Out of the team, after Luo Chen asked his own questions, Minna explained with a smile: "Yesterday, after a period of careful consideration, Xiao Ya decided to participate in this competition as a human being, and then asked me to get her a picture book and a certificate of a gym-level trainer..."

Luo Chen smiled and shook his head.

The proof of the gym-level trainer who dared to love Xiaoya turned out to be obtained through the back door...

But he was a little surprised that she was interested in participating in this competition.

I have to sigh, the mythical beast just knows how to play.

Of course, what kind of divine beast is also scored, the few heads in their own family, except for when they fight, they eat and sleep all day long, and they found something to do yesterday, and let them teach Pachilitz to use telepathy.

By the way, I haven't asked Patchlitz how well I'm learning telepathy.

He responded to Pachilitz on his shoulder with his heart, and said, "Pachilitz, how are you learning telepathy taught by Emperor Yan and Fiona?"

Pachlitz replied in his mind: "I don't understand it at all..."

When Luo Chen heard this, he also frowned, it stands to reason that Pachiliz, who is now a phantom beast, should be able to master telepathy!

Why can't you learn it?

Now that Pachilitz's qualifications are already at the highest level of color, there will definitely be no problem with comprehension, which step is wrong?

While the three of them were walking, Luo Chen said to the system in his heart: "System, tell me, what do you understand about the fact that Pachilitz can't learn telepathy?"

The system pondered for a while, she didn't understand this kind of thing very well, after all, she was also newly produced, except for some information that came with the system, she didn't know anything else.

And Pachlitz is the only Pachlitz in all the universes who has become a phantom beast, and what will happen to him after becoming a phantom beast is beyond the understanding of the system.

So she organized the language and said: "The telepathy of the divine beast is innate, just like little Lokia, he will be telepathic as soon as he is born, the reason for Pachiliz is that he may not have telepathy by congenital?"

When Luo Chen heard this, he was slightly stunned.

Is that the case?

Although he is a little unconvinced of what the system says, it doesn't seem to have a good explanation.

He shook his head, no longer thinking about it.

Luo Chen took out his mobile phone and looked at it, it was just after nine o'clock, the game started at two o'clock in the afternoon and ended at ten o'clock in the evening, there were still five hours, so he couldn't wait here.

He looked at Minna and asked, "Shall we go back to Celestial Wind City or do we wander around in the wilderness?"

Minna thought for a while and said, "If you are in the wild, there is no other fun besides catching Pokémon, so let's go to Tianfeng City, go to the city to see what scenery there is, and by the way, go to the Tianfeng City Gym to see." "

As soon as he heard the Dao Hall, Luo Chen's eyes lit up.

It's been a long time since I've played a gym competition, so it's time to try it out!

The three of them walked in the direction of the tour bus, and the two-headed tyrannosaurus rex opened the way in front of them with their heads held high.

But when Luo Chen passed by a little girl in the group, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

His eyes were drawn to a water otter beside the little girl.

Water otter (color): LV42

Attribute: Water

Rarity: Rare Pokémon

Trait: Torrent (When less than one-third of health, the power of water moves is increased by 50%)

Skills: Impact, Tail Wagging Tail, Water Gun, Water Play, Gathering Qi, Shell Blade, Combo Slash, Water Wave, Retaliation, Water Jet, One More Time, Water Tail, Revenge, Sword Dance, Water Cannon, Surfing, Dream Talk, Waterfall Climbing, Air Slash, Holy Sword, Seeing Through, Salt Water, Secret Attack, Frozen Wind, Iron Tail, Water Oath.

Carry item: Mystic Water Drop (After carrying, the power of water attribute moves will be increased by 20%)

Intimacy: 255 (very happy)

Colour-qualified water otters?

It's a rare sight!

A true Pokémon of the best!

But that level surprised Luo Chen.

Level 42?

The Water Otter evolves into a double-edged pill at level 17, and then a great sword ghost at level 36!

Minna has a great sword ghost with color qualifications, which is exactly the same as the water otter in front of her.

As long as this water otter evolves into a great sword ghost, it must be an absolutely powerful Pokémon!

A quasi-god with purple and gold qualifications of the same level will not be his opponent!

To be able to have his trainer, as long as he is not too stupid in terms of commanding, he will definitely be able to become a champion trainer in the future!

But level 42 still retains the image of a water otter, has not evolved, and is not carrying an immutable stone, what is the reason for this?

Could it be that he has been carrying the Immutable Stone before, but for today's competition, he deliberately removed the Immutable Stone and replaced it with mysterious water droplets to enhance his combat effectiveness?

Well, that's all it can be.

When Minna and Xiaoya saw Luo Chen suddenly stop and look at the water otter not far away, they guessed that the water otter's qualifications were definitely the best, otherwise how could it attract Luo Chen's attention?

Minna looked at the otter carefully, as a person who has owned a colored otter, she knows the water otter very well this kind of Pokémon, and can also roughly judge the qualifications of a water otter from the appearance of the character.

The water otter in front of him is obviously a very good Pokémon, and the qualification is at least golden!

It may even be a color!

Because this otter is almost the same as her otter back then, if it weren't for the fact that her water otter would have evolved into a big sword ghost, she would almost think that this water otter was hers!

When the double-headed tyrannosaurus saw that they all stopped to look at the otter, he also leaned over to take a look, but Luo Chen was watching from a distance, while the two-headed tyrannosaurus shook his body and ran to the side of the otter, looking at him carefully with big eyes up and down.

The otter suddenly raised his hairs and looked at the tall two-headed tyrannosaurus in front of him vigilantly.

"Rice wine?"

He held the scallop mussel on his abdomen in his hand and looked at the two-headed tyrannosaurus in a fighting posture.

Catherine hurriedly stopped him, saving the fire of the two-headed Tyrannosaurus.

She naturally knows the quasi-god in front of her, and she also knows that this kind of Pokémon has a bad temperament and is easy to get angry.

Seeing this, Luo Chen also hurriedly walked over and pulled the double-headed tyrannosaurus behind him.

He said embarrassedly to Catherine, who was guarding the otter, "I'm sorry, this guy has been a little reckless, didn't frighten you?"

Catherine also smiled politely and said, "It's okay, it's common for Pokémon to attract each other, and it's not worth making a fuss." "

Luo Chen looked at Catherine in surprise, and felt that this little girl was a little smart, and she was able to say such a thing calmly.

Then he looked at Ke Jingjing behind Catherine.

"Is this your child?"

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