He then opened his hard shell and fired a hard rock at the blastoise to attack.

The gym trainer said calmly: "Blastoise, dodge, and then use the water cannon to bombard!"

The blastoise jumped into the water with heavy steps, and the rock slammed against the stone he had just stood on, and he looked up, and a huge stream of water quickly gathered from his mouth, and just as he was about to shoot the water out, another rock shot at him.

He quickly shrank his head and sank downward.

With a bang, the rock smashed into the water, making a large splash, and when the blastoise stuck its head out again, a rock shot at it again!

In this way, five rocks in a row knocked back the water cannon attack brewing by the blastoise.

The gym trainer also frowned, and he looked at the stinging shell.

Five attacks in a row?

Was it pure luck, or was it a continuous attack trait?

If it's the latter, it's a bit of a bad thing...

The Blastoise Cat was at the bottom of the water, waiting until the movement above had subsided, and then cautiously popping up again.

Xiao Yaxiu frowned and muttered, "Rock blasts can't go underwater?"

She looked at the sea in front of her and felt that the strength of this thorn shell was too weak, and the attack did not hit the blastoise hiding underwater.

Each rock is greatly diminished in power and speed when it is driven into the water.

In addition to the weakness of the scarpace, there is also the reason that the rock itself is too large, and the resistance is also greater. ’

Thinking so, Xiao Ya decided to let the stinger shell use the spiked cannon!

This is the signature trick of the stinger shell, and the spike cannon is a conical spike, strong penetration, even in the water, can easily break through the water to move forward, with this trick to suppress the strike, it can definitely beat the blastoise to the head of the rat!

"Spiked shells, spiked cannons!"

Seeing Xiao Ya attack again, the gym trainer also hurriedly asked the blastoise to use the water cannon again.

At the same time, he also kept a close eye on the stinger to see how many times he could use his attack this time!

Blastoise reacted quickly this time, and when the scarab used the spiked cannon, his water cannon attack also sprayed out.

The powerful power of the water cannon is naturally not something that a single spike cannon can resist, but with the continuous continuous attack of the spiked cannon, the power of the water cannon is also quickly dissipated.

“1、2、3、4...... 5?"

The gym trainer counted the number of spiked cannons one by one, and found that this time it was five more combos!

It's a five-hit combo twice in a row!

This is not something that luck can explain.

"Is it really a continuous attack trait?" his expression was a little solemn.

After the water cannon was completely defeated by the spiked cannon, Xiao Ya did not stop, and once again let the spur shell use the spiked cannon.

This skill has a great advantage, that is, the speed of use is extremely fast, basically instantaneous, and the consumption of physical strength is extremely low!

Although it can be fired five times in a row, the consumption of physical strength is only the amount that can be used once!

If you look at the numerical value, let's say that the physical cost of using a skill with power 100 is 100, and the physical cost of a skill with a power of 20 is 20, but due to the combo characteristics of the Spike Cannon, even if you attack five times in a row, the total power reaches 100, but the physical consumption is still 20!

It's terrifying!

It is completely capable of uninterrupted fire suppression with this low-cost and high-power skill!

This will be extremely tricky for opponents, who will have to use super skills like water cannons to fully withstand such attacks, but then their stamina will be quickly depleted, and it will only be a matter of time before they are defeated.

And if you keep dodging, the stinger can cover the fire without caring about physical strength, even if it hits you once in a while, after a few minutes, it is estimated that you will have to kneel.

This is also the reason why the gym trainer's heart is not good.

When the scarab shell used the Spike Cannon again, the Gym Trainer had the Blastoise spin at high speed.

Not only can you attack, but you can also increase your speed, as long as you increase the speed of the Blastoise, you will be able to dodge the next spiked cannon with more ease.

After hearing the instructions, the blastoise slammed its body into the shell, retracting its head, limbs, and tail into its shell, and then the entire shell began to spin at high speed.

The Spike Cannon was easily shattered by the Blastoise twice in a row, but the third Spike Cannon directly knocked the Blastoise flying.

At the same time, the fourth and fifth spike cannons came one after another, stabbing into the shell of the blastoise, so that he couldn't help but stick his glans out of the shell and let out a painful scream.

Xiao Ya saw that the attack of the stinger shell repelled the blastoise, and hurriedly ordered again: "The stinger shell, use the spike cannon continuously, and directly suppress the blastoise to death for me!"

The scarab let out a muffled roar, and then fired five spiked cannons in a row, covering the blastoise in all directions!

The Spiked Cannon was swift, much faster than a rock crit, and the Blastoise's bulky size couldn't dodge it in time, not to mention that he was still injured and moved even more slowly.

So the gym trainer discarded the magic skill of using 'Quickly Dodge', and instead commanded the Blastoise, "Blastoise!

Hearing this, the blastoise shrank its entire body into the shell again, and at the same time, a bright light flashed on the shell, making the shell even harder.

This move is not simply to retreat into the shell to dodge, but to improve one's own defense and resist the opponent's attack at the same time.

But in the face of the fierce attack of the scarlet, the Blastoise's defense was not enough at all, and he was soon driven into the water, and he shrunk in his shell, feeling a sharp pain in his body, and at the same time, the sky was spinning.

But the scarab beetle did not stop attacking, and his spiked cannon shot out into the water one after another, chasing after the blastoise.

The Blastoise Turtle covered in fire had no power to fight back, and because the turtle shell was continuously hit by the spiked cannon, his ears were thundering and his brain was dizzy, even if the gym trainer told him to use the more powerful water cannon with the help of the current, he couldn't hear it.

Under the bombardment of a dozen spiked cannons in a row, he was directly stunned.

The referee held the flag high and said, "Blastoise loses its combat effectiveness, and the stinger beetle wins!"

The gym trainer sighed and retrieved the Blastoise back from the Poké Ball.

Xiao Ya cheered excitedly: "Well done thorny shellfish!

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