Heavenly Wind Wild Hunting Area.

For this hunting competition, the hunting area has been preparing for a long time, looking at the large number of trainers in front of him, Mr. Li Shui, the person in charge of the hunting area, is smiling.

He said to his subordinates: "This time it will definitely be able to drive the economy of Tianshui City to rise a wave! And as long as this hunting competition is well organized, these participating trainers will be satisfied.

Let the viewers who watch the live broadcast be satisfied, then we will be able to start the name of our Tianfeng Wild Hunting Area, and a large number of trainers will inevitably come to our hunting area one after another to hunt in the future, so that the funds in our hunting area will be abundant, and the treatment of Pokémon will also be improved!"

He and his men began to look forward to what the hunting area would look forward to.

And Catherine has also come here, she and the otter looked excitedly at the lively scene in front of them, and their faces were full of excitement!

"Water otter, it's so lively here!"

"Rice wine!"

Catherine wandered around with the otter, wandering among the vendors around her, and soon came out with a large bag of snacks.

She and the otter each grabbed a sugar gourd and tasted it.

After arriving in the line, Catherine followed the line as she watched the trainers passing by on both sides and the Pokémon that followed them.

Behind them, a new trainer arrived, but when the four of them came to the back of the line, they saw Catherine's young figure, and they all looked at each other.

One of the female trainers stepped forward and asked softly, "Kid, are you here with your parents?"

Catherine looked at the beautiful woman behind her, showed an innocent smile and said, "No, big sister, I'm here to participate in the hunting competition alone!"


The four trainers behind him were stunned.

"You're coming to the competition yourself, how old are you?"

Catherine carried the snack bag in her left hand, put the rock sugar gourd into her mouth with her right hand and held it in her mouth, then stretched out her right hand and clenched her fist.

A good-looking man was full of question marks.

"What do you mean?"

The eye-eyed man next to him patted his head and said, "It's the meaning of ten years old~"

"Oh~" The man suddenly realized.

But then he said suspiciously: "Can you come to the hunting competition at the age of ten?"

The woman frowned and muttered, "It seems... As long as you are a formal trainer, you can participate in this hunting tournament..."

The man with glasses looked at Catherine curiously.

"You... Is it a trainer?"

Catherine puffed up her chest with pride, grabbed the rock sugar gourd and said proudly, "Don't underestimate me!

"Rice wine and rice wine!" The water otter also proudly held a rock sugar gourd in one hand and patted the scallop shell on his abdomen with the other.

"Intermediate trainer?" the four exclaimed in unison.

Even the people in the queue in front of Catherine looked back at Catherine in surprise.

"How is this little girl an intermediate trainer?"

The female trainer behind Catherine smiled bitterly: "It's not impossible, as long as you have two Pokémon in your hand that are far stronger than Pokémon of the same level..."

As she spoke, her gaze turned to the otter.

This little cute thing with a proud face is estimated to be very powerful.

The man with glasses also sighed and said, "As long as the family has some capital, you can buy a few high-quality Pokémon, and then let the Pokémon grow up with the younger generations, and it is natural to be able to have the strength of an intermediate or even advanced trainer!"

The way everyone looked at Catherine was obviously a little different, this is definitely which lady ran out to play!

But they didn't dare to bully Catherine, since she was the daughter of a big family, there must be bodyguards around her to protect her, so it was better not to provoke her.

But Catherine heard everyone's conversation, and said with a face full of indignation: "No, the otter was saved when I was five years old! We trained and grew together, and we finally got the certification of an intermediate trainer, don't deny our efforts at will!"

"Rice wine, rice wine!" the water otter was also angry!

He had been training with Catherine for five years, rain or shine, to get to where he is now!

Although his level is not high, his strength is definitely far superior to Pokémon of the same level!

If it weren't for the power emanating from the stone in his body, he hadn't evolved, and his strength would have increased several times now!

The woman hurriedly smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry, I misunderstood you, it seems that you are indeed an excellent trainer!"

Catherine nodded repeatedly.

"That's right, I'm going to be a Pokémon Master woman in the future!"


Several people around couldn't help laughing.

"Oh, what are you laughing at? I'm serious! I'm going to be able to become a Pokémon Master!"

The woman smiled and said, "Little sister, to become a Pokémon master, you need to know a lot of Pokémon knowledge, in order to learn more about Pokémon habits and all aspects of knowledge, you must accept all Pokémon!"

And most importantly, if you want to become a master, you must accept a legendary Pokémon or a fantasy Pokémon! Now that only the alliance leader and divine beast trainer Luo Chen in the world has subdued the divine beast, do you really think you can become a Pokémon master?"

Catherine nodded firmly: "Yes! I will definitely be able to become a Pokémon Master! I will definitely be able to subdue a divine beast or phantom beast!"

The woman smiled and said, "Since you are so ambitious, then let's make friends, and when you become a Pokémon master in the future, remember to take care of me~"

Catherine patted her chest: "No problem!"

"Rice wine!" the water otter patted the scallop on his belly.

The woman pointed to the three teammates behind her and said, "Then let's get to know each other, my name is Ke Jingjing, this simple big brother is called Zhou Shuai, this glasses is called Fang Wu, and this thin man is called Gao Jin." "

Catherine also introduced herself: "My name is Catherine. Then he pointed to the otter and said, "This is my first and best friend, the otter, and I will name him Becky!"

After a few people got to know each other, they quietly began to line up again.

The line at the back also began to get longer.

At the front of the line, after Luo Chen, Minerna, and Xiaoya registered, they took the tickets and walked back.

After seeing Xiao Ya take out a Pokémon Illustrated Book and sign up for the competition as a gym trainer, Luo Chen was also surprised.

He didn't expect Latias to have the identity of a gym-level trainer!

Could it be that she also has her own Pokémon?

That's a bit scary!

This is a real Pokémon trainer!

I'm a Pokémon myself, and then I became a trainer, isn't that a Pokémon trainer?

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