Yan Shu said: "Luo Chen has now released his main Pokémon, and there is only that Pachiliz by his side, and now we have launched an attack in the past, and he must be powerless to resist!" "

His giant charcoal mountain was killed by Luo Chen's paper sword in the battle of the Langya Mountain Range, and it was also because of Luo Chen that their actions failed repeatedly, causing the God to Presence Temple to suffer huge losses.

These losses were enough for the Temple to sentence them to death, and they fled to avoid returning to the Temple, and the Temple wanted them.

The Alliance is wanted for them, the Templars are wanted for them, and the underworld and the white are trying to kill the four of them!

All this is to blame on Luo Chen!

He has always wanted to seek revenge on Luo Chen, and now this is a great opportunity, not to be missed!

Jiang Linfan sighed and said: "Don't be blinded by hatred, this is the imperial capital of Kyushu, and if you want to kill a superpowered person like Luo Chen here, with our strength, it is absolutely impossible."

When we successfully subdue the legendary Pokémon, let's take revenge on Luo Chen, the first task now is to find that summoning item in the Imperial City, and don't make any extraneous branches. "

Hall nodded and said: "The appearance of King Feng and Luo Chen has attracted the attention of the whole city, and the people in the imperial city and the alliance are on guard against those few divine beasts, but it has provided us with great convenience, so let's act according to plan." "

Yan Sui and Yan Shu glanced at each other, nodded at the same time, and then turned to leave.

Soon after the two left, Hall said to Jiang Linfan, "Are you sure that legendary Pokémon can listen to you?" "

Jiang Linfan looked at the frozen bird flying in the low air, and said slowly: "I have found all the records about that Pokémon, his habits determine that he will definitely help me fulfill my long-cherished wish, now that we have found the Lost City, as long as we get that summoning stone again, we will definitely be able to successfully awaken and subdue that divine beast!" "

Hall was silent for a moment, then nodded lightly, "I hope everything goes well." "

Jiang Linfan turned his head to look at him, and said softly, "You seem to have some scruples?" Things have come to this point, we have no choice, there is no divine beast, we will inevitably be spurned by this era! "

Hall lowered his head and said after a while: "All this is changing so fast, I can't adapt to it for a while..."

Jiang Linfan looked at him for a moment, then turned his head to look at the prosperous imperial capital of Kyushu again.

The bright moon is in the sky, the lights are bright everywhere in the imperial capital, and with the appearance of the Phoenix King tonight, there is a huge rainbow hanging in the sky, and the city is full of trainers looking for the Phoenix King.

One first-level god, three second-level gods wandered around the city, and a second-level god scanned all this from the depths of the imperial city, and the imperial capital at this time was almost the most dazzling city in the world!

Jiang Linfan said slowly: "Who would have thought that in history, there are many cities that are more dazzling than the imperial capital at this time, but they are all drowned in the dust of history, even if there are divine beasts guarding and having first-class divine protection, the kingdom established by human beings will still be destroyed in their own hands.

The former Golden City, Silver City, Free City, Sky City, Dream City, etc., are all buried in the hands of human beings themselves, even if there are Phoenix Kings, Lokia, and Liekong Sitting at the top of the world, they still haven't been able to avoid the decline of these city-states.

History is a cycle, and today's imperial capital is the shadow of those cities in the past; The history of the past is the reference of today's era!

Looking at the front, for hundreds of years, no one has ever gained the power of a divine beast, but now?

Nangong Xingyuan has received the full support of Leshiram! Luo Chen was backed by the power of the Three Holy Beasts and the Three Divine Birds! Each of the world's four empires has its own divine beast protection!

The mysterious being that slumbers in the temple is about to awaken, and the research of the Hidden Society is a great success at this point in time!

All of this is a sign that a new era is coming!

All of them are a sign that the history of the past will resurface on this planet!

Only with the power of God in your hands can you adapt to the upcoming new world and emerge on the next stage! "

Jiang Linfan's eyes became extremely profound.

He stared at the bustling imperial capital in front of him.

"Times will be turned upside down, rules will be rewritten, and such a prosperous city, if its owner cannot adapt to the new era, he may not be able to survive forever.

If we don't want to be abandoned by the times with this city, we can only become stronger, and now we have no choice. "

Hall's mind was full of puzzlement.

"Why did these people and things happen at the same time in this era?"

Jiang Linfan was silent.

He just found some bits and pieces of history from ancient books, and then combined them with the current situation to deduce that something was changing.

The emergence of the Divine Beast Trainer and the fact that the Secret Society was still suffering a major blow after the success of the experiment meant that the world pattern was slowly changing.

Some of the forces that have been inherited for hundreds of years will gradually retire from the stage of history, while some new and more powerful forces will grow the germ of new life.

The appearance of these people and events is a sign of something.

But why these people and things have emerged together in this era is not something he can know at present.

He said in a low tone, "It could be fate, it could be... The game of the gods..."

There are only two explanations he can think of, as he just said, history is a cycle, and reincarnation is just an embellishment of fate.

And the only one who can control fate is the gods!

Perhaps this world is the sand table of the gods, and all people and things are toys of the gods.

God is behind the scenes, driving everything and guiding it all.

It is also God who concentrates all those people and things that are rare in history for hundreds of years in this era, and allows these people and things to embellish this era and change this era.

The gods, on the other hand, sat on the rocking chair by the sand table, crossed Erlang's legs, swallowed melon seeds, drank the happy water of the fat house, and quietly appreciated the change of the times once in hundreds of years.

Enjoy this epoch-making drama promoted by him!

As for who the god is, it could be Arceus?

Jiang Linfan thought so.

After all, legend has it that this world was created by Arceus.

Before Arceus came, this planet belonged to humans, but when he came, this planet was where humans and Pokémon coexisted.

And with the advent of Arceus, with the birth of Pokémon, the history of mankind thousands of years ago slowly faded and slowly lost its traces.

Nowadays, no one knows what the star Gaia looked like thousands of years ago, whether it is written history or oral history, there is no record of a thousand years ago!

Everything in humanity is related to Pokémon, and no one cares what was there thousands of years ago!

Jiang Linfan has reason to believe that after Arceus arrived, he definitely did something unimaginable to the world, and at the same time erased all human records about thousands of years ago!

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