When Luo Chen came to Xiao Ya with the Tianfeng badge, Xiao Ya's name sounded on the radio.

Luo Chen smiled slightly and said, "It's the first time to experience what it's like to be a trainer, enjoy it, come on!"

Xiao Ya's eyes were full of excitement and said, "Don't worry! The Tianfeng Badge is my first badge!"

Looking at Xiao Ya's expectation and confidence, Luo Chen was also full of emotion in his heart.

When I first became a trainer, I was so excited, and now I have grown to this point unconsciously.

I don't know how far Xiao Ya can go on the road of being a trainer~

Returning to Mirna's side, the two-headed tyrannosaurus leaned towards him, the two pairs of big eyes were full of anticipation, Luo Chen was slightly stunned, and couldn't figure out what these two wanted to do.

Minna smiled on the side: "When you were fighting, the two-headed tyrannosaurus was very excited, I guess this kid likes to fight very much, and he is very fond of the gym battle." "

Luo Chen looked at the Twin Tyrannosaurus and asked, "Is that so?"

The two-headed Tyrannosaurus rex had a frenzy in both heads.

He hadn't participated in a gym battle since he was born, and today was the first time he had seen a gym battle, with Pokémon fighting on the field and enjoying the cheers of the audience, which obviously stimulated the heart of the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

He is now very eager to have a gym battle and then enjoy the glory of victory!

Luo Chen rubbed the two heads of the double-headed tyrannosaurus and said with a smile: "Okay, since you like gym battles, let's go back and find a few gyms suitable for you to fight and have a good experience." "

The double-headed tyrannosaurus suddenly screamed excitedly, attracting the sideways eyes of the people around him.

In the field, Xiao Ya's first battle as a trainer also officially began.

The first Pokémon she chose was the Thorn Shell, and among the three Pokémon that Luo Chen borrowed from her, the Nine-Tails was the strongest, followed by the Thorn Shell, and the Dancing Swan was the weakest.

The strength of the Nine-Tails Luo Chen has been introduced, and it is also one of the Pokémon he mainly cultivates, which is a golden qualification, and his superpower talent is very prominent.

After watching the battle for so long, Xiao Ya can naturally see that the Pokémon strength of the Daoist Pavilion is not particularly strong, if she goes directly to the Nine-Tails, even if she is blindly commanded, it is estimated that she can directly use her superpowers to push over.

But that wasn't the battle she wanted to experience, and the strength of the dancing swan was weak, and if it overturned in the first battle, it wouldn't look good, so she chose the stinger shell.

The strength of the Thorn Shell is relatively strong in this gym battle, which can give her enough time to enter the role of trainer.

And this thorny shell is even stronger than Luo Chen's giant pincer crab, if you play well, maybe you can wear three!

Thinking so, Xiao Ya released the stinger shell.

The gym trainer on the opposite side happened to be the one who fought against Luo Chen.

The trainer had just discovered that the Lori and Tang Zhuxian in front of him knew each other, and when Tang Zhuxian was gone, the two of them had a brief exchange.

He knows very well that things gather like and people are divided by groups, and the cute little girl in front of him is probably not a fuel-efficient lamp, so at the beginning of the battle, he was in the spirit of twelve.

In terms of the choice of Pokémon, he also chose the relatively strong level 55 Blastoise to test the water.

When the two of their Pokémon are all ready, the battle is imminent!

Luo Chen in the audience saw it, and thought in his heart: As the first generation of the three royal families, the Blastoise is relatively outstanding in the water system, but this Blastoise is a level 55 green qualification, and the stinger shell I gave Xiaoya is a blue qualification of 57, and the level and qualification are slightly higher than the Blastoise.

As long as Xiao Ya's command is normal, it is still very simple to win the first battle.

When the referee announced the start of the game, Xiao Ya took the lead in attacking.

This scarlet's characteristic is that it has a continuous attack, and when using a continuous move that fluctuates between 2~5 attacks, the number of attacks is fixed at 5!

This feature is very powerful, and it is also one of Luo Chen's favorite features.

All continuous moves with the number of attacks,The power of a single attack is very low.,According to the skill power of the previous life,The power of a basic single attack is only about 20.,Some are 15.、Some are 25.,All of them fluctuate around 20.。

But if you attack five times in a row, the power is a little scary!

Up to 125!

It's much higher than the 100-power super skills of Earthquake!

And the Thorn Shell has such a continuous attack skill, and there are three such skills, namely the ice attribute of the ice pick, the single power of 25, the five times 125, the rock attribute of the rock crit, the power of the same as the ice pick, and the general attribute of the spike cannon, the single power of 20, five times 100.

The continuous attack skills of three different attributes enable the thorn shell to expand its own striking surface to a greater extent with the blessing of its characteristics, and basically except for the steel system, there are no targets that these three attributes cannot be dealt with by the skills.

And these three skills are all physical attacks.,It just fits with the thorn shell.,The physical attack of the stinger is high.,But the most prominent thing is the defense.,In ordinary Pokémon.,There are only a handful of people who can compete with the stingy shell for defense.。

These skills and the characteristics of the thorn shell, Luo Chen told Xiao Ya in advance.

So when Xiao Ya attacked, he naturally remembered the three skills that Luo Chen deliberately said.

As a legendary Pokémon, Xiao Ya naturally understands how terrifying these three skills can be when combined with the characteristics of continuous attacks!

Seeing that there was a single water attribute Blastoise on the opposite side, Xiao Ya instantly decided on the skill to use.

"Piercing shells, use rock crits!"

Water-type Pokémon have multiplied resistance to the ice type, so the ice pick is naturally excluded by her, and the general attribute Spike Cannon, although it is not resisted, is slightly less powerful than the rock crit of the rock attribute that is also not resisted by the water system.

In this comparison, it is obvious which skill to use.

Thorn shell glanced back at Xiao Ya, his eyes were a little strange.

Pokémon generally only follow the orders of their trainers or people who usually live with them and are close to them.

Xiao Ya and he met for the first time, so naturally it was not intimate, but as a Pokémon living in the living space, he had witnessed the battle between Minna and Ladias through the big screen, and then subdued Ladias.

Later, he naturally saw Latias incarnate as an adult in Minna's office, so he knew very well that the trainer behind him was not a human, but a real divine beast!

So even if his intimacy with Xiao Ya is not high, he has no intention of rebelling against Xiao Ya, if he makes her unhappy, he will probably be beaten...

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