A cold wind blew, Jiang Linfan tightened his collar, turned his back and said to Hall: "Don't think about some messy things, if you can't adapt to this change, you will be abandoned by the world sooner or later."

You or me, if you want to continue to live better, you must obtain the Dark Stone, if this operation fails, then we will lose the chance to make a comeback forever! "

Hall said: "I understand, this operation will definitely be successful!" "


In the city, Luo Chen took Pachiliz and walked down a small road with a helpless face.

"With such a big imperial capital, how can you find that Phoenix King? I shouldn't have promised him at the time, it's too bad to be able to get smaller..."


Pachilitz also nodded helplessly.

Becoming smaller and being able to ignore telekinesis is a combination of these two abilities, which is simply nowhere to be found!

Luo Chen has accepted the end of the failure of this game in his heart.

An hour later, at the entrance of the Elven Center, Luo Chen and his Pokémon gathered here.

Luo Chen looked at Emperor Yan and asked, "Isn't there a way for you to sense the breath on King Feng's body?" "

Emperor Yan shook his head: "All the aura on her body is hidden, and she can't detect it at all, this time it's planted..."


Luo Chen sighed and took all the Pokémon back to the Poké Balls, leaving only Emperor Yan and Pachliz outside.

The crowd of onlookers around also felt pity.

In the distance, the phoenix king the size of a sparrow flew over, and she said happily: "You lost!" None of you in the city have found me! "

Luo Chen smiled bitterly: "Okay, I admit defeat, but do you want to consider coming with me?" I can help you find your mother~"

King Feng shook his head: "Forget it, I still have something to do, if we can meet again in the future, I will play with you again." "

After saying that, she turned around and flew into the air, but halfway through the flight, she turned around and said: "By the way, I saw that two people seemed to be doing bad things, and it seemed that they wanted to blow up Xicheng District, you can go over and investigate." "

"Blow up Xicheng District?"

Luo Chen was taken aback.

Can you still encounter such a thing?

After King Feng said this, he quickly flew away, and Luo Chen didn't stop him, anyway, it seemed that he couldn't beat it, and there was no point in stopping it.

He looked at Chen Yi and relayed to him what King Feng had just said.

This shocked Chen Yi's heart.

Since it was said by King Feng, there will naturally be no fake!

And today, because of the appearance of the Phoenix King, all the garrison forces in the city have focused on a few divine beasts, and the supervision of other regions is indeed more lax.

If a strong person takes the opportunity to do something, it will be a big deal!

He hurriedly gathered people and prepared to go to Xicheng District to check.

Luo Chen asked, "Do you need my help?" "

Chen Yi thought for a while and said: "Forget it, let's do it ourselves, the last time the imperial capital was attacked, you have already pulled a wave of hatred, and now if you are involved in something similar, someone may say something ugly." "

Luo Chen smiled: "Since that's the case, then I'll leave first." "

Bidding farewell to everyone, Luo Chen went directly back to the dormitory of the Gold and Silver Academy.

And Chen Yi told Li Fujun, who was present, and Xia You, the Hades King who flew back, about the situation.

Li Fujun thought for a while and said, "Lao Xia will bring someone over to take a look, and I will protect the safety of the monarch in the imperial city." "

Several people discussed and stopped, and each left.

In the Gold and Silver Academy, Luo Chen locked the door, closed the curtains, and then entered the living space.

He first released the three-in-one magnet he had bought, and set up an activity area for them on a mountain.

These Pokémon will surely be the backbone of their organization in the future!

It needs to be nurtured.

And it doesn't take too long, as long as a hundred days, the skill power of the mysterious potion can increase their strength several times stronger than that of Pokémon of the same level!

In addition, there is also an increase in Phantom Crystals and Special Food, which can also greatly increase their strength!

When they get out of the customs, they can hand it over to Ming Jing and let him take these Pokémon to level up, a proper high-quality fighter!

After arranging the matter of the three-in-one magnetic monster, Luo Chen first came to the side of the tyrannosaurus who was playing with the mini-dragon by the lake, but after thinking about it, he still called Fei Ona over.


Looking at Fei Ona's puzzled expression, Luo Chen took out the soul source stone and said with a smile: "You have made a great contribution in Yunmeng Daze, and you have kidnapped Lokia, so I will give you this soul source stone." "


Fiona was overjoyed.

Hurriedly said: "Really? "

"Of course it's true, haven't you always wanted to be a real divine beast? Absorb the power of this source stone, and you will be able to transform into a true divine beast! "

Fiona flew around the Soul Source Stone a few times, picked it up and returned to the nest she had built at the bottom of the lake.

Seeing Phiona fly away, Luo Chen touched the huge body of the tyrannosaurus.

"That source stone was originally given to you, but for the sake of Fei Ona's great achievements, I will give it to him first, and the next time I meet such a prop that can enhance the bloodline, I will give it to you first, how about it?"


The tyrannosaurus nodded again and again, he unconditionally supported Luo Chen's decision.

But at this time, the system said a word.

"Host, have you forgotten to accept the reward of the Frozen Bird after defeating the Three-in-One Divine Bird?"


Luo Chen was stunned for a moment, and then remembered the flying stone slab, the color qualification enhancement elixir, and the bloodline enhancement potion.

All three are good things, so let's use them all now.

Looking at the tyrannosaurus, Luo Chen took out the color qualification enhancement potion and bloodline enhancement potion.

These two can just be used as compensation for the Tyrannosaurus, although this bloodline enhancement potion can't make him a divine beast, but it is not a problem to transform into a quasi-god level!

Just as he was about to give these two potions to the tyrannosaurus, the system spoke again.

"Host, I didn't say you, you're not doing this well."

Luo Chen didn't understand the meaning of the system.


The system said: "The medicinal power of the bloodline enhancement potion in your hand is not very high, at most it can only be improved by a small level, so that the tyrannosaurus can absorb it, which can make him a quasi-god-level combat power, but if it is absorbed by Fei Ona, ninety percent of the nine can make him break through that crucial step and become a divine beast!"

Then hand over that soul source stone to the Tyrannosaurus to absorb, and the Tyrannosaurus can also transform into a divine beast with the power of that source stone! In this way, you have two more divine beasts at once, isn't it beautiful? "


A word to wake up the dreamer!

Luo Chen hurriedly called Fei Ona up.

Fiona said with a wary face, "Have you repented?" "

Luo Chen didn't explain much, and directly handed over the potion in his hand.

"You try this, there is only a thin line between your bloodline and the divine beast, drink this, you can make your bloodline get a sublimation, and maybe you can also become a divine beast!"

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