Chapter 390: Guest Li Xuan [Asking for Subscription, Asking for Support].

Over there, they quickly cut the mutton, put it in the pot, and blanched it with ginger slices and cooking wine to remove the blood foam.

Add water, ginger slices, green onion knots, bay leaves and a little bit of pepper tangerine peel to the copper pot, and then add the blanched mutton, and the general Qingshui sheep will also add sugarcane and horseshoe, but Li Xuan feels that the quality of this mutton does not need to add additional things, so the next thing is left to time.

The most high-end ingredients often use the most simple cooking methods, and Chef Li has been busy all night...

"This lamb soup is so delicious! Brother Li Xuan's craftsmanship is still so good! "

Lishana held the bowl and drank the soup and said, Li Xuan also tasted it, the taste of this mutton soup is really delicious, and the mutton is extremely tender, there is no such hard bite feeling of ordinary mutton at all, and a mouthful of mutton soup only feels warm

"I should thank Elusa, as you can see, in fact, I didn't cook this lamb at all, and completely relied on its quality, so the person we should be thankful for is Elusa!"

Seeing that everyone was thanking her, Elusa hurriedly waved her hand, and her face became red, I don't know if she was steam smoked or shy.

A bowl of mutton soup was in his stomach, Li Xuan still felt that it was not enough, so he put some coriander into the bowl again, and scooped out a few spoonfuls of milky mutton soup from the tumbling soup pot.

The stewed soft mutton, as well as this mellow, fresh but not fat mutton soup, as if I hadn't eaten enough.

Such a good mutton, of course, Li Xuan is not just used to make clear soup sheep, this sheep monster is almost two hundred kilograms, and after slaughtering, there are more than a hundred kilograms.

The bones are used to make soup, and they are served with haggis and rice noodles, and the haggis is completed.

There is also iron plate mutton, with the fresh and green lettuce that looks like a freshly picked apple obtained in the previous lottery, dipped in Li Xuan's special chili noodles, the refreshing sweetness of the lettuce is mixed with the fat of the mutton, and the taste is simply amazing!

There are also cold lamb, cumin grilled lamb chops, green onion fried mutton...

There are so many dishes, and Li Xuan must not have done it alone, many of them are masterpieces by Thor, Eluma and Lucoya. It's rare, Li Xuan also became one of the guests tonight, and it feels good to sit back and enjoy it without having to do anything.

It's okay to come out like this for a long time, but this doesn't mean that Li Xuan doesn't want to be a chef anymore, after all, being a guest has the happiness of being a guest, and being a chef has the happiness of being a chef!

"Ah Xuan, how about this dish of fried lamb with green onions?!"

Li Xuan is now like the food judge, and Thor and the others came over to try his own dishes one by one, and the first was naturally Li Xuan's little helper Thor.

What she served was scallion fried mutton, which was actually changed from the scallion fried beef that Li Xuan taught her, but I have to say that Thor's craftsmanship is really not bad.

Green onion fried mutton, the main thing is to pay attention to a "burst" word, that is, the heat, after the mutton is in the pot, it should be fried with a fierce fire, and the meat is fried quickly, because this dish is the taste of the mutton itself, and it is not authentic to add snake to the cooking process.

I put a full chopstick in my mouth with chopsticks, and I smelled the scent of green onion and mutton before entering my mouth.

The first feeling of the entrance is that it is smooth and tender, the mutton is extremely tender, fresh but not fat, the original mutton has no smell, plus the fragrance of the green onions, it is more delicious.

Because of the fierce fire and stir-fried in oil, the flavor and juice of the pre-marinated mutton are firmly locked, and this is the case with the value of the sauce.

Li Xuan commented and praised Thor's scallion fried mutton, which made Eluma, who has not lost to Thor's in his life, unhappy, Thor's can do it, and I'm naturally not bad!

Even she followed Thor's example of the same scallion fried lamb, and used her water perception to do so. After all, when Li Xuan commented just now, he mentioned it, it was tender and juicy.

However, Eluma usually has very few opportunities to get started, let alone when she was still in the Dragon Realm before.

Rather than doing it with her own hands, she still prefers to do nothing and enjoy eating, so the result can be imagined, and Eluma's cooking is naturally lost to Thor.

So Thor began to laugh at Eruma again, and the two of them quarreled and turned into a full-fledged martial arts, and then began to fight in the gladiatorial arena again.

That is, the gladiatorial arena can be re-evolved and restored every time, otherwise it is really not enough for the two of them to build! The others also stepped forward one by one to give Li Xuan their own dishes to taste, or share them with each other.

"Is Hermione's new semester going to start again? And you have a good lamb chop! "

Li Xuan asked while eating the fried lamb chops brought by Hermione.........

Hermione, who was about to be a third-year Hogwarts student sitting next to Li Xuan, nodded, and could only say that the speed of time in each world was inconsistent.

I still remember the first time Hermione came to the dimensional restaurant, it was Halloween in the first grade, and she was really a little Lori at that time.

But almost two years have passed, and now Hermione can be said to be a girl, at least her height has increased a lot. The last thing to open about this is undoubtedly Connor, who said that they would be sisters together, but it turned out that you are a sister and I am a sister!

However, Hermione, who is taller than Connor, did not call Connor sister, after all, Connor is a dragon who has lived for thousands of years, and she is not unaware of the fact that Connor is a dragon.

So I'm not as old as a fraction of Connor's age, so don't do that.

"How's that spell you learned from Professor Flitwick early last semester?!"

After eating the lamb chops, Li Xuan took out a piece of paper, wiped his mouth, and asked.

"Divine Guard!"

Hermione didn't answer, but directly proved with her actions that a brilliant silver otter appeared in front of Li Xuan.

"Yes, yes, it seems that your Patronus Charm has reached a very proficient and powerful state."

Looking at the physical otters that came alive in the air, Li Xuan praised that the third year was the time when the Dementors were wreaking havoc, so it was necessary to learn the Patronus Charm 2.0 in advance.

The Patronus Charm itself is a relatively high god of magic, at least far above the level of ordinary wizards.

And Hermione was able to learn in a short period of time, and was able to bring her Patronus to the stage of physical form, which was really worthy of Professor Flitwick's teaching and praise for her.

You must know that the two forms of the Patronus are very different in appearance and strength, and the non-physical Patronus is not like any living being, just a cloud of silver-white gas or smoke, which can only resist the Dementors to a certain extent, but cannot be driven away.

The physical ones are real silver animals, and each wizard's Patronus is different, and can actually drive away Dementors and even kill them!

This is also the reason why Li Xuan praised Hermione!.

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