortality.

In the original work, during the final battle of the Ancient Immortal Era, Chi Cang was known as the Thunder Emperor and was one of the ten evil spirits. He had the body of an Immortal King, and his soul was just one step away from becoming a king.

From the current point of view, Chi Cang has evolved rapidly and is already approaching the late stage of True Immortal, extremely close to this state.

In other words, according to the timeline of official history, the Immortal Era is entering a countdown.

At this moment, it is already the late stage of the Immortal Ancient Era, and there are probably not many tens of thousands of years left until the end. A catastrophe is approaching. The most important thing is that Gu Wudi's father Wang Gen is currently in serious injury and retreat. How serious is it? He will die at the end of the Immortal Era.

Perhaps, this day is not long ago.

"Genjin, how are you now? Have you reached the point where you can come into contact with the ancient artifacts of origin? When will you find a solution to the origin blood curse?" He thought to himself and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"What's wrong? Why are you sighing?" The Lord of the Forbidden Zone asked, interrupting Gu Wudi's thoughts and allowing him to come back to his senses.

As a master and the master of the restricted area, Gu Wudi knew his disciples well. Gu Wudi was not the kind of person who would sigh when he saw his junior disciple become an immortal faster than him. There must be another reason for his sigh.

The two True Immortal Taoist boys also looked over.

Gu Wudi didn't say it directly, many things were inconvenient.

"Master, I am lamenting that the prosperous age has declined. In this life, there is me, Junior Brother Chicang, and Qingyue... In any previous era, if one person appeared alone, he would have a great chance of becoming the Immortal King. Now we are living together for the same life. It must be said that this is a golden age.

However, according to the laws of history, the prosperity and decline of the world at this time is so bright and glorious. Real immortals and mortals can be seen, and even the immortal kings can see it. However, in the eyes of the disciples, it is like the brilliant golden autumn, which is before the cold winter. The last afterglow. "

The owner of the restricted area looked solemn when he heard this.

"So you feel this way too. As a child of destiny in this world, your hunch is basically not wrong."

He sighed, looked at the lush green tea tree, and said, "The situation is going to change. Before that, I hope you can have the power to protect yourself."

The True Immortal Taoist boys seemed to understand but did not know what would destroy this prosperous world.

Then, they talked about Qingyue. She was not as talented as Chi Cang, but her understanding was astonishing. Two True Immortal Taoists said bluntly that her understanding was rare in history, especially in the way of reincarnation and the way of time.

According to Qingyue who returned, she traveled abroad and met many heavyweights in the primitive ancient world, and even interacted with the Immortal King.

The owner of the restricted area asked curiously which immortal king it was.

"Qingyue said that if nothing unexpected happens, they should be the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Immortal King of Endlessness. The latter is easy to identify. There is a big black dog in the true immortal realm with him."

After hearing what the Taoist said, the owner of the restricted area was slightly shocked. These two immortal kings were not ordinary immortal kings, but giants. They had great prestige among the thirty-three days of the primitive ancient world.

"Yes, with this kind of understanding and experience, she will definitely be able to surpass her senior brothers and sisters in the future." The Lord of the restricted area praised.

Gu Wudi also smiled. Qingyue was his Taoist companion, so he was naturally happy for her.

If nothing else, then we should talk about Biyu’s situation. She is the oldest among the current disciples of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone and the senior sister of everyone. She became an immortal early and has been living in the original imperial pass. .

Last time, Gu Wudi went to Biyu Palace as a guest. This female fairy elder sister was very kind to others, without any airs of superiors. She and Qingyue were still good friends, which gave Gu Wudi a good feeling.

Therefore, he is also paying attention to the situation of this senior sister.

However, the way the two True Immortal Taoist boys hesitated and did not dare to speak made the Lord of the Forbidden Zone and Gu Wudi realize that something big had happened, and it was definitely not a good thing.

"What's going on with Biyu? Tell me!"

At this moment, the owner of the restricted area showed an unprecedented majesty. Here, he had always been peaceful and never lost his temper. But now, his eyes were so sharp that people dared not look directly at him.

When the two True Immortal Taoist boys heard their master's scolding, they trembled with fright and quickly took out something.

This is a lamp. The ancient lampshade is filled with the breath of time. It can be seen that it is a very ancient thing. Inside the lampshade, a wisp of green fire burns silently. It is very weak and sometimes it will automatically turn on when there is no wind. , trembling slightly, revealing a familiar soul power fluctuation.

"Bi Yu's soul lamp?" The master of the restricted area frowned, understanding everything.

Because he has experienced this scene many times, every disciple who has passed away before will come here to say the best farewell to his master before going to sea. At the request of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, everyone will leave a soul lantern. .

In the end, without exception, the soul lamps left by the disciples were all extinguished, which meant that they all encountered unexpected events and died.

The waiting was always so excruciating. Every time he got a soul lamp left by a disciple, he would wait in front of the soul lamp like a powerless old man, watching helplessly as the soul fire inside trembled and disappeared.

Now, will we experience such a thing again?

At this moment, whether it was Gu Wudi's illusion or not, several hairs on the head of the restricted area owner turned white.

Since ancient times, it has been a sad thing for a white-haired person to send black hair.

With the cultivation level of True Immortal Biyu in the later period, embarking on the road to the Boundary Sea alone would be very risky. To put it bluntly, there was no hope of survival at all, and it was tantamount to going to die.

The environment there is indeed suitable for the cultivation of immortal beings. It is beneficial for breaking through the realm and breaking the shackles. However, the danger is not proportional to the reward.

As powerful as the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, an out-and-out giant crossed the sea, and even lost his life, let alone a mere late-stage True Immortal.

It is destined that the Biyu Soul Lamp will go out, it is just a matter of the length of time.

"How long has she been gone?"

The owner of the restricted area asked in a deep voice.

"Return to the master, about five hundred years."

"okay, I get it."

He nodded and stopped talking. He just sighed to himself, recalling bits and pieces of the past years in his mind, feeling a little sad.

"Master, after five hundred years, Senior Sister Biyu must not have gone far. I will go to the boundary sea to recover her." Gu Wudi couldn't see Master's expression, so he said.

The owner of the restricted area shook his head: "I know the dangers of the boundary sea better than anyone else. You have just become an immortal, so you should not set foot there easily."

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